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Tuesday, January 07, 2014 11:01:24 PM

Post# of 494474
Duck Commander Phil Robertson Talks About Why This Country Needs More Jesus

Published on Sep 19, 2013 by DrudgeReportFanatics

Duck Commander Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty spoke to the congregation of Saddleback church in July on why people need Jesus and why the founders would agree -- and I gotta say it was awesome. I watched it last night and knew I had to post it for you guys. Duck Commander's message is really simple, that people need to love God and love each other and he delivers it beautifully. He really is a fantastic preacher. [with comments] [also at (with comments)]


Duck Dynasty is a Fake Yuppies-in-Red-Neck-Drag Con Job

Dec 20, 2013 [the YouTube, (with {over 5,000} comments), embedded; with comments] [(linked in) and following]


The Robertson's of Duck Dynasty Talk About How Their Faith in Jesus Turned Around Their Lives!!

Published on Jul 4, 2013

Phil and Kay Robertson of the hit A&E television program Duck Dynasty, share how their faith in Jesus has been integral to their success!
800-759-0700 - Toll Free Prayer Line

Here's the link to the A&E "Episodes" website for Duck Dynasty.

Also you can purchase individual past episodes on Amazon and instantly view them.
Go to and do a search for Duck Dynasty.

If you would like to read my detailed Born Again Information, here is the link to the introductory message. It is a .pdf file, so you will need to have the FREE Adobe Reader installed on your computer.

Get the free Adobe Reader here and install it on your computer:

The Born Again Information is here:

Here is another link that will help you better understand how things fit together spiritually: [with comments]




The Duck Dynasty guy who likened homosexuality to bestiality makes a living helping people trick ducks into thinking they want to fuck them.

5:45 PM - 18 Dec 13 [with comments]


Phil Robertson aka The Duck Commander

Uploaded on Feb 9, 2010 by ourbereanchurch

Wild Game Supper
Berean Bible Church
Feb. 5,6 2010
Special Guest Speaker: Phil Robertson aka The Duck Commander , , , , , and , respectively [each with comments]


Phil Robertson's America

The Milwaukee Journal, January 27, 1935

The Duck Dynasty star's warped vision of civil-rights history feeds his warped view of today's gay-rights struggle.

Ta-Nehisi Coates
Dec 20 2013, 10:08 AM ET

I've yet to take in an episode of Duck Dynasty. I hear it's a fine show, anchored by a humorous and good-natured family of proud Americans. I try to be good natured, and I have been told that I can appreciate a good joke. I am also a proud American. With so much in common, it seems natural that I take some interest in the views of my brethren on the history of the only country any of us can ever truly call home:

I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person. Not once. Where we lived was all farmers. The blacks worked for the farmers. I hoed cotton with them. I’m with the blacks, because we’re white trash. We’re going across the field .... They’re singing and happy. I never heard one of them, one black person, say, ‘I tell you what: These doggone white people’—not a word! ... Pre-entitlement, pre-welfare, you say: Were they happy? They were godly; they were happy; no one was singing the blues.

That is Robertson responding to a reporter's question about life in Louisiana, before the civil-rights movement. I am sure Robertson did see plenty of black people who were singing and happy. And I am also sure that very few black people approached Robertson to complain about "doggone white people."

I have some idea why [ ]:

The corpse of 16-year-old Freddie Moore, his face showing signs of a severe beating, hands bound, remained hanging for at least 24 hours from a metal girder on the old, hand-cranked swing bridge spanning Bayou Lafourche.

Hanged by the neck the night of Oct. 11, 1933, in a mob lynching, the black youth had been accused in the death of a neighbor, a white girl ...

Arrested Oct. 10, 1933, in the slaying days earlier of Anna Mae LaRose, a 15-year-old girl who was his friend, Moore was pulled from the parish jail in Napoleonville the next night by an angry mob of 50 to 200 armed and unmasked people who had the prison keys.

Some accounts say the lynchers were unknown and from out of town, as far away as New Orleans, while others say the mob was known to authorities. A coroner’s jury, impaneled by then-parish Coroner Dr. T.B. Pugh, said Moore “met death by a mob of unknown persons,” according to news accounts.

After being hauled from the jail, Moore was brought to the field where LaRose’s body was found, according to an Oct. 14, 1933, account in the black-owned New Orleans newspaper, The Louisiana Weekly. With a rope around his neck and clothes stripped to his waist, the teen was then marched, while being beaten, from the murder scene to the bridge and subjected to a branding iron whenever he fell.

Hanging from his body, a sign offered the final indignity: “Niggers Let This Be An Example. Do-Not-Touch-In 24 Hr. Mean it.”

As white people reviewed the scene on the bridge and black residents were warned to stay away, Moore’s body remained within sight of a school and the venerable St. Philomena Catholic Church, its spire above the fray.

One should not be lulled into thinking that the murder of Freddie Moore was out of the ordinary in Louisiana. Between 1882 and 1936 [ ], only Georgia, Texas and Mississippi saw more black people lynched. For part of that period four of Louisiana's parishes led the nation for counties with the most lynchings.

That is because governance in Phil Robertson's Louisiana was premised on terrorism. As late as 1890, the majority of people in Louisiana were black. As late as 1902, they still lived under threat of slavery through debt peonage and the convict-lease system. Virtually all of them were pilfered of their vote and their tax dollars. Plunder and second slavery were enforced by violence, as when the besiegers of Colfax massacred 50 black freedmen with rifles and cannon and tossed their bodies into a river. Even today the Colfax Massacre is honored in Louisiana as the rightful "end of carpetbag misrule [ ; ]."

The black people who Phil Robertson knew were warred upon. If they valued their lives, and the lives of their families, the last thing they would have done was voiced a complaint about "white people" to a man like Robertson. Ignorance is no great sin and one can forgive the good-natured white person for not knowing how all that cannibal sausage was truly made. But having been presented with a set of facts, Robertson's response is to cite "welfare" and "entitlement" as the true culprits.

The belief that black people were at their best when they were being hunted down like dogs for the sin of insisting on citizenship is a persistent strain of thought in this country. This belief reflects the inability to cope with an America that is, at least rhetorically, committed to equality. One can clearly see the line from this kind of thinking to a rejection of the civil-rights movement of our age:

Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men,” [Robertson] says. Then he paraphrases Corinthians: “Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers—they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.

This is not just ignorance; it is a willful retreat into myth. And we must have the intellectual courage and moral strength to follow the myth through. If swindlers, goat-fuckers, and gay men are really all the same—disinherited from the kingdom of God—why not treat them the same? How does one argue that a man who is disfavored by the Discerner of All Things, should not be shamed, should not be jeered, should not be stoned, should not be lynched in the street?

Further retreat into the inanity of loving the sinner but hating the sin—a standard that would clean The Wise Helmsman [ ]himself—will not do. Actual history shows that humans are not so discriminating. Black people were once thought to be sinners. We were rewarded with a species of love that bore an odd resemblance to hate. One need not be oversensitive to be concerned about Phil Robertson's thoughts on gay sex. One simply need be a student of American history.


Related Story

The Real Duck Dynasty Scandal: Phil Robertson's Comments on Race


Copyright © 2013 by The Atlantic Monthly Group [with comments]


Ian Bayne, GOP Congressional Candidate: 'Duck Dynasty Star Is Rosa Parks Of Our Generation'

12/23/2013 [with embedded video report, and comments]


(linked in) and preceding and following


My Facebook Note Re: Phil Robertson

by Jaxpagan
Fri Dec 20, 2013 at 03:12 AM PST

Aside from actually catching occasional snippets, I've never watched Duck Dynasty, despite being from that state, and that part of the state, and that town (Monroe, La). Or maybe because of that - I grew up with people like them, and I saw this "flip-side" of the folksy humor a long time ago. Kinda done with it.

But after Phil Robertson spewed all over his GQ interview, my Facebook page (which carries an amazing diverse array of people, at least for the moment) came alive with posts on one side or the other, and I thought I had to respond to it all.

So I posted a note with the text below. No idea how much my friends list may shrink. C'est la vie.

Read on . . .


To Mr. Phil Robertson:

So much to go through here – let’s start with the race thing, since that seems to be the most recent dustup:

To say you “never saw a Black person mistreated” in the Deep South in the 50’s and 60’s, is genuinely astounding. You’re talking about people who couldn’t vote, walk in the wrong part of town, drink from the wrong fountain, sit down in a diner, or show inadequate “deference” to any white trash idiot no matter how poor or stupid he was. You’re talking about people with few if any genuine rights who were consigned to those fields because they were actively excluded from anything else. You saw nothing but Black people being mistreated, and just because you never saw some white guy actually standing over them and beating them with a chain is no excuse to play dumb about it.

I’ve never really watched your show, so I don’t know much about your outlook beyond what you’ve unfortunately shared with the class in the GQ interview, but I come from the same place as you, Chief, so I’m pretty sure I know your type – and I’m willing to bet I know which side of the Obama-Tea Party divide you fall on.

And given the Tea Party tendency to hysteria about “tyranny”, apocalyptic ranting about that “armed revolt” that well may be necessary to “take our country back” and just general bitch-whininess about every stitch of the Social Safety Net, or every minor act of the public sector to, you know, actually deal with our national problems . . . then for you to say that Blacks in the pre-Civil Rights South - people who were actually oppressed, actually persecuted, actually denied representation in the government that controlled their destiny and actually restricted in life by law, social convention and the ongoing threat of violence - if they occasionally sang or joked to lift their spirits, or didn’t just break down sobbing in the goddam fields over their miserable lot in life, then they must have been happy as clams . . . makes you a fucking idiot.

And as for that mountainous spew of bile about gays . . .

The Bible uses the same word – toevah (literally “taboo”) to describe eating shellfish and wearing mixed fibers. I’m guessing you’ve never protested a Red Lobster, or complained that the cotton-poly blend in your hunting camo violated your faith. So I’m going to guess your “Bible defense” for your homophobia is so much bullshit. I’m going to guess you don’t go around thinking “I sure would love to embrace and welcome my gay brothers and sisters, but the Bible just won’t let me.”

No, I’m guessing you’re that kind of Christian, and you’re just like the millions of that kind of Christian before you – bigoted tools that just bludgeon others with their personal hatreds and prejudices, then wrap themselves in Scripture as some kind of rationalization and magical anti-criticism shield. I wish the other kind of Christians – the actual Christ-like ones – could vote you guys out, or something. Sue you for damaging the brand. You’re a kind of Christian, believe me, that does just that.

By doing things, for instance, like beating up a guy and his wife, and – after a payoff kept you out of jail – deciding to “just let things lie” instead of ever having the balls to apologize and actually make things right.

Yeah. Best for last. You said stupid, bigoted stuff – but so what. That’s between you and the people you work for (more on that later). But punching a woman – that’s a thing for me. And after you bought your way out of criminal charges, you called it done. No repentance, no apology, no attempt to actually make it right. Just paid in full and move on. “Not perfect, just forgiven” – which is what your kind of Christian says when they mean “you can’t criticize me for anything I’ve done – now hold still while I judge you.”

