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04/04/14 4:21 PM

#531 RE: sps50 #527

CARNAGE ! MU beats their analyst numbers handily, all signs point to doubling '13 revenues.

MORE THAN Double average trading volume !

Shaking my head in disbelief...MU gets thrown out like the proverbial baby in the bathwater.

Did tech fund redemptions cause this correction as April 15 date looms ?

More likely the cold oatmeal employment numbers had a big part. Everyone is sick of the 5 years in a row of "Lucy and football" lie analogy about how the "2009-stimulus-worked" and the "economy-is-growing-gangbusters" and the "employment-rate-is dropping-so-employment-is-getting-better" BS...

The individual investor and the "pros" alike are saying "show me or shut up"...