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05/04/14 2:51 AM

#22505 RE: tynich01 #22504

Very nice info. All that coincides with the daily/weekly/monthly chart of OTHM. Somethin's about to happen like Merger/acquisition and the charts are about to take off. Loading zone here under .001's...IMO

Huggy Bear

05/04/14 12:51 PM

#22506 RE: tynich01 #22504

Pat Hundley, The Future of Day Star Jaco & Rumors

Editorial - Day Star Properties seems to be on course to have a complete restructuring in Costa Rica, including a divorce from their managing partner in Costa Rica, Pat Hundley. With a rumored internal audit occurring currently, the dust seems to be about to clear.

Jaco_Beach_Costa_Rica 1Although the condo complexes, theater and properties remain, the future of the company lies in doubt. Recently Pat Hundley was handcuffed and taken to prison here in Costa Rica after being accused of a defrauding real estate investors of $7 million dollars.

The bond to be await trial outside of prison was set at $3 million dollars.

Although it was rumored that Pat Hundley has been released from prison and had fled the country, that false information was put to rest recently.

Hundley arrived looking worn down to his hearing. He had not been able to come up with the $3 million required for his release until the trial and was put back into Costa Rican prison for another 60 days.

This is where Hundley will stay until his next appointment in front of the judge.

Living in the town of Jaco, there are so many rumors about what is going on that it is impossible to know the truth until the dust settles.

The latest rumors in regards to this case is that when Hundley stood in front of the judge during this previous hearing he came across as arrogant and seemed to believe that he did nothing wrong. This innocence may be true but the evidence against the managing partner is piling up.

Another rumor that seems to be coming more into the reality stage is that the other partners are performing an internal audit to sort out the financial mess that Hundley left in his wake. A cleaning house may be in order……

So your speculation is that OTHM will take over the operations of DayStar Properties?

Sheesh, all those scammed investors will get whatever remains of any assets of Pat Hundley in my opinion.

What is there to suggest that OTHM is NOT a complete scam and has been since inception?

Here are some things you may want to research.

Chimera Holdings.
Pegasus Gaming, which received 1M of OTHM money as an "investment". Note insider connections. Note PGGG is a caveat emptor - OTHM funds were laundered IMO and deposited back to insiders.
Mario Pino.
Overseas Hotel Mgmt LTD.
X Generation.