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05/29/14 11:43 AM

#95844 RE: pennyplayer777 #95842

Can't sell a billion without bid support. So PPS got to run up to attract investors. Thanks for the explanation.



05/29/14 11:47 AM

#95847 RE: pennyplayer777 #95842

they are out of their hands you see?.. they follow some ghost buster

During the six-month period ended February 28, 2014, the Company assigned loans payable aggregating $385,000 to third parties whose terms
were contemporaneously modified into convertible notes
During the six-month period ended February 28, 2014, the Company issued 622,531,098 shares of its common stock to satisfaction its obligations
under principal repayments aggregating $279,395. Additionally, the Company issued 111,150,106 shares of its common stock pursuant to
subsequent pricing reset provisions and to satisfy interest pursuant to certain convertible promissory notes. The fair value of the shares of
common stock amounted to $47,026 and has been recorded as interest expense.
During the six-month period ended February 28, 2014 and 2013, the Company generated proceeds of $27,000 and $5,000, respectively, from the
issuance of convertible promissory notes payable.


05/29/14 12:02 PM

#95851 RE: pennyplayer777 #95842

and btw.. I've been "investing" in good fundamentals companies that fight off toxic financing before and so far so good... made few mills out of it and it gets better and better... ;)

ohh well: like I said I like where they going with it..

Evolution and Flexibility

The market is continually changing. Digital Clarity has always remained ahead of the curve and given their clients peace of mind by remaining a
true strategic partner.
Creative, Individualized Solutions and Customer Service
Case Studies and testimonials reflect the client-centric approach of Digital Clarity. Being selected over larger more established firms, support that
we provide the client with skills that are differentiating. The Digital Clarity Brand is being established positively.

Growth Opportunities in the Market

As the use of web mobile sites and applications grow, so do the complexities and challenges of using these sites and platforms commercially.
Digital Clarity directs business through the maze of an often confusing and sophisticated set of barriers, to create a clear path for the customer to
our clients product or service. As this market matures, the need for companies to rely on the services from Digital Clarity can only grow. Here we
look at some of the growth areas in Digital Clarity ’ s arsenal.

Growth Opportunities in Design
644,275,754 – number of active web pages 1st QTR 2012 - NetCraft
6 million domains added quarterly - Verisign
By 2015, Mobile Internet Usage Will Increase by Factor of 26 - CISCO
665 million media tablets in use worldwide By end of 2016 - Gartner Group
Growth & Opportunities in Search
The North American Search industry will grow from $19.3 bn in 2011 to $26.8bn in 2013 - SEMPO
Revenue from Localized Mobile Ads to Reach $5.8 Billion in U.S. by 2016 - BIA/Kelsey
U.S. search spend grew by 11 percent Year over Year, while ROI improved by 26 percent - Adobe
72% of Consumers Want Mobile-Friendly Sites - Google Research
2 million search queries are made on Google, every minute - Google
Growth in Corporate Search - 50% of Fortune 100 Companies have a Google+ Account

Growth & Opportunities in Social Media
Fortune Global 100 companies have more accounts on each platform than ever before with an average:
10.1 Twitter accounts
10.4 Facebook pages
8.1 YouTube channels
2.6 Google Plus pages
2.0 Pinterest accounts
Seventy-four percent of companies studied have a Facebook page.
Ninety-three percent of corporate Facebook pages are updated weekly.
Forty-eight percent of companies are now on Google Plus.
Twenty-five percent of companies have Pinterest accounts.
Each corporate Facebook page has an average of 6,101 people talking about it.

The need for DBMM to reach Global Markets

It is clear that the economy continues its slow recovery from the global effect of market forces which impact on all areas of commerce and trade.
As the markets remain volatile, the opportunity for a company like DBMM to approach new business with its proven track record, increases. The
core markets remain US and English speaking European markets. Emerging markets are a target for 2014. BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India
and China)
will be the next targets from the emerging markets.
Internet usage is poised for explosive growth across Asia, driving massive consumer demand for digital content and services. The biggest
challenge for businesses hoping to meet this demand is how to make money will while creating low-cost content. According to McKinsey & Co,
India and China are driving the next digital revolution via new mobile devices.
The Company intends to further extend its services in the Middle Eastern market initially then review the successes using a lean methodology and
continuous improvement along the way, and then roll out to the BRIC markets.
The US remains the center of the entertainment, technology and digital industries and as such the emphasis looking forward to 2014 and building
on the recent success in the last quarter of the 2013 calendar year means that DBMM and its agency Digital Clarity are perfectly positioned to
spring board into this market using the successful models established over the last two years.
The digital market continues to be focused on New York and Los Angeles therefore DBMM ’ s triangle of London/New York/LA is strategically
sound. We are establishing a strong digital marketing presence in the Los Angeles area to cover the entertainment and music market and then plan
to have the same model in New York. Our corporate offices are located in New York, however Los Angeles remains a key regional base from
which to build and expand relationships, while a New York presence is equally important to serve and build relationships in the largest advertising
market in the US.

The Asian American Market - An Unusually Attractive Opportunity
Fast Growing: -Current Population - 13+ Million - 49% population growth 1990-2000; 29% growth 2000-2008.
Educated & Affluent: -44% holding BA degree - vs. 28% of Non-Hispanic Whites -Median HH income almost $10K greater than Non-
Hispanic Whites
Geographically Concentrated: -More than 50% reside in 3 states alone: CA, NY, TX.
Money to Spend:
$509 billion in annual purchasing power.
Entrepreneurial and Driven -Own and operate 1.1 million business nationally, generating $343 billion in annual revenue.
Cost Efficient Reach -Almost 1,000 targeted media outlets reaching Asians nationally, with lowest CPMs of all consumer segments.


As the current base of the digital marketing agency is in London England, it is perfectly placed to reach out to the broader European market to
replicate the Company ’ s model in the stronger economies in this region. As with the relationships mentioned in the US, opportunities were
advanced with US partners to leverage Digital Clarity ’ s reach in this region and help take established US agencies into the European region.
In 2013, the execution of this aspect of the business plan is illustrated by the agreements with VMS and Brandmini to represent them outside the
United States, initially in Europe.

Middle East

The Middle East is a fertile market for heritage based US and European brands looking for entry into this lucrative market. The fastest area for
growth in this sector is to leverage on the luxury arena. Digital Clarity is already in discussions with a number of different luxury groups each with
different brands within the group.

Given the complexity of the region as well as the enormous potential, it is important that Digital Clarity aligns itself with established players in
local markets. With this in mind, Digital Clarity will look to collaborate with some digital agency partners where there is already a relationship
and create a strategy that allows the company to look at the breakdown of current digital competence of these brands focusing on various touch
points such as tablets, sites, mobile & social reach in the Middle East.
Our value proposition is very much about creating digital penetration of the Middle Eastern market for a particular group and how those brands
would be positioned to create brand value – a byproduct of which would be sales.
Support for growth in the Middle East
Worldwide luxury goods continues double-digit annual growth; global market now tops € 200 billion
Dubai commands around 30 per cent of Middle East luxury market and around 60 per cent of the UAE ’ s luxury market
The Dubai Mall accounts for around 50 per cent of Dubai ’ s luxury purchases
Each year, more “ HENRYs ” (High Earnings, Not Rich Yet) become potential customers, with ten times as many HENRYs as
ultra-affluent individuals
The rise of the middle class in emerging countries is polarizing the competitive arena, becoming a “ new baby-boom sized
generation ” for luxury brands to target.