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05/13/03 8:06 PM

#246 RE: lmorovan #244

Imorovan--Read your next to the last paragraph and tell me wher the money will come from to do all of that.--Ed


05/13/03 8:36 PM

#247 RE: lmorovan #244

If what lmorovan says is true, can the judge issue an order of some kind to prevent CDEX from trading until we get our shares?
Does the SEC have any power in this regard? Would they let this happen to us?

What he says makes sense. Does anyone have any ideas on how to prevent this without opposing the settlement agreement?



05/13/03 8:36 PM

#248 RE: lmorovan #244


I was hoping you would not only read, but also comprehend my latest post to you.

Let's assume for arguments sake that Loch shareholders will not be able to trade CDEX stock until October and CDEX will be registered in early August (very optimistic prediction by you).

For 2 months difference in trading time you are willing to put Loch shareholders back to square one by obliterating the spinoff.

Why do you want to throw Loch shareholders under the bus? Simply call MP and request that CDEX agree not to trade until Loch shareholders are in a position to trade. If he doesn't agree, simply go one step further.

Why are you working so hard on killing the Settlement Agreement? Why are you so blind to the possibility that CDEX has and continues to work against and without regard to the basic protection sought supposedly by you for Loch shareholders that they trade when CDEX commences trading?

Not only are you not willing to find fault with or remedy from MP, you are willing to appeal the failure to get the ridiculous relief you want?

So let me get this straight. You object to the settlement because we will not have our shares in time, but you're willing to expand this gap of time by taking an appeal.

Now we know by your own admission, that you have and continue to talk with MP (oh yes, mostly on religious matters) and that your efforts are being financially and emotionally funded by those he11 bent on seeing our investment go down the tubes.

In light of all the foregoing, do you really still wish to claim you are working for and on behalf of Loch shareholders?


05/13/03 11:52 PM

#249 RE: lmorovan #244

Hi LMORONVAN.Thanks for your response. Some comments-> First of all I am not calling you any names. Have just been tryin to understaND your logic and reasons for overturning everything.I have some questions for you. What convinces you that CDEX will simply be up and trading in 4 weeks after refiling. From what I hear and read the SEC is very slow in letting companies get up and trading these days. NOt to mention the fact that as I said earlier and Rancho agreed - there are shareholders who are ready to step in and stop CDEX from trading if LOCH shareholders don't get their shares apparently. OK , lets say you are right and the remaining parties try to pull a fast one don't you think people will step in and tie them up? I thiknk alot of people are watching this closely and won't let there be any B-LLSH-T. So I simply ask...why not let things proceed and then step in if it seems that CDEX is gonna try to pull outta station with LOCH shareholders on sidelines?? Please tell me why you can't let that happen?


05/13/03 11:57 PM

#250 RE: lmorovan #244

ILL Morovan:Your appeal will push us even further away! As much as a year! That's right, a year! PP CDEX shareholders will be trading first, your way! Now lets go thru your false claims, because you are assuming a lot. Since when has anybody applied for registration and received it in 30 days? Are you kidding? I would bet that CDEX wouldn't be registered and up and trading until at best November! Gee that fits your other time estimate for distribution! I wonder why you estimated it much shorter?

That's right LOCH plans to dissolve, so what are you trying to create from ashes? There is nothing there to save, for the "8 million time". What new directors are you talking about? YOU! There are none! BOD insurance is very, very expensive! You have been told and know that also, "8 million times"! They have no products, but they have some bills! Do you want to pay them? If I re-call, Mr. Stewart wanted to keep LOCH afloat, and I supported him! The insurance was to high, and it couldn't be done then, and it can't be done now! MP has stated to my knowledge, that he wants to distance himself from LOCH! So what are you holding on to? There is nothing left to save! For the "8th million time"!

You wonder why people are frustrated with you? It is because you don't listen to the facts, yet you say you do, but with no logic or common sense! Your math was flawed, just like your case! You figured everything for the distribution at the longest possible time table, and the CDEX registration at light speed! The appeal, like I have stated could take as long as a year, my attorney told me! Where does that leave LOCH shareholders? Next June 2004! No thanks lmorovan! We don't want your misguided help! You have no right to cheat us all out of what is ours! We can see the goal line! Your way is doomed to failure! Only the Market Makerss will win! Way to go Liviu!

By the way, what attorneys are you going to use for your case? How are you going to pay them? With more of "our" CDEX stock? So that we get even less! You have heard all this before, but somehow you think this is a Hollywood movie, and we will all ride off into the sunset! Sorry Liviu, we don't want your misguided actions! We don't want another lawsuit! We will not accept you trying to shove this down our throats! LOCH shareholders as you well know, have been put thru the ringer with everything, from the SEC 2 1/2 investigation, the black box gimmick, MP's lack of sympathy and lack of communication with the shareholders, the basherban hammering us day and night, you and your 18,000 posts, this 1 1/2 year lawsuit, and now YOU take it upon yourself to put us thru even more.

It is bad enough that your attempts to de-rail the SA is hurting the stock price, but you have everybody very upset! So upset that I question your entire motive! That is a basher MM tactic! You fill the bill. The best basher of all time is lmorovan!

You once called me a warrior! Well you haven't seen anything yet! Rio.........