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04/30/14 10:39 PM

#554 RE: mortalmyth #553

mortalmyth: Posting a message on this board basically provides a valid time and date stamp, and serves the "proof" purpose as well.
Thanks for that suggestion, however.
For instance, I could provide you with an Ihub URL of a post I wrote in the spring of 2006, wherein I predicted that the DOW would sink to 7,500 by October 16, 2008. I ended up using those words as my iHUB signature, and I was ridiculed left and right for posting that info/prediction, but when the time came around to the Autumn of 2008, I was congratulated by awed former naysayers and those who vehemently ridiculed me and astrology alike.
You can imagine how I felt as I saw my prediction come true!
There are certain kinds of "magic" that actually work!!!
If it's good enough for the London/British banks, it's good enough for me. :-)