So all told, Phil, you’re a piece of work. Glad I never bought anything from your company or your show. Sorry that A&E ever got in bed with you.

And by the way, stop crying about “free speech”. Talking to GQ because you’re the star of a hit reality show is not “free speech”, it’s “$200,000 per episode” speech, and the people writing that check have every right to insist you keep your public statements within a certain business-friendly box. You could have walked away from that gig anytime you felt right about it – and immediately said anything and everything you wanted, as loud and as often as you could.

So go do that now. Or make another duck call. Whatever. Just stop with the crybaby martyr stuff.


© Kos Media, LLC (emphasis in original) [with comments]


Driving While Black

“Stop and frisk” isn’t just a reality in New York City. New data shows how police target African Americans on highways across America.

By Charles Epp and Steven Maynard-Moody
January/February 2014 [issue of]

If there’s one issue that won Bill de Blasio the New York Democratic mayoral primary in September, on his way to a crushing 74 percent to 24 percent victory in the November general election, it was his full-throated opposition to “stop and frisk.” Under this policy, police officers stop, question, and frisk people they deem suspicious, usually with zero evidence that they’ve committed a crime. De Blasio’s predecessor Michael Bloomberg and his GOP election opponent Joe Lhota strongly defended stop and frisk, arguing that it helps reduce the crime rate. But the voters of New York had clearly had enough of a policy that, in practice, overwhelmingly targets minorities, especially young blacks, only a tiny fraction of whom are ever found to be carrying drugs, or a gun, or indeed to have done anything wrong at all.

What few Americans (or at least white Americans) know is that stop and frisk is not limited to New York City. Versions of the policy are in place across the country. And just as in New York, whatever crime-fighting benefits derive from the policy come at the expense of contravening basic American principles of equal treatment under the law and of angering law-abiding minority citizens whose support and cooperation the police need to fight crime.

Until recently, there has been limited data on the degree to which stop-and-frisk policies, as opposed to other factors or police tactics, specifically cause alienation and resentment. But a first-of-its-kind survey we conducted in Kansas City makes that connection quite clear.

Although it is hard to document how widely police departments employ stop-and-frisk-like tactics, the data tells the same story nearly everywhere studies have been done on who is stopped by the police: racial minorities are stopped at considerably higher rates than whites. The underlying reason for this is not racism by individual officers. Rather, it is police department directives requiring officers to make large numbers of stops just to check people out. Police departments widely favor this practice because it allows officers to proactively seize guns and drugs, in officer-initiated stops, rather than waiting to respond to crimes.

Police officers have long checked out people who look suspicious, but in the 1970s several scholars, led by James Q. Wilson, proposed turning this happenstance occurrence into an organized, disciplined practice. In the 1980s, the Reagan administration’s Operation Pipeline, a key war-on-drugs initiative that trained local departments in how to make stops to find drugs, refined the technique and spread its gospel widely across the country. A study by the National Institute of Justice in the mid-1990s showed how to use investigatory traffic stops to seize illegally carried guns. The New York City Police Department then applied the practice to stop and frisks of pedestrians.

Police leaders know that it takes a lot of stops to find just a few illegal drugs or weapons. A widely used police training manual, Tactics for Criminal Patrol, declares that “[c]riminal patrol in large part is a numbers game; you have to stop a lot of vehicles to get the law of averages working in your favor.” Or, as an officer put it to the late journalist Gary Webb, “you’ve got to kiss a lot of frogs before you find a prince.” (The irony in this statement, of course, is that law-abiding citizens are the “frogs” and criminals are the “princes.”) This numbers game helps to explain why 98.2 percent of the stops in New York City yielded no illegal weapon or drugs. This 1.8 percent “hit rate,” as Columbia law professor Jeffrey Fagan has shown, is no better than chance.


To understand the phenomenon outside of New York City, where drivers rather than pedestrians tend to be the target of stop-and-frisk-type operations, we surveyed 2,329 drivers in and around Kansas City, a region typical of large, geographically segregated metropolitan areas in the country. The data from our survey allowed us to distinguish stops to enforce traffic safety laws—like speeding at fifteen miles per hour over the limit—from stops to investigate the driver. Our key finding is that these two types of stops differ from start to finish. In traffic safety stops, based on clear violations of the law, officers quickly issue a ticket or warning and let the driver go. In investigatory stops officers drag the stop out as they try to look at the vehicle’s interior, ask probing questions, and ultimately seek consent for a search (drivers almost always agree, telling us that they feel they have no real choice in the matter).

The key influence on who is stopped in traffic safety stops is how you drive; in investigatory stops it is who you are, and being black is the leading influence. In traffic safety stops, being black has no influence: African Americans are not significantly more likely than whites to be stopped for clear traffic safety law violations. But in investigatory stops, a black man age twenty-five or younger has a 28 percent chance of being stopped for an investigatory reason over the course of a year; a similar young white man has a 12.5 percent chance, and a similar young white woman has only a 7 percent chance. And this is after taking into account other possible influences on being stopped, like how you drive. Police focus investigatory stops on younger people, and so as people grow older they are less likely to be stopped in this way. But a black man must reach fifty—well into the graying years—before his risk of an investigatory stop drops below that of a white man under age twenty-five. Overall, black drivers are nearly three times more likely than whites to be subjected to investigatory stops.

Being black is also the leading influence on how far police officers pursue their inquisition in investigatory stops. In these stops, full-blown vehicle searches are relatively common. After taking into account other possible influences, black drivers in our survey were five times more likely than whites to be subjected to searches in investigatory stops. Searches are remarkably rare in traffic safety stops, and the driver’s race has no influence on whether the driver is searched in these stops.

These differences are not lost on African Americans. According to our survey, African Americans view normal traffic stops as legitimate exercises of law enforcement, and do so at about the same rate as whites do. Indeed, the main difference is that blacks, unlike whites, are even more likely to view a traffic stop as legitimate when the officer lectures them on driver safety, taking that lecture as a reassuring cue that they were in fact stopped for their behavior, not for the color of their skin.

By contrast, African Americans view investigative stops far more harshly, for reasons that are obvious when you hear their descriptions of the experiences, as we did conducting our survey. One gentleman, Billy, told a story about how, on the way to a job interview in Des Moines, he was pulled over by a Missouri highway patrolman for speeding even though he was going, at most, two miles over the speed limit. The trooper made Billy get out of his car and put his hands on the hood while he searched his car. Finding nothing, explained Billy, the trooper “came back and said, ‘The reason why we checked your car is we’ve been having problems with people trafficking drugs up and down the highway.’ So that was that.” It was not the only time this happened to Billy. On another occasion, he, his wife, and his cousin were pulled over on their way to visit an ill relative and their rental van was searched for drugs by a Missouri sheriff’s deputy.

Another man, Joe, told of being pulled over in Kansas City by an officer who drew his gun, handcuffed him, searched his car, checked his license, then let him go with “no ticket, no nothing.” Asked why he thought the officer had stopped him, Joe said, “I don’t know why, beside driving a nice vehicle, a nice car in the wrong neighborhood.” Joe, too, experienced much the same thing a second time, when an officer pulled him over and checked his license for outstanding warrants (he had none). “I felt violated,” Joe says of that episode. As well he should; warrant check stops are in fact illegal. But in some high-crime areas, an officer in a Kansas City-area department told us, “We stop everything that moves.”

The numbers game that police play with investigatory stops is a recipe for giving offense to large numbers of innocent people. Pervasive, ongoing suspicious inquiry sends the unmistakable message that the targets of this inquiry look like criminals: they are second-class citizens. The vast majority of black respondents to our survey—64 percent, compared to only 23 percent of whites—said that you cannot always trust police to do the right thing. Twenty-two percent of black respondents agreed with the statement that “the police are out to get people like me.” Only 4.5 percent of whites felt this way. The disproportionate personal experience of these stops among blacks is one source of this trust gap. Another is hearing stories of police disrespect from families, friends, and work and faith networks. Among respondents to our survey, 37 percent of black drivers, compared to 15 percent of whites, reported hearing these sorts of stories from members of their own household.


Investigatory police stops teach the lesson that the police are here to get racial minorities, not protect them. This is what Cornell law professor Sherry Colb calls the “targeting harm” of investigatory stops. It is the message that people like you are targets of surveillance, not the beneficiaries of protection. And while investigatory stops do enable police to find some lawbreakers and get them off the street, they also undermine the minority community’s trust in law enforcement and thereby its willingness to share information vital to good police work. Sixteen percent of black respondents to our survey reported that they did not feel comfortable calling the police if they needed help, compared to only 5 percent of whites.

Police leaders say the solution is to train officers to be more polite and respectful. This is not enough. The people we surveyed certainly prefer to be treated politely in police stops. But investigatory police stops are fundamentally unjust—and, according to our survey, feared—no matter how polite the officer.

A more meaningful solution is one put forth by U.S. district judge Shira A. Scheindlin, who in August ruled that New York City’s stop and frisks, as practiced, violate the Constitution. She ordered the New York City Police Department to better train officers in what kinds of justifications for these stops are constitutionally acceptable and to require officers to report the justification for stops in their own words (as opposed to simply checking a box to indicate the type of justification). Importantly, she also appointed a lawyer to monitor the police department’s implementation of these directives. While her decision was suspended by an appellate court, it offers an excellent analysis of the constitutional problems in the practice of stop and frisk. We hope it serves to guide other judicial decisions.

Still, in our view, the judge’s reform directives do not go far enough. The Constitution, at least as interpreted by the Supreme Court, sets the bar too low with regard to what is an acceptable justification for a stop. Police training already teaches officers to justify a stop with “specific, articulable facts and reasonable inferences there from,” the language in the key Supreme Court decision Terry v. Ohio. It is too easy for officers to provide a right-sounding legal justification for what is, in fact, a stop based on inchoate suspicion.

The solution is to prohibit investigatory police stops. This will require a change in police norms. Police leaders celebrate investigatory stops and the few big busts they yield. Instead, these leaders—the heads of professional police associations, police chiefs, and police trainers—should acknowledge how much these stops cause palpable harm to the person stopped and to trust in the police. Departments should prohibit stops unless justified by evidence of a violation. Officers would still have the authority to make traffic safety stops to ticket or arrest drivers for speeding, blowing through red lights, or driving drunk. They would still have the authority to stop people who fit a clear description of a suspect. What they would not have the authority to do is to stop people out of curiosity or unspecified suspicion.

If law enforcement leaders won’t act on their own, political leaders may force them into doing so. The New York mayor’s race showed that stop and frisk has taxed the patience of a substantial number of voters. Our survey shows that New York City is not the only place where that’s true.

Charles Epp and Steven Maynard-Moody are professors at the School of Public Affairs and Administration at the University of Kansas. They are coauthors, with Donald Haider-Markel, of Pulled Over: How Police Stops Define Race and Citizenship [ ; ].

Copyright © 2013 Washington Monthly (emphasis in original) [ ] [with comments]


Driving While Black: Racial Profiling On Our Nation's Highways
June 7, 1999


Economic Opportunity Is Lowest In The Former Slave States

By Eric Zuesse [ ]
Posted: 12/30/2013 10:09 am

The website [ ; ] was established this year by four leading economists from Harvard and Berkeley, and it now headlines their major findings, "Mobility in the 100 Largest Commuting Zones." It ranks all 100 largest U.S. cities for the chances of a person born poor to rise from the bottom 20% to the top 20%.

