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06/12/14 12:40 AM

#64219 RE: Hurricane_Rick #64218

What offers?

Common sense dictates I ask WTF BE is talking about in your quote:

Common sense allows me to conclude that our BOD wouldn't turn down other offers unless they had something iron clad in place.

WHAT "other offers", pray tell? I've read every bit of company news, SH Updates & odds 'n sods I can get my noodle around and have not seen anything confirming the existence of formal offers from other legitimate parties.

I remember you posting CHG's summary from the shareholder meeting where he mentioned various offers, but that is all I know. If you can disabuse me of my misconception, I thank you in advance.

"Iron clad", eh? I never knew BE had a sense of humor!


06/12/14 11:08 AM

#64227 RE: Hurricane_Rick #64218

I've been a vocal critic in the past but credit should be given when it's due and I can't see anything to criticise at the moment."


I don't know what gripe others may have with these well crafted updates, but here is where I can find much criticism with the BOD of MMI.

This round of discussions with interested parties in Medinah's claims was started long ago. These negotiations did not just start a few weeks ago. The party who was given the permission to walk the property, conduct due diligence, doing all things mining companies do to verify the assets, obtain assays has been going on for some time.

It would be fair to say that the offer has been in the works for quite a while. After their miserable alliance with Ulander, one would have to think twice at sending out weak signals. There are offers on the table and once an expiration of the offering date was already announced on at least one of the offers, it would behoove these guys in North America to be on board with their counterparts in South America and finally jointly, concurrently announce in a most definitive statement that all things are a go as between the offering party and both MMI and MMC.

It is way too amateurish for them to make an announcement that seem to imply there are potential contingencies that may possibly derail this offer/acceptance.

As I recall, Les went down to Chile a while back. What was accomplished on that trip? NADA?

We have faxes, telephones, email and text, and if all these fail, we still have snail mail through which all the details of the offer and acceptance could have been communicated to each other as between MMC and MMI and this update could have been written as follows:

As your most trusted and capable members of the BOD of MMC and MMI, we have today accepted an offer from ________ (name of the entity). Although MMC and MMI BOD have not met, MMI has been apprised of all the details of the offer both MMC and MMI fully endorse the terms of the Agreement and have completed all due diligence to move forward with the sale/JV.

The only formality left to perform are the conformity to local mining laws of Chile and Peru for which purpose the members of the BOD of MMI are travelling to Chile/Peru to conclude and formally sign all required documents. MMC will then proceed to notarize/record and fully comply with all requirements to properly record and legally be found in conformity to the laws of the great nations of Chile/Peru.

Let us assure you loyal stock holders that all contingencies have been satisfied and removed by all parties to the Purchase/JV Agreement. Further, we have fully vetted the offering entity and they are fully capable of performing both financially and in all other respects as experts and proven and capable mining operators to fulfill their duties and obligations called for in the Agreement.

Thank you for your loyal and continued support.

Something like the above would have a slightly more credible tone that the same old garbage they offer in almost every update.

What is so hard at making a conclusive announcement?