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04/06/14 1:22 AM

#6829 RE: Gsdubb #6828

Thanks for the post.
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04/06/14 10:18 AM

#6830 RE: Gsdubb #6828

Good, detailed read. Thank you for posting the link!
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Dragon Lady

04/06/14 12:25 PM

#6831 RE: Gsdubb #6828

How old is that "news" article which is on, what appears to be nothing more than a very small time "blog" page (not a major "news" or med journal or similar by a long, long shot), just a blog designed, it appears, to be a google "ad-word" key word page system about any topic that has medical sounding terms in it, who's only contact info is a google gmail address? They also list their contact as "Medical and healthcare advertising, Small or large projects, Direct-to-consumer, educational campaigns, Reasonable rates
Write to us:"

What's interesting, since it's being linked to as some sort of "source" of info- is that

a) Nowhere in it, this blog article, does there appear the word lipocell (the Ageless supposed precursor product to Adipocell, see 10-K for statement of licensing change from Ageless to Invitrex or whatever it's called)- the blog article only mentions Myocell by name, a product called the TGI 1200 and something called Bioheart’s Acute Cell Therapy, which it states is "being designed" as in it was not even complete at time of this blog statement? So, where is the linkage that this is now Adipocell? Not seeing it IMO? It says this TGI 1200 system/method was licensed from "Tissue Genesis"- so it seems they would own the process/tech behind it- again, way more than a simple name change IMO to arrive at "Adipo" or whatever? Don't see any connection to Adipocell, or the precursor, Lipi or Lipocell or whatever it was called, the Ageless licensed product- where is that linkage? Is there a PR or other official company statement stating such? It appears to me, just my opinion, that in each case so far, BHRT was licensing something from someone else and it's not even their own? Genesis, then Ageless, etc?

b) What's real interesting IMO, is this blog link posted says in it, via the then CEO apparently speaking, being quoted, that, "Bioheart is currently marketing these systems outside the US in countries recognizing the CE Mark approval." as in referring to this TGI 1200??

So where was the revenue/sales from that? Why didn't it ever "take-off" and sell as a product if it/this technology was/is supposedly so "good" or "so great" I guess? That's a natural question that comes to mind IMO? Where did it go? Where were the sales ramping up? Never have seen any sales or revenue mentioned from it in a 10-K or 10-Q that I can remember? I might have missed it- is there a 10-K or 10-Q that mentions sales and revenue from this TGI 1200 that is said to have been selling and "being marketed" in many places?

That is super "curious" and interesting IMHO? Where did it go? What happened to that? Why did it not sell apparently? Why didn't it generate any revenue to move forward all the "several promising trials" that is quoted in that same blog "article"? That link IMO, raises more questions than gives any answers IMO? Not seeing it, or any connection to anything going on today- especially as to how it would explain going back to a phase I in Mexico, when you have/had at least a phase II/III and now a phase III as stated as "enrolling" - when you are extremely low on cash, have very few employees or resources, etc. Not seeing the connection- but hey, that's just me?