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06/19/14 1:40 PM

#198796 RE: hopetocashin #198793

I still don't get exactly what he was proposing there k hope!

At 1st glance it looks like he's trying to suggest you buying shares on the open market and holding through the reverse split qualifies you as a legitimate debt holder...but I could be mistaken...because if that's what he's trying to suggest he needs more qualified SEC attorney's lol.

And if he's instead suggesting you send $25K to Southridge and they're in turn going to call you a legitimate debt holder...that's bs as well...since 3a10 court judgements are granted to legitimate vendor debt holders...not shareholders who got badly burned by sack of crap pos-land CEO's!

I'll review all 4 of your emails more later this evening to see if I can figure out the entire mess for ya...but one thing's for certain...all 4 of the emails you've posted so far today don't get posted for public consumption very often crrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaziness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


06/19/14 2:30 PM

#198802 RE: hopetocashin #198793

And here's something else that ALL joe retail shareholders SHOULD know if/when ever approached by a pos-land CEO to do a direct investment!

Always and I do mean ALWAYS seek and obtain your own qualified SEC attorney in such matters for the following reasons>>>

The SEC, FINRA and the DTC govern funding in pos-land and there's tons of rules and regulations one must adhere to!

It's never as easy as any pos-land CEO says it is!

For starters good luck even finding any brokerage house in the USA on or off shore that would even clear your funding paper if/when you ever got it on a DTC chilled stock!

And there's a ton of red tape involved in even getting involved in the pos-land funding game from having your own SEC attorney for legal opinion letters, brokerage house for clearing funding certs because no retail brokers(etrade, ameritrade etc) clear funder paper, understanding all the steps necessary to even clear a cert at a brokerage house, understanding the true timeline it takes at each individual broker to even clear certs with a proper paper trail, setting up a biz entity and obtaining a qualified accountant to walk you through all the tax implications, learning the rules that govern investment intent and accredited investor status rules etc etc etc

The last thing any joe retail penny player should ever do is attempt to learn the pos-land funding game from any pos-land CEO because the majority of pos-land CEO's don't even understand all the rules/regulations themselves!


06/19/14 5:40 PM

#198822 RE: hopetocashin #198793

You are not the only one who received what others have called "desperate and begging" emails like you have posted. I have no idea the law about such solicitation but I DO know it was not well received by those who shared their messages with me in the past.

It's a bit pathetic and nauseating to look at them now knowing what the company did to so many.


06/20/14 8:33 AM

#198829 RE: hopetocashin #198793

hopetocashin, I think Eric's following statement says it all about how little Eric cares about the shareholders and the thousands that some of them lost because they believed in him and the company.

" The law permits us to provide you, as a creditor, with recognition that is different than to regular shareholders who are not creditors. They had their chance. My weblog provides a level playing field by making the invitation. No one can complain afterward"