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04/17/14 12:32 PM

#384146 RE: Data_Rox #384136

Data. 14 months ago, netflix was trading at about $100 and in one day went to $160. I wouldn't buy because I felt this was too great of a gain in one day. Netflix hit a high of about $428 13 months later before it dropped back to its current $340 level. This was what I had always looked for in idcc so I mostly took a hold, hold strategy until I got so sick of it I went totally out of idcc for a couple of years.

Many of us came into idcc in the late 90s during the qualcom craze and even though some will say they bought in at 10, 15 or so, many paid much more. Idcc has crossed the $30 mark so many times in the past 15 years and I had realized very little gain other than one phoney spike during the company "sell out" ... ... that I foolishly passed on.

Now I hold half my shares long (just in case) and the other half, I trade as much as I am able to feel comfortable. I began to hate this stock and still do some, but now I don't feel so badly as I was taxed pretty good on idcc trading gains after I got back in late last year. This year, with only 5 trades, I have increased my holdings 30% on my trading shares and overall 15% total in just a few short months.

Unless it hits $100 (as already with others, not in my lifetime) I believe I will always be dissolutioned with this stock. .. .. nic