As I said previously, "one broke company buying another broke company".
Lets expand on that, a worthless shell company exchanging shares with another shell company at an inflated value. How can we determine value?
Lets see, I put oil based paint on canvas. After it dries, hang it in my friends gallery and put a $1 million price on it. Who buys it? Someone walks in and says they will pay $10 million for it. Is it really worth $10 dollars let alone $10 million dollars?
So they guy walks in with a napkin from Red Lobster and writes $10 million on it. He says he swears it is worth $10 million. I remind him that I swear my graffiti is worth $10 million. So we exchange my used canvas for his used napkin and call it a $10 million transaction.
So, how does the IRS handle this transaction? Anyone care to take a stab at this?
Parilla might want to get his hands on a great tax attorney.