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Alias Born 12/22/2004

Re: Mat Basterson post# 473

Thursday, 02/23/2006 9:46:54 PM

Thursday, February 23, 2006 9:46:54 PM

Post# of 213555
Mat, there were about 3000 shareholders when Dan Burgess took it over Sep 2004 with 15 billion shares @ .0001. Now there are 68 Billion. Hmmmmmm still at .0001, never could get it to rise even with all that volume! We were stuck at no bid for quite a while, then Dan deleted all the old PR's from Aug 2005 back.
Now he is trying again with fluff PR's and IMO diluting again. He is actually trying to get this off the ground to cash in on all the restricted shares, but it will never work. He has NO idea how to make a stock move. The float is too large for his tiny audience. You have to get on 'tradersnation' and all the pump websites, get a race car and billboards - like CMKX did. Dan won't do it, he is a rookie. Good luck anyway.