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06/17/14 7:34 PM

#266225 RE: logman #266224

What would Bush complain about? Obama has pretty much copied him.

The Patriot act was Extended.
The Bush Tax cuts were extended.
Warrantless Wiretapping has been extended and enhanced.
The Foreign Policy is about the same.
Obamacare is in the same framework as the medicare D Prescription Drug Bill
Gitmo is still being used.

So Forth and So On...



06/17/14 9:50 PM

#266236 RE: logman #266224

logman, I wish Bush had fought back while he was still in office. By not hitting back at his critics he damaged the Republican Party.

For instance, I don't remember him going after the Dems for laying the foundation or the 2007-2008 financial crises. It was the crap about giving home loans to people who had no hope of paying for them that was at the root of the problem.

My biggest problem with father, son Bush, Karl Rove and the Republican Establishment is they have no guts for a fight.