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Tom Swift

04/08/14 10:32 AM

#23292 RE: terry hallinan #23290

Hi Terry,

I have no idea how the Navy could run ships on seawater alone, I really want to see those patents. At least they aren't claiming free or zero point energy, or cold fusion....catalytic chemistry is pretty well established and reputable. Obviously, the energy to drive the chemical reactions has to come from somewhere. I found a USNRL article on the subject that was a little less vague than the link supplied by still not sufficient...apparently the research has been talked about for at least 5 years.

I suspect the whole thing is going to hinge on whether the energy inherent in compounds dissolved in seawater, at ambient temperature, is sufficient to drive the needed chemical reactions to produce the hydrocarbons under the influence of very effective catalysts. Catalysts DO allow reactions to occur at energy levels well below what they would require. So the energy isn't "free", it is sort of like using a heat pump, you are releasing energy that is present but usually not readily accessible.

Whether or not catalysts are capable of doing what the article claims, and at feasible cost and effort if it is possible, are things I just am not ready to accept without more data. But, as I said, the article IS interesting.
