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04/15/14 6:48 PM

#18686 RE: haysaw #18651

Haysaw, sorry it took so long to reply.I haven't been able to find the reference I was looking for so I will concede to you the point and chalk it up to a faulty memory (I did see a reference to Freddy not being compensated at the start but I since I can't find such a reference I wonder if I read it somewhere on a message board and confused it with fact).
Back to the original point of paid compensation, I would guess that virtually all spokespersons are compensated for their endorsements so I guess what we are left with is are they believable when they tell us they use a product and promote it because they like it. It then becomes a matter of opinion as to whether we want to believe it or not. Actually with what has gone on in this company in the last year, I am far more concerned about who is managing this company then who is promoting the products. This current management team has to move very carefully and not make any missteps. The previous bunch has left the new team very little room for error in my opinion. I am long the stock for some time now but I have little patience left for the buggery that took place under the former bunch. I am willing to give the new team a chance to prove themselves but will not put up with the games the other bunch played.