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05/02/14 12:44 PM

#26134 RE: dwrights #26114

What I love about scottrade is that they have always treated me as if I were a multi millionaire even in the face of me being a tiny account, and the commissions almost never seem to be very high and there are not hidden fees or **** like that



05/02/14 1:29 PM

#26140 RE: dwrights #26114

I know that there is a lot of money going into just about any stock even remotely related to we*d right now, for sure-- even a guy I was in jail with, common street punk, bragging about the nice automobiles he drives and how he's putting so many thousands into mj*a --- everyone thought he was full of ****, but I know where this clown lives and he definitely has the automobiles- so I believe him about the stock.

So if common fools like him are pumping thousands into there- imagine how much it all is collectively, you know?

Not to mention the fact that there are a pile of wealthy activist types out there "supporting the cause" - one of my lady friends out west will put 100s of 1000s into anything we*d related, not even caring about the money, but simply because she loves we*d

And then of course some people are distancing themselves from stocks associated with we*d right now, too, BUT

The money is there. For sure.

I think mjn* is holding support very nicely- and- perhaps once it starts coming back, cowi will also do better. Call me crazy but that is what I think.

I think the jokers that run this thing were right to associate themselves with we*d- some backlash may ensue, but potheads are a strong force, absolutely for sure.

Me, you won't see me making a 5k buy of anything any time soon, not in terms of stock buys or conventional investments. Simply because that is a lot of money from the chair I'm sitting in at the moment.

For me, if I have thousands I'm out buying automobiles or diamonds or something like that - things I know the value of, with certainty.

Tougher to make your first few grand than your first few hundred- I know- cause I've been up and I've been down ;)

I'm done rambling now, in summation: GO COWI