Whereas all of the top 21 cities (NYC being ranked #21) are shown clustered there closely around 10% for the given place's odds that a resident born in the bottom 20% will rise into the top 20%, all except just 4 of the bottom 21 cities are in Old Dixie; and, here, the probabilities of rising from the bottom 20% to the top 20% range widely, between just 6.7% (one-third less than in the best locales) down to merely 2.6% (around one-quarter of the probability in the best locales), among these 21 bottom-ranked cities.

In other words: virtually all of this nation's class-rigidity still remains in the U.S. South, even after the Civil War. So: New Dixie has replaced the aristocracy's black slaves of Old Dixie, by the local (white) aristocracy's institutionalized bigotry against poor people, now of all ethnic groups. What used to be their purely racist bigotry has, it seems, devolved into a crushing, pervasive, classist, bigotry in the South.

Explaining this would produce controversy, and unfortunately the researchers don't even try. However, it is a striking finding, which demands an explanation.

For a century after Abraham Lincoln was shot in 1865, the North's Protestant aristocracy increasingly supported the Republican Party, which gradually became, in a sense, the new version of the old aristocratic Southern Democratic Party, but now spread nationwide: oriented more toward concerns about the "free market," than toward concerns about democracy. Government became subordinated to economics -- and not just to any economics, but to "free market" economics, whereas economics had virtually nothing to do with the U.S. Constitution, which was instead concerned with political matters: government.

With the advent of Democratic President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and his "New Deal" reforms and regulations during the Great Depression, and his starting of the Social Security system, this aristocratic hostility towards the Democratic Party intensified even more. Thus, in FDR's re-nomination acceptance speech in 1936, he said, "Economic royalists complain that we seek to overthrow the institutions of America. What they really complain of is that we seek to take away their power. Our allegiance to American institutions requires the overthrow of this kind of power. In vain they seek to hide behind the flag and the Constitution." This was a speech that could be given today.

Then, as if to add insult to Protestant aristocratic outrage, the Catholic Democratic President John F. Kennedy finally committed the Democratic Party against the unquestionably bigoted South; and, next, the remarkably progressive Democratic Texan President Lyndon Baines Johnson fatefully sealed this FDR-type Democratic Party, with the Civil Rights Acts, and also Medicare and Medicaid -- all done so as to serve mainly the very same people, the middle class and the poor, whom aristocrats traditionally have wanted instead to be suppressed, if not again enslaved (such as was the case in the Old South). For example, labor unions are routinely suppressed by aristocrats, because such unions challenge "the free market" -- they challenge aristocrats' hired managers, who no longer possess unrestrained control when a labor union is present.

Aristocrats call this "free market" of theirs simply "freedom," meaning actually their own freedom, but also meaning (though never mentioning) the "freedom" of millions of have-nots to suffer unto their graves (via such class-rigidity as prevails especially in the South, and in underdeveloped countries around the world). These financial elite also sometimes call this "free-market" economics "tough love." But no matter what the rationalization -- whether "freedom," or else perhaps "discipline," or even just "order" -- its result for its victims is basically like the Mafia's kiss of death; this is more that type of "love," even when the proponents themselves actually sincerely believe it to be some sort of "love," for the people who are actually suffering from this one-sided "freedom" of the aristocracy.

Republicans are proud of this "freedom," or "discipline," or "tough love": they even sometimes call it "the opportunity society." That's what pervades the South -- the very same region of this country where economic opportunity is actually the very lowest.

However, apparently enough Americans support this Orwellian operation, so that Republicans constitute a major Party, which even includes some of the very same people who suffer from it. This is the only way to explain the continued existence of the Republican Party as being a major political party in the U.S.

Nonetheless, unfortunately, this does not mean that today's Democratic Party is actually in favor of the poor -- the Democratic Party of today just doesn't hate them as Republicans do. The clearest evidence that this is the case came in a different study:

Princeton's Larry M. Bartels posted to the internet in 2002, updated in August 2005, his article, "Economic Inequality and Political Representation [ ]," which examined the votes of U.S. Senators on eight bills; and he found that, "Republicans were about twice as responsive as Democrats to the views of high-income constituents," but that, "There is no evidence of any responsiveness [of Senators] to the views of constituents in the bottom third of the income distribution, even from Democrats." Furthermore, "For Republican senators there is no evidence of responsiveness to middle-income constituents," but only to the views of high-income constituents, and, "Democrats seem to have responded at least as strongly to the views of middle-income constituents as to the views of high-income constituents -- though, once again, there is no evidence of any responsiveness to the views of low-income constituents."

The popular myth has always been promulgated by Republicans saying that Democratic politicians engage in class-warfare against the middle-class, on behalf of the poor; but that's just a blatant lie, whose purpose is to hide the very real class-war, by Republicans, against the middle class, which is being waged successfully on behalf of the rich -- the exact opposite of what Republicans claim.

Furthermore, "Senators seem to have been a good deal more responsive to upper-income constituents when a Republican was in the White House ... than they were with a Democrat in the White House." Perhaps this is the reason, then, why even with a conservative Democratic President such as Obama, today's far-rightwing Republican Party cannot get much of its wish-list filled. Moreover, Bartels found "surprisingly strong and consistent evidence that the biases I have identified in senators' responsiveness to rich and poor constituents are not due to differences between rich and poor constituents in [electoral] turnout, political knowledge, or contacting." In common parlance: Bartels found that ideology alone accounts for this difference.

He also considered the possibility posed by a 1995 study, which had shown that, "citizens in the top quarter of the income distribution ... provided almost three quarters of the total campaign contributions." Could that be the answer -- Senators were simply voting for their contributors? Bartels found that only "two of the eight salient roll call votes [concerning the minimum wage, and abortion]" in his study could reasonably be explained on the basis mainly of campaign contributions; the other six could not.

A pronounced ideological component seems to have been involved in most Senate votes. Republican Senators voted overwhelmingly in favor of the rich, and Democratic Senators voted equally often in favor of the rich and of the middle-class, and only in about one-quarter of the instances could political donations reasonably account for that.

It might also be worth noting that, even today, the purely racist tendency of the aristocracy remains so great that it often is even strong enough to outweigh their greed -- discrimination is practiced even when it's unprofitable [ ] . So: the traditional leftist "explanation" for conservatism (that it's purely based on greed) is false. The understanding that leftists have of rightists is basically the mirror-image of the way Fox "News" characterizes leftists.

This present news report might sound instead somewhat like an op-ed, because the subject here is ideology. However, the scientific studies that are being reported here constitute solid scientific findings, not opinions, and reporting them might come as interesting news to many readers, because our news-media unfortunately tend to be reluctant to report as news even the best scientific findings about ideology. But there is a difference between reporting on ideology, versus applying ideology (which is what an op-ed is supposed to do). This is therefore a news story, which brings together many studies that concern people's ideology. If it happens to surprise anyone, then that would be simply because the major mainstream "news"media's "neutrality" and "nonpartisanship" have required that they avoid reporting such facts as have been reported here. A lot of important facts are unreported for that reason. However, their being unreported has nothing to do with anything being dubious about them.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They're Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010 [ ], and of CHRIST'S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity [ ].

Copyright © 2013, Inc. [with comments]


Most Americans Don't Care What Race Santa Is -- Except For Republicans Who Think He's White
12/20/2013 [with embedded video report, and comments]


Steve McQueen Heckled At New York Film Critics Circle Awards

Steve McQueen was heckled at Monday's New York Film Critics Circle Awards.
Monday night's moving New York Film Critics Circle Awards ceremony was marred when controversial film critic Armond White began heckling "12 Years A Slave" director Steve McQueen from the back of the audience.
After legendary singer Harry Belafonte introduced McQueen with an apparently off-the-cuff speech about the power of film -- citing the controversial "Birth of a Nation" as a movie that influenced riots against African-Americans (a term Belafonte took issue with in its own right), and making an argument that "12 Years a Slave" has that same power, but for a much better use -- a tearful McQueen took the stage to accept his award for Best Director. (The New York Film Critics Circle announced its winners back in December of last year [ ].)
During McQueen's speech, however, the heckling started. White, who slammed "12 Years A Slave" as "torture porn" [ ] in his negative review of the film for CityArts [ ], apparently yelled that McQueen was "an embarrassing doorman and garbage man [ ]." He also added, "F--k you. Kiss my ass."
[...] [with comments]


Ann Coulter Calls Melissa Harris-Perry MSNBC's 'Token' African-American
01/07/2014 [with embedded video, and comments]


New York Pastafarian Christopher Schaeffer Sworn Into Town Council Wearing Colander

01/06/2014 [with comments]; [with comments]


Satanists unveil design for OK statehouse statue

Video [embedded]: This Satan statue may be at state capitol

By Daniel Burke, CNN Belief Blog Co-Editor
January 7th, 2014 10:00 AM ET

(CNN) – Satanists have unveiled their design for a proposed statue at the Oklahoma state Capitol, including a place for people to sit on the devil's lap "for inspiration and contemplation."

The New York-based Satanic Temple submitted its proposal to Oklahoma officials this month after applying for a spot on capitol grounds [ ] late last year. The Satanists say their statue would "complement and contrast" with a Ten Commandments monument placed at the Capitol in Oklahoma City in 2012.

The Satanists' proposed monument depicts Baphomet, a goat-headed pagan idol sitting on a 7-foot-tall throne inscribed with an inverted pentagram. In an artist's rendering provided by the Satanic Temple, smiling children look adoringly at the devilish figure.

"The statue will serve as a beacon calling for compassion and empathy among all living creatures," Lucien Greaves, a spokesman for the Satanic Temple, said in a statement. "The statue will also have a functional purpose as a chair where people of all ages may sit on the lap of Satan for inspiration and contemplation.”

According to its Indiegogo page [ ], the Satanists have raised more than $16,000 toward their goal of $20,000 for the monument, which Greaves said would "be a historical marker commemorating the scapegoats, the marginalized, the demonized minority and the unjustly outcast.”

The Temple of Satan is less a religious body organized around rituals and regular meetings than a roving band of political provocateurs, according to Greaves. They believe Satan is a "literary construct," the spokesman said, not an actual being with horns and hooves.

The proposed statue includes quotations from poets Lord Byron and William Blake.

“Prisons are built with stones of Law, Brothels with bricks of Religion” runs the Blake quotation. The 18th-century poet was a Christian, albeit one with a mystical bent and little use for traditional morality.

The statue's main figure, Baphomet, has long been associated with Satan, Greaves said. In the 12th century, the Knights Templar, a group of Christian crusaders, were accused of worshipping Baphomet their secretive rituals.

"From the mythology created by these accusations against the Templars, we now have a symbol for Satan pictured as a goat-headed beast," Greaves said.

Since the 1960s, a variation of the horned goat head has been the official symbol of the Church of Satan, which is not affiliated with the Temple of Satan. The head of the Church of Satan [ ] has told CNN he does not approve of the idea of a satanist statue on public grounds.

