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06/16/14 9:42 PM

#6228 RE: Thurman911 #6223

here we go again...

psychologically we are at the same point last year....

hic-up in the 4th qtr, doubts grow, will sales start trending downward... will the coffee, with the help of the marley name, ultimately, not sell.... then, increased confidence with a
much better first qtr

although sales are much higher that a yr ago, anyways:

200,000 4th qtr, 12
300,000 1rst qtr, 13
500,000 2nd qtr, 13
500,000 3rd qtr, 13
400,000 4th qtr, 13
800,000 1rst qtr, 14
1.6 2nd qtr, 14
2.2 3rd qtr, 14
1.4 4th qtr, 2014
2.1 1rst qtr, 2015

so, in summary: 1.8 million in sales 2013

6 million in sales 2014

thru 3 months of 2015, we already have 1/3 of previous years sales...

there is nothing in the report that changes my mind, trend is
still upwardly mobile

and this is still a LONG TERM BUY, imhwo (and what i mean is buy it, throw it in the file and look at it once per year)

good buy in the .20's

good luck to all