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Alias Born 12/22/2004

Re: stockbum44 post# 1834

Friday, 03/03/2006 1:02:27 AM

Friday, March 03, 2006 1:02:27 AM

Post# of 213534
stockbum, no actually I sold them back to Dan.
When volume popped a few weeks ago (PRRM) it was Dan who initiated the volume the first day right out of the blue. He did it to attract attention. There wasn't any news out.
He had to do this because some of the investors he lied to face to face DEMANDED a refund. From that point on a bunch of lemmings have kept the volume going. All dilution. What good is a stock that trades near 10 billion shares and goes nowhere! CNES traded a billion or two and went from .0005 to .0028 in a couple days. See the difference?
I'm helpin' ya here stockbum, the odds are WAY against you here. I once had your mindset with this stock, you wouldn't believe the amount of pr's Dan released and how much dilution occured between Sep 2004 and Aug 2005. All pr's were deleted PRIOR to the symbol change, now you are getting the same crapola. Dan TRIED to pump it but fails because of improper promotion techniques. I would be all over this stock if he had the brains to advertize via the web/tradersnation. He is a small time con, can't you tell? Read his pr's! Have fun.