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04/27/14 2:08 PM

#208360 RE: obiterdictum #208359

...and that last point is really the main point of the federal lawsuit, is it not? Therefore, a plaintiff loss of the federal case would necessarily be followed by the passage into law a bill like this? In other words, in order for the bill to pass, doesn't the federal case de facto have to be lost as well?


04/27/14 4:06 PM

#208373 RE: obiterdictum #208359

Great post Obiterdictum! And everyone on this board should read.

Rule of law must hold!


04/27/14 5:19 PM

#208379 RE: obiterdictum #208359

I don't understand why I enjoy reading these issues and my wife thinks I'm / their boring.

This is a good explanation - everyone should read this for details on Sallie Mae / F&F. Especially if you are unfamiliar with them.


P.s. should have batman commented here.


04/27/14 5:43 PM

#208382 RE: obiterdictum #208359

Obiterdictum, Excellent post and provides many on here with explanation they are seeking even without them asking for it out loud. SO on behalf of many on here, thank you!

With regards to you comment (which I support): A win for the rule of law first will protect shareholders' property rights, ownership and dividends and place the GSEs under the sound and solvent condition track in the conservatorship with eventual release as originally planned in 2008.

Obiter, I find it difficult to believe that anyone in our judicial system (unless they are corrupt or sleeping with the enemy)will allow this to take place. Justice must be served and fulfilled to it maximum. This taken by the gov't, FHFA & Treasury is unacceptable.

My Message to our govt is: You claim to care about us as citizens and about this country, you claim that you want to protect us from those that hate us (no one hates us, we make them hate us), we spend billion on WMD's, We spend billions aiding those that are abusing the system in this country and above all we have and continue to send so much money to other countries:


SEE BELOW, so I can finish my two cents.

People came to this country because of the laws it has, because of equality and justice for all. How can those crooks be above the law? How can they be allowed to do what they are doing in the name of taxpayers?

A message to everyone on this board....don't let anyone fool you, they don't care about you, your family, your parents, your grand parents...they care about only two things, money and them selves’

List of countries by foreign aid received Foreign aid received in millions of US dollars, No including Military aid.

Before they give this money, let them fix out infrastructure, our schools that have become a killing ground, our social life, our family that they are breaking up...Power of the media, power of the media, a subtle way to sway and control the masses.

