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05/30/14 2:25 PM

#11870 RE: austinmediainc #11868

I remember that post.

His rule / data mine was recently turned on its head as I had previously posted.

The stat still held firm that companies with a market cap under 300 million had zero chance of success.

Market cap between 300 - 1B old stat said 18% success rate and is now at 55% success rate.

Market cap greater than 1B - Old stat was 78% success and now 54%.

So it looks like, statistically that is, we are in the best spot market cap wise to gain approval. Austin

Good to look at our market cap as it stands. About 600 million. Important not to let it be cut by unfair attacks back down below 300 million.


(P.S. That 300 million dollar cutoff still makes my jaw drop. Some of those companies probably had great treatments, but as I've seen at PDUFA hearings, not enough resources to spend on manufacturing readiness, comprehensive application preparation, etc….often resulting in CRLs.)
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05/30/14 5:18 PM

#11915 RE: austinmediainc #11868

Austin, "PS Filp, his rational was that a successful drug would be leaked to the market and therefore increase market cap."

What was this paper? If I did a paper like that in college I would have gotten a D at best, yet this man is famous for it.

I'm not joking. That isn't a means for a paper. It's just not college level. Did he really do a paper based on this? Maybe in high school?

And for that observation or theory to effect his recommendations as the most circulated opinion in biotech is really disturbing.