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06/23/14 10:45 AM

#266493 RE: Seminole Red #266492

At the very least, take away their pensions for avoiding testifying before Congress! I just hate the fact that my tax dollars will be going to pay that vile B Lois Lerner for the rest of her life!


06/23/14 12:05 PM

#266495 RE: Seminole Red #266492

" just enforce the contempt rulings "

Red, I have a serious question that I don't have the answer to. What are the enforcement mechanisms for Contempt of Congress. Can Contempt of Congress be ruled a criminal act?

We see a lot of things that should be done. As far as I know the only remedy that Congress has to stop Obama from ignoring or circumventing the Constitution is Impeachment.

Even if the House sends a Bill of Impeachment to the Senate, Harry Reed will sit on it. It would only be symbolic and symbolism can have unintended consequences.

Ted Cruz's defund Obamacare filibuster was purely symbolic. Even if the Senate had passed a defunding Bill, Obama would have vetoed it. Democrats took Cruz's ball and ran with it. They allowed a Government Shutdown, blamed Republicans and the MSM piled on.

If Republicans win the Senate, Impeachment would at least be possible.



06/23/14 3:40 PM

#266500 RE: Seminole Red #266492


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