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06/19/14 4:19 PM

#153530 RE: Renaissance #153528

Of course and when you ridicule her/him regarding her/his opinion of this deal and the CEO's performance I have no problem debating these particular issues. This sale was Far from elegant. Does not mean I agree with everything stated but have no problem discussing Mr. Estrella's performance over the last four years, good and bad alike...

This is as good as time as any for a bottom line evaluation by shareholders of Mr. Estrella's performance as CEO over the last four years as we head toward annual meeting.
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06/19/14 7:25 PM

#153534 RE: Renaissance #153528

Flyby is not the only shareholder who has agreed that we seem to have been sold out here. Many have written to express their concern and dismay. Others have simply voted with their shares. What else explains the poor stock price? My "poor" dd which you show strange interest in surely has no direct impact to the stock fact my buying probably helped it up. Something else, arguably inability to get orders, signing death spiral funding agreements, selling the very asset that people have been psyched about and what feels like betrayal has caused this. Your favorite buddy is no buddy to the shareholder and try to argue out of that without changing the topic. The share price is the only meaningful bottom line. Before and after pictures are all you need to tell the story.

Do your own due diligence and show your conviction not only with your mouth or play money. Buy some substantial shares for a change and we can talk. When you come of age and grow some chest hair, wake me up. :)