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04/24/14 6:18 PM

#207915 RE: Always wondering #207905

All it takes is "discovery" of a few more critical docs, a whistle-blower, a spark like the following and the media once again will be all over it.

The Feds do not want that to ever happen again as they know the uninformed will start to awake from their slumber. Then it's game over for them. The Feds have been largely unsuccessful thus far in consolidating the 20+ lawsuits any one of which could be a potential game changer. Too many holes in the dam IMO.

It'll be tough for these guys to go all the way with this kind of potential monetary gain. Ackman does have conviction tho, certainly no quitter. I would love to see this blown up on every news station but the way it has progressed til now, lack of press, primarily one sided, most involved since retired on their own islands etc, I'm not going to hold my breath. They'll settle if the opportunity arises. Jmho