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05/11/14 8:54 PM

#151879 RE: runandadd #151876

Yes, Run. Connecting the dots and making assumptions is seemingly all this board has to go on in many ways. Maybe that's why "This board is great." This board is, to a large degree, a reflection of the company's personality, no? Very little is known until a material event occurs. So, we compensate by digging, proselytizing and sometimes arguing over what's next. But, we do that because we are in a vacuum a good part of the time. Other than that, given tidbits by the company, all we have is hope. When things don't go according to our own assumptions, our hopes are dashed. Is that the company's fault? Is that our fault? I think equal blame for that disappointment is appropriate. It's easy to blame the company. But, let's not forget that our assumptions are our own. And you know what happens when you assume.

I'm learning to appreciate your posts more and more.



05/11/14 8:59 PM

#151880 RE: runandadd #151876

Interesting that some posters here think we should read between the lines and connect the dots more (even with this announcement) and some say connecting the dots set us up for certain disappointment?

I think the issue here is not that the bibs and wasps have no potential to be sold. The issue here is that the person who owes a fiduciary duty to shareholders sold off this potential for a song and some shares of unknown and unknowable value leading us to wonder at the sketchiness of the situation.


05/11/14 11:47 PM

#151890 RE: runandadd #151876

run, true. However, when (except for recently, past 12 months) have there been any MILITARY-released articles? When?

That's what made "this" a little bit more than just plain or initial "hopes".