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06/03/14 12:02 AM

#223240 RE: F6 #223225

Quick evolution leads to quiet crickets

December 2006, updates added June 2008 and June 2011

.. one more detailed diagram than in your links ..

Undersides of the right forewings from normal male, mutant male, and female crickets. The corresponding SEM micrographs
show the part of the wings where noise is generated. Normal male wings have a toothy vein that is scraped to make
sound. In mutant males, that vein is smaller and repositioned. Females don't have this toothed vein at all.


.. and a bit more detailed print in there .. so to the video, If Man Obeyed God

grabbed from the montage at the end of one in one of your bottom link list, then i was reminded it was also in this one ..

Catholic Church Has Been 'Outmarketed' On Gay Marriage, Says New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan

WARNING: the video uses two words which are objectionable to certain people of certainty .. think f and v .. :)