Oklahoma state Rep. Paul Wesselhoft, told CNN that he doesn't think the satanists' statue will be approved.

“What will disqualify them has really nothing to do with Satan as such; it's that it has no historical significance for the state of Oklahoma,” Wesselhoft said.

Trait Thompson, chair of Oklahoma's Capitol Preservation Committee, said he has not received the satanists' proposed design yet. He also said that no applications will considered until a lawsuit over the 10 Commandments monument is settled.

The American Civil Liberties Union has sued over Oklahoma's Ten Commandments monument, calling it an unconstitutional government endorsement of religion.

After news broke of the satanists' proposal, the state was flooded with requests from religious groups seeking to erect monuments to their own faith, including Hindus and Pastafarians, a satirical religion that "worships" the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

A Oklahoma lawmaker told CNN that the satanists' message wouldn't fly in the Bible Belt state, where nearly two-thirds of the population are Christian.

"Any monument displayed on state property should reflect the values of Oklahoma or memorialize those who built or defended our freedom," said Rep. Bob Cleveland on Tuesday. "In my opinion this satanist monument does not met with the values of Oklahomans'."

© 2014 Cable News Network. Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. [with comments]


Satanists Seek Statue On Oklahoma State House Steps

This artist's rendering provided by the Satanic Temple shows a proposed monument that the New York-based Satanic group wants to place at the Oklahoma state Capitol. The statue features a bearded, goat-headed demon sitting in a pentagram-adorned throne with children next to it.
(AP Photo/Satanic Temple)

Posted: 12/06/2013 11:02 am EST | Updated: 01/07/2014 6:49 am EST

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — A satanic group unveiled designs Monday for a 7-foot-tall statue of Satan it wants to put at the Oklahoma state Capitol, where a Ten Commandments monument was placed in 2012.

The New York-based Satanic Temple formally submitted its application to a panel that oversees the Capitol grounds, including an artist's rendering that depicts Satan as Baphomet, a goat-headed figure with horns, wings and a long beard that's often used as a symbol of the occult. In the rendering, Satan is sitting in a pentagram-adorned throne with smiling children next to him.

"The monument has been designed to reflect the views of Satanists in Oklahoma City and beyond," temple spokesman Lucien Greaves said in a statement. "The statue will also have a functional purpose as a chair where people of all ages may sit on the lap of Satan for inspiration and contemplation."

The Satanic Temple maintains that the Oklahoma Legislature's decision to authorize a privately funded Ten Commandments monument at the Capitol opened the door for its statue. The Ten Commandments monument was placed on the north steps of the building in 2012, and the Oklahoma chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union has sued to have it removed.

Similar requests for monuments have been made by a Hindu leader in Nevada, an animal rights group and the satirical Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

In response, the Oklahoma Capitol Preservation Commission recently placed a moratorium on considering any new requests.

"Anybody can still make their request, but we'll hold off on considering them until the lawsuit is adjudicated," commission Chairman Trait Thompson said.

The push by the Satanic Temple has rankled elected leaders in this conservative state known as the buckle of the Bible Belt, who say such a proposal would never be approved by the commission.

"I think you've got to remember where you are. This is Oklahoma, the middle of the heartland," said Rep. Don Armes, R-Faxon. "I think we need to be tolerant of people who think different than us, but this is Oklahoma, and that's not going to fly here."

While Greaves acknowledges the Satanic Temple's effort is in part to highlight what it says is hypocrisy of state leaders in Oklahoma, he says the group is serious about having a monument placed there.

The group already has raised nearly half of the $20,000 it says it needs to build the monument.

"We plan on moving forward one way or another," Greaves said.

Another Oklahoma legislator, Rep. Earl Sears, called the group's effort "an insult to the good people of the state."

"I do not see Satanism as a religion, and they have no place at the state Capitol," said Sears, R-Bartlesville.

On its website, the Satanic Temple explains that it "seeks to separate Religion from Superstition by acknowledging religious belief as a metaphorical framework with which we construct a narrative context for our goals and works.

"Satan stands as the ultimate icon for the selfless revolt against tyranny, free & rational inquiry, and the responsible pursuit of happiness," the website says.

© 2014 Associated Press [with embedded video report, and comments]


What Jesus Says About Homosexuality

12/22/2013 [with (over 5,000) comments]


Does the Bible Say What Phil Robertson Thinks It Says About Homosexuality?

Duck or bear? Phil Robertson and Miss Kay Robertson at the 2012 A&E Networks Upfront.
Dec. 23 2013 [with comments]


What It's Like to be Gay In the State of Duck Dynasty (Hint: It's Very, Very Bad)

By R. Kyle Alagood
Posted: 12/28/2013 1:44 pm

Conservative, religious white people scare me. I live in a constant state of fear.

I'm a law school student in Louisiana. Why? It's cheap. It's also where I grew up and where my family has lived for the past two centuries. The state is full of history, culture, food and nature. For the five years before I moved back to Louisiana in 2012, I had studied for a master's degree in London and worked for a civil rights advocacy group in New York City. I love the city, but I thought it would be good to come down from the ivory tower for a while.

When I left New York, I was empowered and inspired. I really thought change here in Louisiana was possible and should come from within. Being away from the state for five years, however, had softened my perspective.

But it's hard to ignore bigotry in your own backyard. So here I am, halfway through law school, stuck in the state of Duck Dynasty.

I'm absorbing the reaction to Phil Robertson's racist, homophobic rants, and I'm worried. America, you seem to be writing him off as just another racist, homophobic redneck. Maybe for those of us who are living or have lived on the coasts, it's easier to write off bigots as holdovers from days long past than to consider that they are very much products of the present. I'm here to tell you that the rise of gay marriage does not mean the decline of gay hate.

Phil is not just some redneck who got rich and made it on television. He's the rule here in Louisiana, not the exception.

Phil Robertson and like-minded conservative whites believe gays like me are "full of murder [ ], envy, strife, hatred. They are insolent, arrogant, God-haters. They are heartless, they are faithless, they are senseless, they are ruthless."

In truth, we gay Louisianans are full of fear.

Imagine living day-to-day among people who think you are a murderous, hateful, ruthless villain. Now, imagine that life in a state with firearms in every other home [ ], the highest rate of homicide [ ] using those firearms, and virtually no gun laws [ ]. All those guns are owned by people who got upset [ ] when they learned the state is only in the top quarter [ ] of all states when ranked by levels of alcohol consumption. Needless to say, Louisiana is a pressure cooker. Just speaking out about gay rights in Louisiana makes one a target [ ] for hate crimes. The mix of guns, hate and alcohol all but guarantee a tragic outcome.

It's not just the bigoted public we fear down here. It's the government too.

Imagine living in what you thought was a relatively modern city, except in 2012, the sheriff's office operated undercover sting operations in public parks to enforce a gay sex ban long-ago struck down [ ] by the United States Supreme Court.

What follows is not a bad movie pitch. Sadly, it happened more than a dozen times [ ] from 2011 to 2013 in East Baton Rouge Parish, home to Louisiana's capital, two major universities, and the law school I attend.

An undercover male deputy stakes out a public park at 10 a.m. An old man pulls in and they start talking, then carry the conversation to a picnic table at the park. The undercover cop suggests the two go back to his place for "some drinks and some fun," and the old man agrees. The two never discuss or exchange money. It's the same scenario that plays out at bars in every college town in America. But here, when the old man gets to the apartment with the undercover cop, he's welcomed with handcuffs for a single count of attempted crime against nature.

In the state of Duck Dynasty, it is illegal [ ] to engage in "unnatural carnal copulation by a human being with another of the same sex or opposite sex." Here, sheriffs say they are "charged with enforcing the laws passed by our Louisiana Legislature [ ]," even if those laws are unconstitutional in the United States of America. If you want to have gay sex without the fear of being arrested, you should probably head north to Arkansas [ ].

The dozen men who were arrested in East Baton Rouge Parish were never prosecuted, because the District Attorney's office could find no real crimes the men committed. But according to the District Attorney himself, "The Sheriff's Office's intentions are all good." Never mind that when the Supreme Court struck down anti-sodomy laws in 2003, one of its concerns was that arresting gay people for their sexual conduct was "state-sponsored condemnation," and that in the United States, government cannot "demean [gays'] existence or control their destiny by making their private sexual conduct a crime."

Maybe John Edwards is right. Maybe there are two Americas [ ]. In one of them, simply living as a gay man is illegal; in much of the other, I can marry another man. My plea is that we not simply write off Phil Robertson as a backward redneck. What's much harder but necessary is working to coax the state of Duck Dynasty back into the United States.

It's scary in here, but for now, I put on my brave face, because they can smell fear. If I stand really still, don't open my mouth, and am wearing some butch clothes, they may not even know I'm gay. I hope to see the day when they won't care. Help me get us there.

On second thought, maybe I should have gone to law school at the University of Michigan after all.

Copyright © 2013, Inc [with comments]


Openly Gay Men Behind Bars Are Told We Deserve What We Get -- But Nobody Deserves This

By Rodney Smith
Currently serving an eight-year sentence at a Louisiana prison
Posted: 12/26/2013 11:34 am

Life behind bars can be a terrifying experience for anyone. For a person who is openly gay, it is often pure hell.

I won't ever forget my first 24 hours in jail. I can block out the faces of the men who sexually assaulted me, but I'm still haunted by what they did. The attack happened in a communal cell that held about 50 other people. I had tried to avoid being noticed at all. I found a quiet corner of the cell and sat down, hoping to become invisible. That didn't work. Two men approached me, and when I tried to stand up, one of them stood over me and shoved me back down. He said, "You ain't fighting back, is you sweetness?" I was terrified.

My ordeal took place almost a decade ago, at a facility in my home state of Louisiana. I had been picked up for check fraud. I was a scrawny 23-year-old, and it was my first time in jail. These factors made me vulnerable to abuse, but what really made me a target was that I was openly gay. After that first assault, word about my sexual orientation quickly spread in the jail. I was marked as fair game for more abuse. My attackers made it clear that if I tried to resist, they would kill me.

The staff at the facility could have protected me. They could have recognized that I was at risk, and that I should never have been placed in a crowded cell with men who were predators. Instead, they did nothing. Predictably, things only got worse. On my fourth day in the jail, one of my rapists informed me that he had sold me to another inmate for $20.

This was, in a word, enslavement. My body no longer belonged to me, but to someone else -- to my "husband," a rapist who totally controlled my life with the constant threat of violence. I was raped repeatedly. If he had gambling debts, he used me to pay them off. If he wanted sex, he used me for that. The constant abuse and degradation robbed me of my dignity, and, a decade later, I'm still fighting to get it back.

A few years after my release from jail, I got in trouble with the law again. This time, the fraud conviction resulted in an eight-year prison sentence. Just as before, I became a target. When I tried to file a report, an official told me that I deserved it. At the time, I might have even believed him. My self worth was gone, and I spent a lot of time hating myself. There were moments when I wondered if I should have fought back harder. But at the time, I was too petrified to fight, and too embarrassed to ask for help. My life was shattered -- and all because I forged a check.

