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04/15/14 7:45 PM

#18687 RE: Rider Prider #18686

I don't know about compensation. But I think it was undisputed that Freddie Couples INITIATED contact with Star AFTER trying the product. That is not the usual way celebrity endorsers are acquired and that makes his status as an Anatabloc Ambassador that much more credible.

Rider Prider said...

... I haven't been able to find the reference I was looking for so I will concede to you the point and chalk it up to a faulty memory (I did see a reference to Freddy not being compensated at the start but I since I can't find such a reference I wonder if I read it somewhere on a message board and confused it with fact).
Back to the original point of paid compensation, I would guess that virtually all spokespersons are compensated for their endorsements so I guess what we are left with is are they believable when they tell us they use a product and promote it because they like it. It then becomes a matter of opinion as to whether we want to believe it or not. ...


04/18/14 9:12 PM

#18710 RE: Rider Prider #18686

I am far more concerned about who is managing this company then who is promoting the products

Agreed. Futhermore, I think any celebrity who pimps products is a tool or a sell-out. Nothing personal against Fred, I just don't like our system of hiring highly paid celebs for easy money, the consequence being: the impression of rubbing their fortunes in our faces, then expecting us to spend our money because they say so. Unfortunately, I am trapped in a cynical corner on this -- but it disgusts me. Also unfortunate: there are very few exceptions to this mindset for me.