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06/18/14 4:57 PM

#203174 RE: DavidRFoley99 #203171

Patience Davy, after Breaking your Plea

Those Indictments may once again
Be Present Tense


06/18/14 5:03 PM

#203175 RE: DavidRFoley99 #203171

I mean
What a Moron Dave,
Whatever Made you Think
You'd get away with it,,,,

What Insiders will you
Take with you ths time

Hattori Hanzo

06/18/14 5:52 PM

#203186 RE: DavidRFoley99 #203171

"indictments and convictions are very very different."

Peanut and Tyrone are too, you'll see



04/03/15 10:04 PM

#295981 RE: DavidRFoley99 #203171

Appeal DISMISSED, Think they will Refile 33 counts

Of Counterfeiting and Money Laundering

The more you upset the Courts
The Better the Chances

Keep messing with Them Davy :-D


06/11/15 12:56 AM

#311409 RE: DavidRFoley99 #203171

DavidRFoley99 Wednesday, 06/18/14 04:54:17 PM
Re: B402 post# 203163
Post # of 311408

indictments and convictions are very very different.

True, butt can you explain how that has any relevance to NTEK's founder and senior technologist, who has two separate felony convictions now and I believe will have a third in the loading tray in the near/intermediate-term future?

When one has indictments AND convictions, the indictments are really of secondary importance at that point, would you not agree?

Do you believe you will be successful at getting the BOP to allow streaming of the series "Prison Break" and "Orange is the New Black" into the Federal correctional institutions - and does Ultraflix have the finances to obtain the 4K rights to these series, or to "Lockdown" or "American Greed" for streaming into Federal prisons for inmate viewing?

This could be the market niche that NTEK could possibly fill!

There is a huge demand for quality programming in DaHole™. And the inmates have $320 a month limit for commissary account spending (if they have the funds on deposit) - much, much more than the average "middle class" Indian with a $5 monthly cable bill and thousands of Bollywood movies to choose from.

I think NTEK should really focus on the prison market for UltraFlix - especially since they will have their own guy on the inside - in a perfect position to both assess the market, work on BOP officials to get the go-ahead, and then to promote the content to inmates to purchase from their commissary accounts.

This is a niche which Netflix has really not exploited - it could be the only option for NTEK and UF to find an audience for the pure junk in the UF library.


12/04/15 9:04 PM

#334293 RE: DavidRFoley99 #203171

DavidRFoley99 Wednesday, 06/18/14 04:54:17 PM
Re: B402 post# 203163
Post # of 334292

indictments and convictions are very very different.

Not in your case, Foley. And you have multiples of each and a lott more comin' atcha, bro!


11/03/18 8:56 PM

#373284 RE: DavidRFoley99 #203171

Deadbeat NTEK and deadbeat DaFoleyFelonCrimeFambly.

Paramount gott stiffed

UnkleRichard and AuntJoyce boiling Maine potatoes dug from some farmer's field without permission


01/07/19 12:36 AM

#373826 RE: DavidRFoley99 #203171

DavidRFoley99 Wednesday, 06/18/14 04:54:17 PM
Re: B402 post# 203163
Post # of 373825

indictments and convictions are very very different.

They can be, butt in your case they're the same thing. Ultimately.

Coming soon ...


03/27/20 5:22 PM

#378139 RE: DavidRFoley99 #203171

is that why you've felt compelled to commit more felonies and go back to Federal prison again, shitbag?


01/19/21 9:58 PM

#379197 RE: DavidRFoley99 #203171

"indictments and convictions are very very different."

Only in the sense that for you indicments mature into CONvictions, which are then followed by sentencings and ...

... goin' to DaHole.

Premiering soon on UltraFuxx DaFoley in DaHoley (Season 1)


02/23/21 2:40 AM

#379396 RE: DavidRFoley99 #203171

"indictments and convictions are very very different."


I know you and LarcenousLisa are genuinely brokeass ... indeed, bustass. Butt dig around in those sofa cushions and see if any Bitcoins slipped down there, because me ... MY opinion ... is that if I were ever facing Federal felony charges in the N.D. Ill., I would knott want to be repped by a CJA who graduated from John Marshall. (Really, dude?

Bennie already beat you at the CJA draw. And John Marshall is nott a bigg part of it - only a symptom, IMO. Mebbe try and spin that wheel again - ask for a mulligan.

Cash in some of those sofa-bound Bitcoins and find a securities/white collar defense lawyer from McDermott, or Jenner & Block, or Winston & Strawn. I'd make the first call to McDermott, if they take you, that's the only call you need to make.