But there is much more to my story than just hopelessness and despair. In recent months, I've taken steps on the path to healing. Last year, Just Detention International [ ] helped link me up with groups that provide services to survivors like me. JDI and these advocates also encouraged me to write about my story, which I've found helpful and cathartic. I also received twenty holiday cards last year from compassionate people on the outside. Those messages, all of them from people I didn't know, gave me a sense of hope and a faith in humanity I hadn't felt in years.

I have a long way to go before I can feel whole again. Even though I'm now in a facility where I am relatively safe, I often feel a deep anxiety and dread. I have flashbacks and nightmares regularly. It's also painful for me to think about all the other inmates who have to go through what I did, many of them also LGBT people.

Prisoner rape is a gay rights issue. A recent government survey found that roughly 40 percent of gay former state prisoners were sexually abused by another inmate. That number doesn't even include gay men who were assaulted by staff, or inmates who were too afraid to report, even anonymously. It can be hard to speak out when your rapist threatens you with a knife -- especially when no one on staff believes you or even cares.

My experience is depressingly common, but the treatment of inmates is a largely hidden problem. I hope that by telling my story, it can open a few eyes to the horrors of sexual abuse in detention. Even better, I hope that it will help end the crisis of prisoner rape, so no one else has a story like mine to tell.

Copyright © 2013, Inc. [with comments]


Private Prison Taken Over By State After Years Of Horrifying Allegations

Getty Images

01/03/14 12:00 PM ET EST

BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Idaho's governor says the corrections department will take over operation of the largest privately-run prison in the state after more than a decade of mismanagement and other problems at the facility.

Nashville, Tenn.-based Corrections Corporation of America has contracted with the state to run the prison since it was built in 1997. Taxpayers currently pay CCA $29 million per year to operate the 2080-bed prison south of Boise.

Gov. C.L. "Butch" Otter made the announcement Friday at a preview of the upcoming legislative session.

For years, Otter has been a champion of privatizing certain sectors of government, including prisons.

In 2008, he floated legislation to change state laws to allow private companies to build and operate prisons in Idaho and import out-of-state inmates. In 2008, he suggested privatizing the 500-bed state-run Idaho Correctional Institution-Orofino.

The CCA prison has been the subject of multiple lawsuits alleging rampant violence, understaffing, gang activity and contract fraud by CCA.

CCA acknowledged last year that falsified staffing reports were given to the state showing thousands of hours were staffed by CCA workers when the positions were actually vacant. And the Idaho State Police is investigating the operation of the facility for possible criminal activity.

A federal judge also has held CCA in contempt of court for failing to abide by the terms of a settlement agreement reached with inmates in a lawsuit claiming high rates of violence and chronic understaffing at the prison.

Meanwhile, Idaho prison officials, led by IDOC Director Brent Reinke, have lobbied to allow the agency to put together its own proposal and cost analysis for running the prison. Each time, however, Reinke and his staff have been rebuffed by the state Board of Correction.

Recently, Board Chairwoman Robin Sandy said she opposed the idea because she didn't want to grow state government.

© 2014 Associated Press [with comments] [also at (with comments)]


Idaho to take over operation of scandal-plagued, privately run prison

FILE - In this June 15, 2010 file photo, the Idaho Correctional Center is shown south of Boise, Idaho.
Charlie Litchfield photo

Betsy Z. Russell
January 3, 2014

Idaho Gov. Butch Otter said this morning he’s ordering the state to stop soliciting bids from private companies to run the Idaho Correctional Center and instead have the state take over operation of the scandal-plagued prison.

The state prison south of Boise had been run by the Corrections Corp. of America, the nation’s largest private prison operator, but that company already had announced that it would leave Idaho and not bid on another contract to run the ICC.

The prison has been the target of multiple lawsuits over inmate violence and was nicknamed the “Gladiator School.”

Corrections Corp. of America also was found to be under-staffing the prison.

The second-largest private prison operator in the nation, GEO Group, has said it isn’t interested in running the Idaho prison.

Otter said this morning at the AP Legislative Preview that he views the move toward state control of the prison as disappointing.

“It’s disappointing because I am a champion of privatization,” Otter told reporters.

But he said the move is “necessary” and “the right thing to do.”

He added, “Is it the desirable thing to do for me? Not necessarily, because we had better hopes for outcomes in privatization.”

Otter said the state will move to take over operations at the prison by June 30.

© Copyright 2014, The Spokesman-Review [with comments]


Finding God in Maximum Security Prison

Inmates baptized in a laundry cart filled with water, Minnesota Correction Facility, Stillwater, Minn.
Jan. 3 2014 [with comments]


Life Under Russia’s ‘Gay Propaganda’ Ban

Sébastien Thibault

Published: December 27, 2013

The Russian port city Arkhangelsk (population 350,000) is on the White Sea, 1,230 kilometers north of Moscow. A key Allied supply line to the Soviets in both world wars, it was also the departure point for the first Soviet gulag. The city is a paradox: inaccessible for most of the year, but historically a point of contact between Russia and the world. Still, it is grim, and visiting it gives a glimpse of what Soviet deprivation must have felt like. The lumber industry that once supported the city all but collapsed in the post-Communist era.

Recently, as a blizzard whipped through the city, I met a 22-year-old bus conductor named Varya. Her hair style was Gothic, shaved on top and hanging on her shoulder in a crimson curtain. She had a toddler, and lived with her girlfriend and her girlfriend’s daughter in the kind of family arrangement that some lawmakers allied with President Vladimir V. Putin want to eradicate. They have put forward a proposal — shelved for now — that would let the government remove children from homosexual parents.

Most of her friends are unemployed, Varya told me, and she felt lucky to have a job. She showed me a sticker she had found on her route that morning: “Stamp out faggots,” it read, depicting a jackboot squashing the head of a pink-haired youth. “It’s the neo-Nazis,” she told me. “The stickers are everywhere. They can do what they want because they know the authorities will not stop them.”

Six months ago, Russia adopted a nationwide ban on “propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations,” which makes it a crime to so much as mention homosexuality around minors. The ban was piloted in two provinces: Ryazan, southeast of Moscow, in 2006, and then Arkhangelsk, in the north, in 2011.

There have been only a few prosecutions, but the law has begun to bite in other ways. In Arkhangelsk, it has been used to refuse authorization of street demonstrations. And the father of Varya’s child, heretofore absent, had begun using it to threaten a custody case. Varya contacted Rakurs, the city’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender advocacy organization, and after they sent a letter, the man backed off. “But something else will happen,” she told me. “We know we are vulnerable.”

There are many reasons for Russia’s dramatic tilt toward homophobia. The country has always sought to define itself against the West. Now the Kremlin and the nationalist far right are finding common ground in their view of homosexuality as a sign of encroaching decadence in a globalized era.

Many Russians feel they can steady themselves against this cultural tsunami by laying claim to “traditional values,” of which rejection of homosexuality is the easiest shorthand. This message plays particularly well for a government wishing to mobilize against demographic decline (childless homosexuals are evil) and cozy up to the Russian Orthodox Church (homosexuals with children are evil).

Yet one often ignored cause for this homophobic surge is perhaps the most obvious: backlash. Whatever else it is, Russian homophobia is a direct, even violent, reaction to the space created by a minority that has only come into the open over the last decade.

This is certainly the case in Arkhangelsk, where Rakurs was denied registration as a nonprofit organization in 2010 on the grounds that it promoted “extremism.” Rakurs managed to get this judgment overturned, but soon after, the “gay propaganda” ban was passed.

“The law was clearly designed to limit our activities,” Tatiana Vinnichenko, the director of Rakurs, told me. “And in many ways it has succeeded. We cannot hold protests of more than one person. And any attempts to help young people are stifled.”

Ms. Vinnichenko, a 40-year-old professor of Russian language at the local university, is undeterred. She showed me the community center she has established. I had expected to be led to a basement on the edge of town. Instead, I found myself on an upper floor of a tall building in the middle of Lenin Square, the statue of the Soviet leader gesticulating across the river port and the snowy woodlands. City Hall was on one side, the State Duma on the other. Rakurs (the name means “Perspective”) might be on the defensive, but no one can say it has been marginalized — yet.

At Rakurs, I met with the resident psychologist and lawyer, an openly bisexual woman who had run for municipal office, and a sailor and his wife who were trying to start a support group for parents of lesbian and gay kids.

I also met Varya’s friends: Vadim, who planned to leave for Moscow to begin the process of becoming a woman, and Sergei, who recently held a spontaneous one-man protest, yelling “Arrest me! I am propaganda!” to a passing patrol car. The police officers obliged, but decided to charge him only with littering. They seemed more interested, he said, in his involvement in the alt-music scene, or nefor (“neformaly” means “alternative”), than in his sexuality.

Varya, Vadim and Sergei had met through the music scene a few years earlier. They would gather at a local graveyard. “It was the only place where nobody bothered you,” Vadim explained. Flipping through their timelines on VKontakte, a social-networking site, they showed me photos of themselves with dramatic goth hair and makeup and androgynous black clothing. The alt-music scene made space for kids who felt different, which is why so many “L.G.B.T.’s” — the acronym has become part of the Russian vernacular— were attracted to it.

Later, in Moscow, I met a young blogger who called himself Harry. He was part of the alt-music scene in the capital, and had found other queer kids in online communities who shared an interest in Japanese animation. “We didn’t even know the words ‘gay’ or ‘lesbian,”’ he told me. “We used Japanese anime terms to describe ourselves: ‘yaoi’ for homosexual men, ‘yuri’ for homosexual women. There were hundreds of us!”

Once the propaganda laws came into force, “I sent out a message calling for the establishment of an L.G.B.T. youth group,” Harry said. Between 20 and 50 kids met regularly last summer, in a park where many nefor groups hung out. Harry’s group started flash mob actions: On Valentine’s Day, for example, they gathered on historic Arbat Street and handed out messages with same-sex themes.

An online initiative called “Deti-404,” or “Children 404” (“404” being the error code that appears when a web page can’t be found), gathers testimonies from queer youth all over Russia — precisely the minors the propaganda ban is meant to protect. The accounts of these isolated kids are harrowing. But, like Harry’s activism, they are shot through with such purpose that they suggest an inevitable dynamic: Even as the rise of a queer rights movement provokes a backlash, the backlash undermines itself — by strengthening the resolve of the movement and by publicizing (even if through hate) the existence of a group of people who were so long invisible.

“The government tells us that Russians are homophobic,” Ms. Vinnichenko told me, “but our experience is that this is really a small minority. Arkhangelsk is a tolerant city. But of course the state’s actions can have the effect of rendering it less tolerant.”

While the state-controlled national media is relentlessly hostile, Rakurs has found some unexpected support in the local press.

Ms. Vinnichenko introduced me to a journalist, Aleksey Filatov, who has been covering Rakurs for a local news website. He saw no reason the issue should not be covered “objectively, just like any other subject.” He added: “Whatever one’s personal feelings, one must acknowledge that the world is changing.”

