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06/14/14 10:27 AM

#42830 RE: pennstreet #42829

Cdex points~~

What is MOST obvious is that the funders continue to fund Cdex. Fact. They are for sure very engaged funders. Fact.

One should know what happened at Children"s Medical Center in Dallas, Texas back in the day when the CCT's were placed. It was beyond horrible. There were similar issues at other hospital's as well. How could an engaged Cdex shareholder not know this.

Cdex the company, did learn several years ago, which actually was a care over from the Loch days, of companies getting these VERY annoying phone calls from the basher machine's.

No you cannot fix stupid, lol, and how obvious is that.

The proof is MOST obvious for all to see, the funding of Cdex continua's. These funders are very engaged.

The proof is that there is a filed SEC report stating that the Valimed G4 will be at three beta sites. Geez. lol.

How exactly can one really call Cdex funders stupid? I say this, because it is a well known fact that a person who has NOT been at the Cdex office would be a wee bit in the dark. Thus, one would obviously (lol) have not a clue as to what the funders have seen or know. It would be most advantageous to understand the meaning of accredited? There is nothing in the definition of accredited that lends itself to stupid.