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05/21/14 7:43 PM

#11851 RE: pitcook #11850

I'm going to start calling you Y


05/21/14 10:06 PM

#11853 RE: pitcook #11850

Pit all that I’m saying is it takes money to make money so let’s not shoot ourselves in the foot here. I think that before long we’ll be seeing a few deals getting inked and it is easier to negotiate a strong contract if you don’t have one shoulder on the mat (money wise). I just cannot figure out how some of posters here think that they know better what the board members should be doing or somehow they know better than the management team how best to proceed or how long it should take, how anyone can look at the players here and not feel confident but decide instead that it it best to take continual cheap shots (while betting long) just doesn’t make sense that is what I’m saying. Do I think that it is possible to convince someone using common sense to put a lil coin in the game, yup. And yes It only take a little pressure towards the upside to send this thing north, honestly I wouldn’t be surprised to see this move up in short order I’d say the 2 or 3 dollar range is definitely doable. So whatever man, whatever, as always just being honest. I guess if you somehow feel better about yourself trying to find questionable things to post about me or Lightwave for goodness sakes put your money on the sideline, but man up and tell us that you have. It is always easier to question things than provide the answers.

Whatever, no I'm no trying to argue, as always just being honest.