Everyone I met at Rakurs was emphatic that Western activism on their behalf should be escalated before the Winter Olympics start in February in Sochi, if only to shine a light on their predicament. Still, actions like mass boycotts against vodka or Coca-Cola (an Olympic sponsor) carry a double edge: They reinforce the official line that lesbian and gay rights are an obsession of the decadent, commercialized West, from which Russian values must be protected.

There is only one way out of this bind: for Russians themselves to speak out in support of the rights of sexual minorities. What is most inspiring about groups like Rakurs, in far-flung communities like Arkhangelsk, is the counterpoint they give, by their very existence, to the official narrative that homosexuals are dangerous outsiders or, worse, child molesters.

In Arkhangelsk, Varya and her friends have graduated from the alt-music scene. “We’re adults now,” she said. “We have kids, we have jobs.”

She held up the hateful sticker she had found on the bus, and kept: “And we have this to fight.”

Mark Gevisser [ ], a journalist and a fellow of the Open Society Foundations [ ], is studying the new global debate about gender and sexuality. He is the author of the forthcoming book “Lost and Found in Johannesburg [ ].”

© 2013 The New York Times Company [ ] [with comments]


Glenn Beck Claims He Will 'Stand With GLAAD' Against Russia's 'Hetero-Fascism'

By James Nichols
Posted: 01/02/2014 12:33 pm EST | Updated: 01/03/2014 10:53 am EST

Glenn Beck sat down with S.E. Cupp on CNN this week for an hour-long discussion, in which he made some pretty impressive and uncharacteristic [ ] claims about the state of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community in Russia [ (next below; with comments) (also at {with comments}, {with comments}, and {no comments yet} {the interview clearly dating back to on or before 12/19/13, the date the last two of the YouTubes were posted)].

The conservative talking head opened his comments by openly criticizing the media's attention to Fox News' Megyn Kelly's statement about Santa Claus' race [ ], as well as "Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson's anti-gay comments [ ] in his GQ profile. His logic? The media should be focusing their attention elsewhere, such as the extreme climate of fear and violence plaguing LGBT Russians.

"Do you know what happened last week in Russia?" asked Beck [ ]. "One of their biggest stars on television said that homosexuals should be put into the ovens alive. I didn’t think you could make the Holocaust worse but he’s like 'Why the gas chamber? That seems a little too humane. Let’s put them alive in the ovens.'"

While it might benefit Beck to know that media outlets have been rigorously covering the anti-LGBT sentiment plaguing LGBT Russians [ ] since last summer (just maybe not Fox News [ ]...), the most interesting tidbit from this interview stems from Beck's use of the term "hetero-fascism" -- and his statement of solidarity with LGBT advocacy group GLAAD.

“I said on the air this week, I will stand with GLAAD," continued Beck [ ]. "I will stand with anybody who will stand up and say that’s crazy. That’s dangerous. That’s hetero-fascism. That’s what that is. And we’re talking about Duck Dynasty. Really? Really?”

Glenn Beck is one of many prominent celebrities and media elite to speak out against Russia's anti-gay legislation. Other prominent figures to take a stand include Cher [ ], Lady Gaga [ ], Elton John [ ] and Tilda Swinton [ ], among others.

Copyright © 2014, Inc. [with (separate) embedded video report, and comments]


Joseph Smith and the Foundation of Mormonism [with comments]


Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Law Punishes Gays With Life Imprisonment

Posted: 12/20/2013 5:59 am EST | Updated: 12/20/2013 2:13 pm EST

KAMPALA, Uganda (AP) — Ugandan lawmakers on Friday passed an anti-gay bill that calls for life imprisonment for certain homosexual acts, drawing criticism from rights campaigners who called it "the worst in the world."

The legislations sets life imprisonment as the penalty for gay sex involving an HIV-infected person, acts with minors and the disabled, as well as repeated sex offenses among consenting adults, according to the office of a spokeswoman for Uganda's parliament.

The bill also prescribes a seven-year jail term for a person who "conducts a marriage ceremony" for same-sex couples.

When the bill was first introduced in 2009, it was widely condemned for including the death penalty, but that was removed from the revised version passed by parliament.

President Yoweri Museveni must sign the bill within 30 days for it to become law. Although in the past he spoke disparagingly of gays, in recent times Museveni has softened his position, saying he is only opposed to gays who appear to "promote" themselves.

"In our society there were a few homosexuals," Museveni said in March. "There was no persecution, no killings and no marginalization of these people but they were regarded as deviants. Sex among Africans, including heterosexuals, is confidential. If I am to kiss my wife in public, I would lose an election in Uganda."

The passage of the bill makes it "a truly terrifying day for human rights in Uganda," said Frank Mugisha, a prominent Ugandan gay activist, who called the legislation "the worst in the world." He urged the country's president not to sign it into law.

"It will open a new era of fear and persecution," he said. "If this law is signed by President Museveni, I'd be thrown in jail for life and in all likelihood killed."

The bill was denounced by rights groups in the United States.

The bill targets gays "with brutal persecution and is one of the worst human rights violations of our time," said Ross Murray, director of news for the American activist group, GLAAD. Murray said U.S. evangelical preachers and groups "created this travesty of justice, and it is now up to fair-minded Americans to speak out for the very lives of LGBT people in Uganda."

Human Rights First called on U.S. President Barack Obama to press Museveni not to sign the bill into law.

Homosexuality was already illegal in Uganda under a colonial-era law that criminalized sexual acts "against the order of nature," but the Ugandan lawmaker who wrote the new legislation argued that tougher legislation was needed because homosexuals from the West threatened to destroy Ugandan families and were allegedly "recruiting" Ugandan children into gay lifestyles.

Ugandan gays disputed this account, saying that Ugandan political and religious leaders had come under the influence of American evangelicals who wanted to spread their anti-gay campaign in Africa. Ugandan gays singled out Scott Lively, a Massachusetts evangelical, and sued him in March 2012 under the Alien Tort Statute that allows non-citizens to file suit in the United States if there is an alleged violation of international law. Rejecting Lively's request to dismiss the lawsuit, a federal judge ruled in August the case could proceed, saying systematic persecution on the basis of sexual orientation violates international norms.

Lively denied he wanted severe punishment for gays, and has previously told The Associated Press he never advocated violence against gays but advised therapy for them.

Ugandan gays had believed progress was being made to strengthen their rights in a country where prejudice against homosexuals is rampant. In 2012 they held their first gay pride parade and have sometimes joined street marches in support of all human rights.

Despite criticism of the anti-gay legislation abroad, it is highly popular among Ugandans who say the country has the right to pass laws that protect its children.

Amid international criticism, the bill was repeatedly shelved despite the protests of Ugandan lawmakers. Days before Christmas last year, the speaker of Uganda's parliament, Rebecca Kadaga, said the anti-gay legislation would be passed as a "Christmas gift" to Ugandans. She presided over the session Friday that passed the bill despite opposition from Ugandan Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi, who wanted the vote delayed.

David Bahati, the lawmaker who wrote the bill, said in a Facebook update Friday that the legislation was necessary "to defend our culture and to defend the future of our children."

When the bill was first proposed, Obama called it "odious."

Maria Burnett, a senior Africa researcher with Human Rights Watch, said the bill passed Friday is "still appalling" despite some amendments.

Homosexuality remains a taboo subject across many parts of Africa. Some 38 African countries — about 70 percent of the continent — criminalize homosexual activity, Amnesty International said in a report released earlier this year.

The rights group said of the new Ugandan law that it "would significantly hamper the work of human rights defenders and others who find themselves in conflict with the law merely by carrying out their legitimate activities."

© 2013 Associated Press [with embedded video report, and comments]


Bobby 'Stop being the stupid party' Jindal defends Duck Dynasty star because Miley Cyrus
Dec 19, 2013 [with embedded video, and comments]


More than Half of Louisiana Duck Dynasty Fans Support Legal Status for Gay Couples
Dec 23, 2013 [with embedded video, and comments]


Duck Dynasty star ‘sounds like Pope Francis’: Newt Gingrich joins conservative army backing Phil Robertson

Newt Gingrich, left, has compared Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson to Pope Francis.
December 20, 2013 [no comments yet]


Sarah Palin Admits She Defended Phil Robertson's Anti-Gay Remarks Before Even Reading Them
12/27/2013 [with embedded video report, and comments]


Log Cabin Republicans Suggest Holding 'Moonshine Summit' With Duck Dynasty Family

From left, Willie Robertson, Korie Robertson, Phil Robertson, Miss Kay Robertson and Si Robertson
12/21/2013 [with comments]


‘I will not back off my path’: Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson stands by his anti-gay remarks

Phil Robertson, centre, and his Duck Dynasty clan.
December 23, 2013 [with comments]


RuPaul Voted 'Best Reality Host' in TV.Com Poll

01/03/2014 [with comments]


Federal Judge Rules That Same-Sex Marriage Is Legal in Utah

Kody Partridge, left, and Laurie Wood earlier this month. The couple filed suit against Utah’s ban on same-sex marriage.
December 20, 2013
Salt Lake County began issuing marriage licenses to jubilant same-sex couples on Friday, hours after a federal judge ruled [ ] that Utah’s amendment barring same-sex marriage violated the United States Constitution.
The decision, by Judge Robert J. Shelby of United States District Court, ordered Utah to immediately cease enforcement of its laws restricting marriage to a man and a woman. Gov. Gary R. Herbert condemned the decision and said he was trying to determine “the best course to defend traditional marriage within the borders of Utah.”
The attorney general said the state would request a stay of the order pending an appeal.
Dahnelle Burton-Lee, chief deputy clerk for Salt Lake County, said she was called back from vacation to deal with the crowds that showed up as news of the decision spread. “We’re pretty slammed right now,” she said, with some 15 couples waiting for their licenses. “And they keep walking in the door.”
She said that the district attorney had authorized her office to proceed “until or unless we’re told otherwise.”
Seth Anderson of Salt Lake City posted progress reports on Twitter, with pictures of his license and the wedding certificate as he and his partner, Michael Adam Ferguson, married.
“Me and my new husband!!” he wrote [ ]. “My polygamous Mormon great grandparents would be so proud!”


Utah Gay Weddings Begin Right After Judge Overturns Same-Sex Marriage Ban

12/21/13 [with comments]


Trestin Meacham, Utah Man, On Hunger Strike To Halt Gay Marriage

By James Nichols
Posted: 01/03/2014 1:22 pm EST | Updated: 01/03/2014 2:19 pm EST

It seems like things may have reached a whole new level of crazy in Utah.

Trestin Meacham, a 35-year-old Utah man, is allegedly refusing to eat anything until the state nullifies its recent decision to allow same-sex couples to get married [ ].

At the time the above video was released, Meacham had reportedly gone 12 days without food -- surviving only on water and an occasional vitamin -- and has lost 25 pounds.

“I cannot stand by and do nothing while this evil takes root in my home," the 35-year-old reportedly wrote on his blog [ ; ]. "Some things in life are worth sacrificing one’s health and even life if necessary. I am but a man, and do not have the money and power to make any noticeable influence in our corrupt system. Nevertheless, I can do something that people in power cannot ignore."