Right now, Dave, you're firmly in the loading tray for the Coyote Disposal.

Cellie roulette at Beaumont-Medium


02/26/21 10:47 AM

#379406 RE: DavidRFoley99 #203171


He knew that feeling. You will come to know it too.

The loss of all hope.

It's GONE.

Facing reality.



02/28/21 10:49 PM

#379425 RE: DavidRFoley99 #203171


Remember your appointment here. This is where indictments ripen into CONvictions and are ready for harvest and packaging, then shipped all across the country.


03/12/21 1:17 AM

#379513 RE: DavidRFoley99 #203171


I gotta tell ya, for pure comedy and ennertainmunt value (to me), you are right up there with the greats - like RUFUS PAUL HARRIS (a/k/a "Roofie"):

You can read his story on this board;

and read my old posts or wander back in time on that board for he play-by--play calls as ole Roofie went pro se and tried to defend himself in court. As the case was coming to a close, Roofie fled on bail and was found by the US Marshal (or FBI, I can't recall which agency found him) hiding in a broom close in a house in Utah.

This was his FIRST offense. He gott 23 years in DaHole. And he personally profited negligibly from his crimes, financially. Boom - 21 years.

I still remain as Mod of that bored. Feel free to wander back to old posts to read the while DaHole story. It's a hoot ferShirley.

Now here's the weenie - so to speak - Roofie (aka "Rooftard") is cadre at the Oklahoma City Federal Transfer Center which is the central hub for all Federal (BOP) prisoners in transit. Cadre means he is there permanently, nott just passing thru like cons in transit, and his yobb is to provide services to the cons-in-transit (laundry, food, lieberry, etc.). He prolly interacts with ALL of the cons-in-transit at the OKC FTC.

So here's where YOU come into DaDealio. Your first next sentencing will be in Chicago. And you'll gett a ton of time - third time felony CONviction within 10 years, scamming while in DaHole, complex means, etc. - a shit ton of time. Now it is normal when a dude is sentenced to what is a de facto life sentence, as you will be, to then be immediately remanded to custody and bail revoked. They do this for a good reason, statistically doods who were sentenced to very long sentences, especially older doods who knew they'd be in DaHole for life, well these doods wood skip bail (like Roofie did during rial, because he knew that once that jury verdict was in he was going to be remanded and his bail revoked, so he fled before the trial ended.

So, in Chicago you'll be remanded to custody post-verdict or post-sentence. But, as you know, you won't be designated by the BOP to the Chicago metro center, you'll be going elsewhere - Beaumont - and your transfer from Chicago - on Con Air, which is no joyride - to OKC FTC will put you in a cell at OKC FTC from a few weeks to a few months before shipping ~OUTT to whichever permanent DaHole forya (which, if I have anything to influence it, will be Beaumont-Medium).

In the OKC-FTC every in-transit inmate is treated the same - as though they are going to High (maximum) facilities, because SOME of them are - and mistakes are made and the BOP doesn't want Djoker Tsarnaev shanking some accountant who's going to a camp for a few months. So it's 23 hours in yer cell and one hour playtime in rec yard in cages for everybuddy in-transit. Every single day.

The cadre live better, can circulate during the day and do their yobbs, and have better living quarters and privileges than in-transit cons. Be nice to them and they can hepp you - maybe an extra chicken patty on chicken patty day - stuff like that.

While yer at OKC FTC for weeks to months waiting to be shipped off to a permanent home in the BOP system, you will certainly - almost inevitably runn across Rooftard. He may be picking up your laundry from yer cell, delivering your meals to your cell, delivering and picking up books, magazines, or mail to/from your cell, or delivering your commissary bag to your cell. You WILL meet Rufus. You're in the cell 23 hours a day - eat, wash, etc. in the cell. The cadre deliver and pick-up service is to your cell.

When you do meet Rooftard, please tell him Shajandr says hello and ask him about the mail he getts with pictures of cold beers, burgers, steaks, and letters. Tell him Shajandr sends his regards and will send more mail to him in the future - mebbe this summer.

And tell him the next nine-plus years will just fly by for him compared to the first decade in DaHole which he's just finished.

Unlike you, Coyote, Roofie will be gettin' ~OUTT alive. In late December 2030 at age 64 with many years of freedom ahead of him - until he screws up again. Roofie thus has hope, something you won't have.

And Rooftard even made Forbes magazine. Can you achieve that same level of criminole greatness?