Afghanistan - 6710.9
Albania - 348.8
Algeria - 196.5
Angola - 200.0
Antigua & Barbuda - 14.8
Argentina - 83.7
Armenia - 378.2
Azerbaijan -292.3
Bangladesh - 1497.8
Barbados - 16.2
Belarus - 125.8
Belize - 28.3
Benin - 672.4
Bhutan - 143.9
Bolivia - 728.7
Bosnia-Herzegovina - 623.7
Botswana - 120.6
Brazil - 826.5
Burkina Faso - 995.7
Burundi - 579.9
Cambodia - 792.2
Cameroon - 611.0
Cape Verde - 250.8
Central African Republic - 271.6
Chad - 468.4
Chile -161.4
China - 660.9
Colombia - 1024.5
Comoros - 51.6
Congo, Dem. Rep. - 5532.5
Congo, Rep. 259.8
Costa Rica - 38.4
Côte d'Ivoire -1436.0
Croatia - 0.3
Cuba - 83.4
Djibouti - 141.6
Dominica - 24.4
Dominican Republic - 223.7
Ecuador - 162.6
Egypt - 412.2
El Salvador - 280.8
Equatorial Guinea - 24.2
Eritrea- 135.1
Ethiopia - 3532.4
Fiji - 75.2
Gabon - 68.6
Gambia - 134.7
Georgia - 590.0
Ghana - 1800.0
Grenada - 12.0
Guatemala - 391.8
Guinea - 201.2
Guinea-Bissau - 118.8
Guyana - 158.5
Haiti - 1712.4
Honduras - 624.0
India m- 3221.1
Indonesia - 414.6
Iran - 101.7
Iraq - 1904.0
Israel - 3000
Jamaica - 43.8
Jordan - 977.8
Kazakhstan - 213.3
Kenya - 2484.3
Kiribati - 63.6
North Korea - 118.5
Kosovo - 657.0
Kyrgyzstan - 522.9
Laos - 396.7
Lebanon - 471.9
Lesotho - 259.3
Liberia - 765.5
Libya - 642.2
Macedonia - 192.6
Madagascar - 441.3
Malawi - 804.3
Malaysia - 30.6
Maldives - 46.0
Mali - 1270.0
Marshall Islands - 82.3
Mauritania - 381.1
Mauritius - 182.7
Mexico - 958.2
Micronesia, Federated States of - 133.9
Moldova - 469.3
Mongolia - 339.8
Montenegro - 124.4
Morocco - 1427.4
Mozambique - 2070.8
Myanmar - 376.1
Namibia - 274.5
Nepal - 892.3
Nicaragua - 695.0
Niger - 646.0
Nigeria - 1776.7
Pakistan - 3508.6
Palau - 27.6
Palestine - Poor People, treated like slaves
Panama - 109.9
Papua New Guinea - 610.7
Paraguay - 93.7
Peru - 599.2
Philippines - 191.8
Rwanda - 1262.2
Samoa - 99.7
São Tomé and Príncipe - 74.8
Senegal - 1049.3
Serbia - 1377.6
Seychelles 20.8
Sierra Leone 424.2
Solomon Islandsm 333.8
Somalia 1095.6
South Africa 1397.5
South Sudan 1086.9
Sri Lanka 610.6
St. Kitts & Nevis 15.8
St. Lucia 35.3
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 17.8
Sudan 1122.8
Suriname 94.6
Swaziland 124.9
Syria 334.5
Tanzania 2435.8
Tajikistan 354.5
Thailand 153.3
Timor-Leste 283.8
Togo 557.2
Tonga 93.7
Trinidad & Tobago
Tunisia 918.3
Turkey 3193.0
Turkmenistan 38.4
Tuvalu 42.6
Uganda 1582.4
Ukraine 810.7
Uruguay 15.1
Uzbekistan 214.6
Vanuatu 91.1
Venezuela 44.5
Vietnam 3595.2
Yemen 501.5
Zambia 1046.4
Zimbabwe 715.5


04/27/14 7:52 PM

#208390 RE: obiterdictum #208359

So, the race is on: Will the courts decide first, or the legislation? MY intuitive answer is the courts will decide first, because it takes just ONE judge to make a decision, where there are many, many people who have to agree to get legislation completed.

I would like your opinion, however, Obit. Are you familiar with the time frame of such judicial cases? We all know congress is not moving fast, if at all. Of course, on April 29 we may have a better idea if congress will move forward on this bill. However, that seems to be delayed as well, and the Senate Banking committe is already talking about a delay as there are apparently not enough votes.

Harry Reid may be a key on the legislative side, with Senator Brown also important. Harry Reid has already made his intentions known, and CWJC is unlikely to move forward unless there are 16 votes, not 12. I think Harry Reid wants a more substantial majority before he backs it, or it against it all together.

I also agree the politics in this is disgusting. Is it any wonder why congress has about a 12 percent approval rating, the lowest in history? Most of them are afraid for their own jobs.

I do think jobs IS the issue. Not the politicians jobs, I could care less if they have a job or not. Since most of them are worth 10 million, they can get by without a job. CWJC is a REAL job killer: First, there are thousands of fannie/freddie employees. Next, there will be mortgage layoffs, especially with those who specialized in FNF. Realtors and title insurance company layoffs will follow, and home inspection, home improvement, and home repair wont be far behind.
Of course, this would also spark a huge wall street selloff: Can you blame investors for not wanting to buy American Stocks when the government can just confiscate shareholder dividends and equity at will?
The jobs loss with CWJC would be millions and last for years if not decades.