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05/30/14 6:22 PM

#25448 RE: VBgood #25447

What do say if GI crew can get $ to move projects along faster and change management for the better?

Getting $ that Fifer was unable or unwilling to do so last year and almost putting us to Bankrupt by over spending taking us from a profitable company to enormous losses over the last 9 months. Losses that will continue to add up until sometime in 2015.
My understanding is larger investors tried to stop Fifer crew from spending foolishly last year and they went on to do it anyway.

Why did PTQ make these decisions with out having the capital to do and in doing so putting strain on the company?
This is why Fifers crew could be on there way out and why all the support from Panama shareholders.IMO

What will happen when the market gets a hold of his foolish spending without capital in a letter? How do you think the ones that are not
on board yet will vote? 50% of votes will be easy IMO

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05/30/14 6:38 PM

#25449 RE: VBgood #25447

VBgood,you're so typical of the "positive" boys grasping at straws,I am on record of stating my vested interest in the company,be it directly,or indirectly.You just can't seem to "get it" that by demanding accountability and holding managements feet to the fire,refusing to swallow the 'story' people,unfortionately called "Bashers" and accused of "poisoning the board"is the ordinary shareholders BEST FRIEND. You listened to the WRONG people(like I used to do and LOST money,now I MAKE money,mainly because management isn't "my friend")

What I am saying here is ,due to the MASSIVE dilution,as a direct result of Fifers insatiable appetite for spending other people money,we HAVE to consolidate the's the ONLY way we can get out of are well aware I've been taking management to task for their reckless overspending resulting I the massive dilution,but NOBODY wanted to listen and now we are between a rock and a hard place with our backs against the wall.Its NOT pretty,and rectifying it is going to be painful,but it's better than the alternative-going bankrupt and off the board