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05/21/03 10:25 PM

#27481 RE: witchhollow #27448

Look I was upset about the PR like everyone else, but the fact still remains that nobody has a duty to say anything about it. It should suffice us to know that there may be an investigation and that it will end and then the end be known. So until then, why does everyone have to convict Ronny for something you have no sure knowledge of. If you want to hang someone , turn on Fox and watch about the Lacy Peterson case.........hes convicted already..........damn, sometimes its like a Frankenstein movie around here with an angry mob. When someone expresses a view.....everybody attacks you personally...through this stupid private reply thing (Teecee) I was told by someone before and this is not to slight the less fortunate, but arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics, even if you win your still retarded....................Norfolk
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05/21/03 11:59 PM

#27510 RE: witchhollow #27448 talk real tough! Teecee, Art, anybody else wants to continue to be a this.

I may leave this board tomorrow, but I will stand by rmarchma and his right to post here. Whether I agree with him or not, I will defend his right to post his opinions. You are out of line, and frankly I am disappointed that others haven't stood up to your loud mouth bully tactics before. I will be standing and waiting for you tough guys at the HOU100, or the NJ50 or wherever you want to continue your loud, crass, bullying tactics, 'cause it don't hold water with me.


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05/22/03 1:05 AM

#27522 RE: witchhollow #27448
