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Always wondering

04/24/14 6:26 PM

#207916 RE: 955 #207915

I'll admit it would be great timing. We are at a tipping point IMO. These land grabs have many on edge and IMO exposure to the extent you and I want could potentially cause some SERIOUS problems. (Personally they are problems I think we need to address and correct by any means necessary) Then again I didn't think the next state the gov would try to steal land from would be TEXAS so.... Ya never know.
Not the brightest bulbs at the salon obviously


04/24/14 7:18 PM

#207923 RE: 955 #207915

955...Geithner, Central Banker, president of Federal Reserve Bank of New York from 2003 to 2009, directed the Federal Government's spending on the crisis, including allocation of $350 billion of funds from the Troubled Asset Relief Program. This all stinks of conflict of interest to me. Right in our face. Notice who's ass he bailed out. Need to look deep into this one. Might surprise you. Try GM for one. Look up GM in stock ownership of the Federal Reserve. Who appointed him? Did it start with an O? Just thinking out loud.

Timothy Franz Geithner (/'ga?tn?r/; born August 18, 1961) is an American economic policy maker and central banker who served as the 75th United States Secretary of the Treasury, under President Barack Obama, from 2009 to 2013. He was previously the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York from 2003 to 2009. He now serves as president of Warburg Pincus, a Wall Street private equity firm.[2]

Geithner's position included a large role in directing the Federal Government's spending on the crisis, including allocation of $350 billion of funds from the Troubled Asset Relief Program enacted during the previous administration. At the end of his first year in office, he continued to deal with multiple high visibility issues, including administration efforts to restructure the regulation of the nation's financial system,[3] attempts to spur recovery of both the mortgage market and the automobile industry, demands for protectionism, President Obama's tax changes, and negotiations with foreign governments on approaches to worldwide financial issues.[4][5]


04/24/14 7:28 PM

#207924 RE: 955 #207915

It looks pretty damning--I hope the Hedgies have the legal team ready to kick some arse