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05/04/14 10:27 AM

#210726 RE: chamillionaire #210722

"So assuming the perfectly legal 3rd amendment..."

At last, your true colors are shown. What a joke.


05/04/14 10:33 AM

#210727 RE: chamillionaire #210722

Please explain "perfectly legal third amendment". I am dying to hear, please.


05/04/14 11:30 AM

#210732 RE: chamillionaire #210722

You are leaving out a very important part. The 2008 Bailout was in 2008. 2008. 2008. 2008. Just as you said. 2008. The company was put in conservatorship. NOT receivership. Conservatorship. NOT receivership.

The third amendment was illegally made in 2012. 2012. Not 2008.

If I had 180 billion to lend, I would have ensured the terms of the deal were right for me in 2008 and not later say: I should have made sure they were in receivership and did the sweep initially.

The things that have transpired go against conservatorship and the 2012 amendment goes against the original deal in 2008. Sorry, it doesn't work like that...not in America.


05/04/14 11:38 AM

#210735 RE: chamillionaire #210722


Forgot one thing. These board members are well informed and your BS is not getting anything.



05/04/14 11:40 AM

#210736 RE: chamillionaire #210722

1. You could have said the same thing about AIG , C(2009) or BAC (2009), even Bear Sterns before. I don't see a 3rd amendment in 2012 for other bail out recipients.

2.It's the government's job in a financial crisis to provide liquidity. At the time of the bail out both organizations were not insolvent based on the financials for 6/30/2008.

3. One of the prime motivations for the take over was to prevent Fannie and Freddie from raising guarantee fees and also to force them to continue buying bad mortgages since everybody else was only selling in late 2008.

4. If the government determined they were insolvent in 2008, then they had the obligation to do liquidate then. There is no do-over!

5. Once the government took over the management in 2008, all of a sudden "huge losses" start. They over-provision credit losses and then charge 10% on those" losses". See John Hempton's blog for November 2009.

6. These are quasi-utilities. They were restricted to basically mortgages and had to stay in the market or risk the political consequences. This is how they" paid" for the implied guarantee.
I would compare the bailout to the state of California's bailout of EIX and PCG during 2001.

7. Just as in 2001, illegal activity increases the losses. Instead of Enron this time it's every other major financial institution.
How much would the "losses" be reduced if the banks don't commit fraud. Now the government wishes to reward many of those same banks. It's rewarding the rapist, and throwing the victim in jail.

8. The treasury has admitted that the shareholders had subordinate claims after payback all the way up until 8/17/2012. Please read DeMarco's speeches and official treasury statements right after the bail out. They have an obligation not to mislead! If we can't trust our government- why invest in anything! Perhaps it's better to invest in Russia instead. If they can get away with 8/17/2012, then who is next!


05/04/14 11:57 AM

#210741 RE: chamillionaire #210722

Thanks, we should all sell tomorrow. LOL


05/04/14 12:06 PM

#210747 RE: chamillionaire #210722

"and believe me, they knocked on every door looking for money"

You're asking IHUB readers to trust you with that statement. Sounds like you were there, on the front lines like a fly on the wall.

Statements such as: "perfectly legal third amendment" and ("they can't") when referring to F&F leaving conservatorship illustrates an opinion tantamount to that of 'fraudster bankers' who have been paying multiple billions of dollars resulting from 'losing' in court.

Your confidence leads me to believe you'd be willing to face Ted Olson and David Boise as they barrage you with questions based on facts as you've described. Why would two of the most renowned lawyers on the planet waist their time and reputations if "FACTS" were as lucid as you purport.

Your concern over the financial well being of F&F investors is commendable, but why would I want to leave a party that hasn't even started? Carry on with your agenda.

Excellent journalism below regarding how "Crime Pays" for banks.


05/04/14 3:22 PM

#210776 RE: chamillionaire #210722

It is very interesting what you are trying to say to this Board.
I would understand if you would say this 2 Years ago or at least Year ago
But you are saying this now when these companies paid Treasurer more the 200 billions.
May be you said the same before too but using different user name.
The picture that you created forced me to ask you one question-if it is so clear now so it was much more clear in 2008 so why they were put in conservatorship. NOT receivership.
But Treasurer was agree to get just 10% dividends and 80% preferred stocks to get bailout money back. Why this was changed when it become clear that these company can pay back all money?


05/04/14 4:02 PM

#210783 RE: chamillionaire #210722

Wow, I really do not respond to foolishly ignorant and uninformed post but you really should get your facts straight!