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06/12/14 1:24 PM

#9031 RE: moorea9 #9027

NDAs would be between STWA and its clients, wouldn't they?

I think all your points make sense except the idea that STWA, TC, and X Company would get together and sign a trilateral NDA. That doesn't make sense to me. STWA says it has 9 (or 11??) NDAs with other companies. We don't know what the content of them is. But they would just be between STWA and X company - I don't see why TC would or should be involved.

However, the main point you say makes a lot of sense to me: everything hinges on what TC does. Once something is worked out between TC and STWA, I suppose yes, the orders would simply come - what would be stopping them at that stage?

The amusing thing about this is that theoretically it could happen any day now. Though I guess it's more likely to happen at the end of the pilot program, end of September.