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03/08/06 11:13 AM

#13849 RE: florist #13848

Jeff there was no chance with Olsen at the helm. I'm sure he pocketed huge money but even if he didn't his business style was never going to get this going. There's a lot of mess to clean up but I think it can be done over time. Get an audit done properly and make sure that the funding is more than sufficient to move forward. That wasn't going to happen with selling stock. So there's a chance. I would not have Olsen involved in this at all and I would be thinking in terms of a partnership with PlanetOut. Lot of hard work to be done but I think it's doable. A R/S might be necessary but killing off all those who have supported this in the past by R/S ing them out of existence would lose Fan almost all gay support. At least as far as I'm concerned. There was no hope before and now there's some so that's certainly a plus. We'll see how Fan tackles this.

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03/08/06 11:19 AM

#13851 RE: florist #13848

I think it's a great move. With Frank goes the bad reputation. Not right away I'm sure, but people HAVE to be breathing a little easier...I know I am.

Did he make any money? I'm sure he did but how much and how did he do it (other than selling shares) I don't know. It's a sure bet that unlike what some people believe, this was NOT a scam to do nothing but sell shares. There's proof on the air that he DID use some, if not all of the money for the things needed to run a network. Well, if you don't count the people that didn't get paid. He wasn't just putting it all in his pocket IMO....he DID launch a network and as much as I hate to do it, he does deserve a tiny bit of credit for getting it on the air in the first place.

And I stick with my argument that an R/S can work if done properly. Once it's announced we'll stay at 0001 and if Mr. Fan doesn't split it too badly, we all may have enough shares left to get our money back. Once it's split we don't lose any value (from where we are now I mean) so as long as he doesn't dilute any more we should start to go up and may recoup some money?!? I'm not counting on it, but I'm not counting it out either.

I'm not expecting anything with this...I've already come to terms with a total loss if it happens, so I'm just going to see what happens. I can only lose it all if I sell now, or the stock itself gets canceled with no replacement what's the harm in giving this new guy a chance to get something going? I don't know anything about him except that he's not Frank...and that's good enough for me right now.

And I'll keep my argument that anyone who is bashing now is doing so for a reason other than they've been burned by Frank, or Frank is a scam....QTN is FRANK reason for them to be here anymore either!
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Dolly Llama

03/08/06 1:10 PM

#13863 RE: florist #13848

Once we recognized that his word was meaningless, learned about his past and saw how he was mismanaging the company we knew he was an albatross. So yes, we're far better off without him. I regret how he damaged the gay community's reputation, and I feel bad that such an important gay company was disgraced by a gay man and had to be rescued by someone who is (I assume) not gay. It's not something for us to be proud of. I hope Mr. Fan doesn't take the porn rout, because then we'd be just another porn channel. I do wish him well... for everyone's sake.