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04/18/14 5:15 PM

#20447 RE: Copacetic112 #20440

Someone should sticky that along with 20368

It should not be stickied.
At least not until the factual error about the restrictions on the stock is corrected. ""to be delivered soon, are restricted for 2 years.""
And since the remainder of the post depends on that premise , there will
not be much left.

The statement ""to be delivered soon, are restricted for 2 years.""
can not be substantiated.
There is this:

AND WHEREAS the parties agree that the Shares of Indie Growers Association or the Buyer shall not be subject to a share consolidation for a period of two years from the date of this Agreement.

That does not place any restriction on the sale of the 87,500,000 shares,
or any others that might be issued.