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06/04/14 11:58 AM

#28723 RE: drrc1949 #28650

Claiming "they've been privy to more than three (3) years of education by members of this and other expert boards demonstrating that inflammation is the problem." is pointless, and almost approaches arrogance. The FDA cares not about inflammation, and neither does 90%+ of our doctors - this is all still theoretical until proven. Yes, I believe it to be true, we believe it to be true, the NIH believes, but NOBODY ELSE DOES!! You want to know how hard it is to turn a largely held opinion around? Then I've got a personal story for you.

I used to design and build high tech cooling devices for use in space, as I've mentioned before. I was trained for years in the field, studied the first inventions and inventors of different kinds of devices for years, knew the "bible" of the field by heart (only 3-4 books have ever been written detailing how these things work, to this day). The last program I worked on before going on LTD had a CCD camera with a vexing thermal problem, one that is not usually encountered, and no electrical power was available to stabilize it's temperature. I proposed building a passive device to control it's temp, one that nobody in the program had ever heard of, but it was actually the first type of this form of cooling device that was ever built!

That's right, the very first inventor built a near identical device - the only difference was the operating temp range and working fluid. But I had to fight tooth and nails to get funding just to build a prototype to prove I knew what I was talking about - I was flabbergasted - the solution was so elegant, so simple, so blatantly obvious (to me), but the lack of education amongst my peers led to disbelief that such a thing could actually work. Do you understand how frustrating that was for me? Even other engineers in my field/dept were Doubting Thomas's - they had never been trained in the classical method either, had never read "the Bible". Of course the prototype worked, the final device was built and installed, worked perfectly, and I was proven right - after 6+ months of wasted time and money we really couldn't afford, all because of doubt.

Here we have a similar situation - relatively few doctors/researchers believe in the inflammation theory (as most on this board do), but there's no real PROOF, and even R-IT won't provide it, not powered to do that. Western medical doctrine will not change it's mind until years of detailed studies prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt - realize you are trying to change decades of medical teachings, a mindset extremely tough to crack. You really think little AMRN is going to change the entire world's view on the actual cause of CV risk? Heck, they're not even trying to prove that - there is no anti-inflammatory MOA proposed in R-IT, just that reducing TGs with pure EPA in patients on statins reduces CVE, but that's it. Yeah, they have secondary endpoints, measuring inflammatory markers, but they're not claiming reducing those markers is the reason CVE risk is reduced - if they were, they would be primary endpoints.