Meacham claims he will fast until Utah decides to nullify the court's decision -- nullification being a theory that the states have authority in all matters [ ], not the federal government. It is a theory that has reportedly been used previously in an attempt to prevent integration [ ; ] in the public school system in the 1950s.

Greg Skordas, an attorney interviewed by 4Utah [ ], reportedly stated that nullification is not an appropriate theory in the case of same-sex marriage in Utah. "If people want to change that they have to go through the appropriate processes," he stated. "When individual personal liberties are at stake the state can't infringe on that, even if it's the will of the people."

This isn't the first time that extreme anti-gay demonstrations have taken place in protest of a state's decision to legalize same-sex marriage. In late November, Illinois Bishop Thomas John Paprocki held an exorcism at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception "in reparation" [ (and see {linked in} and preceding and following, and preceding and following)] for the state's decision to extend marriage rights to same-sex couples.

Copyright © 2014, Inc. [with (the referenced) embedded video report, and comments] [note, turns out this guy's full of shit -- has been eating pizzas folks have been sending him, recently complained he wished folks would send more]


Supreme Court Puts Gay Marriage On Hold In Utah
01/06/14 [with embedded video report, and (approaching 4,000) comments]


Mark Zmuda, Gay Vice Principal At Washington Catholic School, Forced To Resign After Marrying Partner
12/20/2013 [with embedded video report, and comments]


Pope Francis 'Shocked' By Gay Adoption Bill: Report

Pope Francis prays in front of the statue of the Immaculate Conception at Spanish Steps on December 8, 2013 in Rome, Italy.
Getty Images

By Alana Horowitz
Posted: 12/29/2013 3:48 pm EST | Updated: 12/30/2013 11:05 am EST

Pope Francis reportedly was "shocked" [ ] by a bill that would allow gay couples to adopt children in Malta.

Maltese Bishop Charles Scicluna told the Times Of Malta [id.] that he spoke with Pope Francis about the bill and the pope encouraged him to speak out against it.

The Holy See's reaction may come as a surprise to those who have viewed him as progressive on gay rights. LGBT magazine "The Advocate" [ ] even named him their person of the year, citing his comments about homosexuals. "Who am I to judge a gay person of goodwill who seeks the Lord?" he told reporters [ ] in Italian in July.

Despite his July comments, the pope has a long history of being against gay rights. He has come out [ ] strongly opposed to same-sex marriage and called it "a destructive attack" on God's plan [ ].

Lawmakers in Malta introduced a bill [ ] this fall to allow civil unions and same-sex adoptions. The legislature is expected to continue debating the proposed law in the new year [ ].

(h/t The Telegraph [ ])

Copyright © 2013, Inc. [with embedded video report, and comments]


Golden Globes week: Actor Steve Coogan responds to criticism 'Philomena' is anti-Catholic

Bideo [embedded]: Actor responds to 'Philomena' criticism

Posted by Jake Tapper, Jessica Metzger, Sherisse Pham
January 6th, 2014 06:07 PM ET

(CNN) – "Philomena" is a movie earning Oscar and Golden Globes buzz. Based on the true story of Philomena Lee, the film stars Judi Dench as an Irish woman who spends nearly 50 years searching for a son she had to give up when he was just a toddler, and she an unwed teenager. Catholic nuns took the boy and had him adopted in the United States – a common practice in Ireland at the time – and then refused to help Philomena re-connect with her son. She crosses paths with a journalist who decides to document her story, played by actor Steve Coogan.

"Philomena" is nominated for three Golden Globes, including one for best screenplay - which would go to producer, writer, and co-star Steve Coogan. And while the movie has been well received, it has also been widely criticized.

"The film doesn't mention that in 1952 Ireland, both mother and child’s life would have been utterly ruined by an out-of-wedlock birth and that the nuns are actually giving both a chance at a fresh start that both indeed, in real life, enjoyed. No, this is a diabolical-Catholics film, straight up.," critic Kyle Smith wrote in the New York Post [ ].

"But the reason they were ostracized, the reason they were castigated by their families, was because of the very church that (Smith) claims were there to look after them," Coogan said in response, during an interview with CNN's "The Lead with Jake Tapper."

"The church may have been part of the solution, as well as part of the problem ... because of distorted Catholic dogma," said Coogan.

The ending of the movie also portrays faith in Catholicism rather positively. Philomena "dignifies her own faith, she forgives the perpetrators of this misdemeanor against her," said Coogan.

There is also criticism abroad, and anger that the the Catholic Church was allowed to take over the adoption process.

The film lets the Irish government off the hook and "the scandal is present day because there has been no accountability, no inquiry and no one paying their dues to what was done to these mothers and their babies," says Mannix Flynn, a Dublin city councillor.

"If you're getting it in the neck from both sides, then you must be doing something right," said Coogan.

The criticism is valid, but a movie can only tell so much of the story, and there was no time to go into all the political details, says Coogan. The movie was also a personal story.

"What we didn't want to do is get into the whole idea of finger-wagging from the present-day against misdeeds of the past," said Coogan.

Coogan identifies as an atheist, but was raised Catholic – his parents fostered children from the Catholic Children's Rescue Society, and the actor went to Catholic high school.

Coogan said he had a mostly good experience growing up, and a good education. He doesn't focus on criticism identifying the film as anti-Catholic.

"I do have issues with the Catholic Church, but I do recognize that we can learn from religion, even the secular people ... really nobody has a monopoly on wisdom," says Coogan.

"It was important that although there are criticisms leveled at the institution of the church, that people of simple faith are dignified in the movie," said Coogan.

© 2014 Cable News Network. Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. [no comments yet]


Lockheed Martin Halts Boy Scouts Donations Over Organization's Ban On Gay Scout Leaders

12/19/2013 [with comments]


Tail Life USA formed after Boy Scouts gay ban lifted

Frances Boersma prays at the start of a general parent meeting at Malabar Baptist Church. Local parents started a chapter of Tail Life USA, a national non-profit organization which focuses on faith-based values. Tail Life USA is an alternative to the Boy Scouts of America who made the landmark decision to allow openly gay scouts.
Caroline Perez, FLORIDA TODAY

Brian Cherry, left, receives an agenda handout from Michael Irvin during a general parent meeting at Malabar Baptist Church. Irvin is a member of a local chapter of Tail Life USA, a national non-profit organization which focuses on faith-based values.
Caroline Perez, FLORIDA TODAY

Local parents, pictured in a general parent meeting, started a chapter of Tail Life USA, a national non-profit organization which focuses on faith-based values. Tail Life USA is an alternative to the Boy Scouts of America who made the landmark decision to allow openly gay scouts.
Caroline Perez, FLORIDA TODAY

Troopmaster Paul Goetsch wears a shirt with the motto of Tail Life USA, a national non-profit organization which focuses on faith-based values.
Caroline Perez, FLORIDA TODAY

Group leaders cite faith, family

Written by J.D. Gallop
Jan. 5, 2014

MALABAR — Kenneth Bukowski and several boys gathered outdoors on New Year’s Eve, gleefully striking up a campfire in the crisp evening air and watching a few fireworks on what would be their last night as Boy Scouts in Pack 37.

It was a symbolic moment of transition from the oversight of the nation’s largest youth organization to Tail Life USA. The upstart, Biblically based group promises a new journey of faith and values for boys whose parents were put off by the Boy Scouts of America’s decision last year to lift its ban on openly gay scouts. The policy change went into effect Jan. 1.

“We were disappointed by what the Boy Scouts did, but we didn’t give up,” said Bukowski, who began organizing the local Tail Life troop in September with 18 boys and their parents in south Brevard.

“These are issues that boys shouldn’t have to deal with. There should be a focus on camping, outdoors skills, not homosexuality or politics. As Christians, we have to stand our ground,” said Bukowski, a deacon at the First Baptist Church of Malabar where the new troupe is being supported by families from various congregations.

Delegates to the Boy Scouts’ National Council, the body that oversees the organization’s 2.7 million-members and its adult volunteers, made the landmark decision to allow openly gay scouts last year following pressure from advocacy groups.

The new policy was met with praise from gay rights activists across the nation but faced withering criticism and even prompted threats of departure from the organization by religious leaders across the United States.

In Brevard County, some parents of scouts welcomed the policy change. Others saw it as too intrusive and inappropriate a social issue for children and teens. And while the policy change deals only with members, some parents are concerned the next domino to fall will be allowing gays to openly serve as leaders in the 112-year-old organization.

“Our faith and our family is very important,” said 43-year-old Danielle Sutton, mother of three boys and a member of Calvary Chapel in Melbourne. “We were very excited to learn that there was going to be a scouting group that is Christ-centered.”

For her, that meant a troop falling in line with scriptures that forbid homosexuality, she said.

So far the Malabar group is the only reported exodus from the Boy Scouts program, although a group of parents in the Viera area is also exploring the formation of a new troop under the Tail Life USA banner.

The cost for a boy to join the Tail Life program, which includes camping, leadership training and studies of Bible-based morals, is roughly $100, along with additional expenses covered by fund raising, Bukowski said.

“We’re not anti-Boy Scouts, we’re not anti-homosexual,” he said. But he and other parents want their children to learn scouting with others who share their values and beliefs.

“We’ve also gotten inquiries from parents as far as Titusville,” Bukowski said.

Bill Gosselin, director of Operations for the Central Florida Council, Boy Scouts of America, said the impact of the policy change is not immediately discernible.

“We are in the middle of our annual rechartering, and after we get through with that we’ll have a better gauge of how many groups we lost because of the policy change,” Gosselin said. “We have 766 scouting units, packs and crews in the seven-county area, and out of those we are aware of six of those that are leaving the scouting program,” he said. Those groups are moving to form their own organizations.

Gosselin also offered a reassurance to parents that the Boy Scouts plan to continue a focus on youth training and will not be delving into the topic of sexuality with its members.

“We’ve been talking with parents and walking them through the policy change statement and making sure that they understand that scouting is not the place for discussions of sexuality. They should feel at ease,” he said.

Those assurances, however, offer little comfort for Robert Boersma, the father of two Cub Scouts, ages 8 and 10.

“It’s just inappropriate. The Boy Scouts is going away from God’s word. But really our country has been going morally downhill for a while. In the 1960s, it was removing prayer from school, in the ’70s, it was abortion,” said Boersma, now a volunteer with Tail Life.

“Because of this I’ve already talked with my 10-year-old about homosexuality. ... Honestly, I would have liked to have avoided that conversation until he was older.”

Zach Wahls, an adult scout from Iowa who was raised by lesbian parents and who became one of the more visible national proponents for change in the Boy Scouts, said the goal is more inclusion.

“No one is trying to remove Baptists, conservatives, Catholics or Mormons from the program. They are the ones trying to remove people,” Wahls said.

“As the straight son of a gay couple, they need to know that my parents are human like them,” the 22-year-old volunteer scout said.

For some local parents, the issue of homosexuality is not one that is moving them to choose Tail Life over the Boy Scouts program.

Steve Hill, 47, said he was attracted to the Tail Life program because of what he believes will be the training it will offer for his sons. “The fact that it’s Christ-centered. ... I’ve been working on Bible studies with my sons and want them to be able to step into manhood knowing what manhood is,” Hill said, listing values such as accepting responsibility, leadership training, survival techniques and other skill sets.

