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04/22/14 12:29 PM

#132418 RE: ibc #132417

Not too far off from my own estimate...

For Intel to break even -- assuming that operating expenses stay roughly flat -- at about the 50% gross margin level, the company would need to do about $7.4 billion annually. Now, do keep in mind that this represents a pretty serious chunk of the mobile market (modems, connectivity, and apps processors), so it'll take quite a bit to get to breakeven, let alone profitability.

BTW, it's always interesting to see these guys say that it'd be good for Intel to just halt development of mobile chips. It's usually the analysts with the "underweight" ratings, and these are usually business suggestions that ultimately would spell doom for the company.

Intel needs another growth avenue to offset the declining PC, and DCG has at best been able to keep revenues stable. Also, while the "loss" is huge in MCG, a lot of that R&D is used in other segments so the true loss to the company is probably much lower than the operating loss suggests given the usefulness of the IP developed there.

That being said, Intel does need to get the ball rolling on mobile and they need to shrink that MCG loss next year pretty substantially.

herb will

04/22/14 3:26 PM

#132426 RE: ibc #132417

So what happens to QCOM when Intel gets the $10 billion?

Maybe QCOM could perfect the old AMD swan dive?


04/24/14 4:53 AM

#132472 RE: ibc #132417

Just one thing Ashraf, this point you made 'most of Intel's business today in this division is modems, not apps processors' I would say is generally true but probably not last quarter where I suspect the Atom revenue outnumbered the 3G revenue. However as the XMM7260 modem is in a future Galaxy S5 premium variant the modem revenue is about to stage a recovery.