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06/11/14 11:37 PM

#64218 RE: Hurricane_Rick #64217

And Bald Eagle making me lazy (which I heartily welcome)...

"You gentlemen can spend the next two weeks interpreting the meaning of due diligence...

I won't fixate on one word in the update because I know from past experience what a waste of time and effort that will be. Common sense allows me to conclude that our BOD wouldn't turn down other offers unless they had something iron clad in place. They certainly ain't traveling without set terms and nobody bought 50-100 million shares based on a hunch of an incomplete deal.

If you want to waste your time parsing words it's your prerogative. IMO you're spinning your wheels and trying to find fires where there aren't any. Five let alone fifteen years of prior incompetence will do that to an investor.

I've been a vocal critic in the past but credit should be given when it's due and I can't see anything to criticise at the moment."


06/12/14 6:10 AM

#64221 RE: Hurricane_Rick #64217

Thank you HR.


06/12/14 6:30 AM

#64222 RE: Hurricane_Rick #64217

"MMI, not MMC, is the one going to do the "due diligence" because MMC, not MMI, accepted this agreement and MMC, not MMI, is the most familiar with the offer, the terms, the conditions, the deliverables, etc. MMI needs to go, review and approve the terms and conditions, take the registration steps, and then return and report that MMI has formally approved and registered the MMC contract and is bound by it"

BE seems to indicate that MMC did not have the power to enter into a binding agreement without MMI approval else why does MMI need to formally approve the terms and conditions. I assume MMC is a legal entity with the power to enter into binding contracts. He also seems to indicate that MMI is not totally familiar with the terms and conditions of the agreement, I find that hard to believe.

So from the JV partners point of view why did they waste the time
dealing with MMC why didn't they negotiate with MMI directly, or did they, in which case this should all go VERY QUICKLY (I hope).