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05/14/14 12:04 PM

#152038 RE: flybyday #152037

Even thought the current events done look good, I still have faith is GE, he has always seemed to be a hard working straight shooter. No reason to think otherwise other than legacy issues from the Huff days are causing issues. I know they continue on message boards, its written into messages everyday, you can see that many cannot shake the past and make it into a tainted agenda perpetually especially on other sites.


05/14/14 1:11 PM

#152041 RE: flybyday #152037

I think we are many many steps from "tracking" DAC. Currently that remains a private company not in the control of wsgi. And, what other products in the company,pray tell? Currently as per website, there are ONLY LTAS products.

Kindly refrain from speculating to get other peoples' hopes up when we do not know for sure at all what is going on. I prefer cold hard facts, rather than posts based on hearsay and blind faith in a leader that, pardon me for saying, has let this company down considering his whole tenure here has been based on the bib and wasp.

The share price drops and dilution during his tenure have been most severe and I do not agree in blaming everything on legacy issues. If legacy issues were really that toxic, why even bother with this company? We still currently have the legacy cloud. We sold off the part that had solid engineering and close to a chance at getting us out of the hole and upwards, and kept the toxicity. Much remains to be seen how that is dealt with.

Even if the new drone company (what drones, where?) happens as you say, we are the ones who will be further diluted to get other products on board. Now we would track for 0.29 per dollar brought in. After dilution, who knows?

You mention closely held shares in the company. Is wsgi not closely held? We have had dumping from brio and ljc but I believe they waited for it all to blow over before taking a position. While I do believe this stock is close or at the bottom here and is a buy, I still maintain my belief that much of the upside (at least of the bib/wasp) has been brutally snatched from shareholders hands. Where we mentioned GTC expansion before in order to have a steady source of income in order to survive till the big home run there, right now, that particular homerun belongs to another.

Yes there is opportunity for GTC expansion and for the yet to be commercialized Argus. However they both together need more capital than what was provided from the sale. Towers need to be built, sales forces need to be paid, and then the Argus needs to be commercialized and survive a potentially similar sales cycle as the bib/ wasp.

Pardon my skepticism, but I am pretty jaded by this management at the moment.


05/14/14 3:06 PM

#152050 RE: flybyday #152037

I feel that things are not as bad as we think however I still do not know enough about orders to determine if we were saved or shafted.

I am posting to comment on this: " without legacy issues and a clean company". Far from true as any significant investor would find out its roots thru due diligence and past debtors could always file claims claiming smoke and mirrors