“You want them to live a fruity life.”

Copyright © 2014 [with embedded video report, and comments] [and see (linked in) and preceding and following]


Indian Judge Calls Pre-Marital Sex Immoral, Against Religion

Posted: 01/06/2014 12:48 pm EST | Updated: 01/06/2014 2:34 pm EST

An Indian judge has declared premarital sex "immoral" and against "every religion" and added that no educated woman should have sex believing that her partner will marry her.

Sessions court judge Virender Bhat made the comments while finding a 29-year-old Indian man not guilty of raping a woman just because he had promised beforehand to marry her.

"When a grown up, educated and office-going woman subjects herself to sexual intercourse" she does so "at her own peril", Bhat was quoted as saying by the Press Trust of India.

Bhat made the statements late last month in a New Delhi court but they were only reported by local media on Monday.

Premarital sex remains taboo in many parts of India even as the country undergoes rapid social change after economic reforms in the 1990s opened up the country to the rest of the world.

The comments come after a Delhi judge last year termed live-in relationships immoral and an "infamous product of Western culture".

Bhat was ruling in the case of a woman who filed a complaint of rape against the man, an Indian employee of a multinational company, in May 2011.

The woman alleged that the man, whom she met through a chat website in July 2006, had sex with her on several occasions by promising to marry her.

"Every act of sexual intercourse between two adults on the assurance of promise of marriage does not become rape if the assurance or promise is not fulfilled later on by the boy," the judge said.

The woman must (also) "understand she is engaging in an act which not only is immoral but also against the tenets of every religion," the judge added.

"No religion in the world allows premarital sex," the judge added.

Dhat was presiding over a fast-track court set up in Delhi to deal with cases of sexual crimes against women.

The fast-track court was one of the reforms introduced after the fatal gang-rape of a student in December 2012 that shocked the nation and also prompted lawmakers to toughen laws against rapists.

Two years ago, the Supreme Court dismissed a string of cases filed against south Indian actress Khushboo Khan-Sundar who was accused of violating public decency by voicing support for women to have pre-marital sex.

The Supreme Court has also backed the rights of unwed couples to live together.

Copyright (2014) AFP [with embedded video report, and comments]


Notre Dame’s Moral Dilemma Over Birth Control

A Notre Dame student wears a graduation cap displaying the symbol of an aborted fetus during a commencement speech delivered by President Obama in 2009.

How much should a conflict of conscience count in court?

Emma Green
Jan 7 2014, 12:27 PM ET

Notre Dame has run into some bad legal luck. This year, 45 religious non-profit groups have brought lawsuits against the Department of Health and Human Services concerning the Affordable Care Act’s birth control mandate. Although the mandate was supposed to go into effect on January 1, many of these organizations have been granted a bit of borrowed time while their cases are being decided: Nineteen of them were granted Injunctions against enforcement, which means that the government isn’t allowed to fine them until courts decide whether their religious objections have merit. Most notably, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor granted a last-minute injunction to the Denver-based Little Sisters of the Poor [ ] on New Year’s Eve, which prevented them from having to pay heavy fines, begin complying with the law, or stop offering insurance to their employees altogether on January 1. The government has issued a response, and now Sotomayor or possibly the full Supreme Court will decide whether to keep the injunction in place.

Of these 45 non-profits suing the government, Notre Dame is the only one that was flatly denied its request for delayed enforcement. This means that as of January 1, the university is officially providing coverage to employees and students who participate in its insurance plan. The Fighting Irish plan to keep fighting, though. Their birth control coverage "may be terminated once the university's lawsuit on religious liberty grounds against the HHS mandate has worked its way through the courts,” a university spokesperson said last week.

Why was Notre Dame treated so differently from all the other religious non-profits during this round of litigation? The fact that Notre Dame is a university doesn’t seem to be that important—at least four other colleges and universities were granted injunctions that delayed possible penalties.

Ira Lupu, a professor at the George Washington School of Law, said he thinks Notre Dame just had a bit of bad luck. “That might be a little bit of a fluke, that they drew what turned out to be misfortune in judges, and that judges in other places have been more sympathetic, and this set of judges wasn’t as sympathetic." He added, "Sympathetic isn’t the right word—they weren’t as persuaded."

But the way rulings have trended so far doesn’t necessarily predict the future. “The surprise in this run of cases is not Notre Dame—it’s all these other ones. As this unfolds, they may not do so well,” he said.

As these and other similar cases work their way through the courts, the important questions to keep in mind are these: What is it that Notre Dame and other religious organizations find morally objectionable about the law? And how much should the government accommodate religious organizations when they claim that a law violates their conscience?

These questions have more or less been answered when it comes to explicitly religious non-profits like churches. After several rounds of negotiations with HHS, these groups were exempted from the requirement to provide coverage [ ]. For-profit companies that claim a religious affiliation get no exemption, a rule that will be debated before the Supreme Court this spring [ ].

Notre Dame falls into a third group: religiously affiliated non-profit groups, which might include hospitals, food banks, or universities. Like explicitly religious groups, these some of these organizations object to the portion of the Affordable Care Act that requires employers who offer insurance plans to include coverage of “the full range of Food and Drug Administration-approved contraceptive methods [and] sterilization procedures.” These groups can, in fact, avoid paying for, administering, advertising, or otherwise dealing with this birth control coverage in any way. They can file a notice stating their objections and transferring total responsibility for coverage to a third party. In other words, groups like Notre Dame or the Little Sisters of the Poor just need to sign a two-page document saying that they don’t want to provide coverage for contraceptives, and someone else will do it for them.

But a number of groups think this is still morally compromising, for this reason: If they sign a form saying they don’t want to provide birth control coverage, they’re implicitly saying that it’s okay if someone else does.

In the Little Sisters of the Poor case [ ], the Obama administration argued that religious groups are framing their moral concerns incorrectly. Third-party administrators won’t become responsible for coordinating birth control coverage because a religious non-profit signs a piece of paper saying it objects. That coverage would happen in spite of an organization’s objections. (This semantic clarification isn’t applicable to the Little Sisters: Their third-party administrator also has objections to covering birth control, so none of the Little Sisters’ employees would get coverage, regardless.)

From a legal perspective, there are a couple of issues at stake. The first is whether the coverage requirement places a “substantial burden” on an organization’s free exercise of religion. Judges make this call by referring to the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, a piece of legislation passed in 1993. Judge Philip Simon, writing for the District Court for the Northern District of Indiana, explained why he didn’t think the burden on Notre Dame was substantial [ ] in this case. The question, he noted, was whether the government was actually forcing Notre Dame to take action that would violate its religious beliefs—rather than simply “offending the plaintiff’s religious sensibilities.” He went on:

It’s critical to note at this point that if Notre Dame opts out of providing contraception, it will have nothing to do with providing contraception. It won’t pay actual or administrative costs, and the TPA [Third Party Administrator] won’t be looking to Notre Dame’s fees to make a profit on the contraceptive program. Notre Dame obfuscates this point in its briefing, but as best I can tell by my review of the regulations, there is simply no financial burden on Notre Dame if it opts out.

Boiled to its essence, what Notre Dame essentially claims is that the government’s action after Notre Dame opts out, in requiring the TPA to cover contraception, offends Notre Dame’s religious sensibilities.

Simon referred to an earlier case, Bowen v. Roy, which decided whether a Native American plaintiff could claim that the government’s use of his daughter’s social security number violated his family’s religious beliefs. An interesting counterfactual was tucked away in that opinion (emphasis added):

“[Plaintiff] may no more prevail on his religious objection to the Government’s use of a Social Security number for his daughter than he could on a sincere religious objection to the size or color of the Government’s filing cabinets. The Free Exercise Clause affords an individual protection from certain forms of governmental compulsion; it does not afford an individual a right to dictate the conduct of the Government’s internal procedures.

This example makes the situation seem pretty clear: Religious groups shouldn’t have veto power on anything the government does just because they claim a moral objection to it. But there are two distinct categories here. There are things the government does in its own day-to-day governing that religious groups may find morally objectionable (like choosing the hypothetical filing cabinets). And then there are things the government makes religious groups do themselves, against their moral objections.

In the Notre Dame case, Simon ruled that the religious non-profit accommodation created by HHS falls more squarely into the first category than the second. The two-page form is a tool the government has created to facilitate a legislative goal (providing better access to birth control coverage for women) while still giving religious groups ways to opt out.

Notre Dame’s appeal to the Seventh Circuit Court was denied several days after Simon’s decision.

Although this is obviously a legal matter, some scholars speculate that institutions like Notre Dame have other reasons for filing lawsuits. In his Summa Theologica, Thomas Aquinas wrote about the concept of scandal, defining it as “something less rightly done or said, that occasions another's spiritual downfall.” In other words, a religious person has an obligation to speak and act in ways that encourage moral uprightness in others. Otherwise, that person assumes some responsibility for other people’s moral wrongdoings.

“There’s a funny sort of circularity to the argument,” said Eduardo Peñalver, a professor at the University of Chicago Law School. “Going through the motions of filing the lawsuit and being compelled to engage in this behavior reduces the possibility of scandal.” In other words, lawsuits provide a very public way for religious organizations to state their opposition to contraceptives. If they eventually have to comply with the law, there’s less of a chance that someone will mistake their compliance for support. This may be particularly true of prominent organizations like Notre Dame, which exert a wider influence than smaller organizations.

When Notre Dame lost its request for a delay in penalties, it chose to comply with the law, likely because of the financial burden the school would otherwise face. But it remains to be seen whether other groups like the Little Sisters of the Poor will eventually capitulate.

“It’s a really good question,” said Lupu, the George Washington University law professor. “What are these outfits going to do if they lose? Are they really going to say, ‘This is a matter of faith. We are martyrs to our conscience. We are not going to sign that form, and you can’t make us sign that form. If you want to fine us a million dollars a day, you’re going to have to come here and seize land and buildings?’

"That’s about religious will to fight,” he added. “That’s not about whether they should or shouldn’t win the lawsuit.”

Peñalver didn’t see this outcome as likely. “I would be shocked if these institutions decided to not comply with the terms of the law and accept the penalty associated with that,” he said. “I’m surprised that it has gotten this far.”

As Notre Dame has said, its litigation will go on. The school may have been the exception in rulings so far, but with the fates of other groups still uncertain, and the Hobby Lobby case on the horizon, it’s hard to predict which way Notre Dame's fortunes will go.


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Candace Cameron Bure Explains Being 'Submissive' To Husband

Posted: 01/06/2014 4:52 pm EST | Updated: 01/07/2014 10:46 am EST

Actress Candace Cameron Bure spoke on HuffPost Live with host Nancy Redd [ ] about her views on marriage, which she's outlined in her new book, Balancing It All: My Story of Juggling Priorities and Purpose [ ; ]. The former "Full House" star has been happily married [ ] to NHL player Val Bure for 17 years, and they have three children.

She writes in her book, "I am not a passive person, but I chose to fall into a more submissive role in our relationship because I wanted to do everything in my power to make my marriage and family work."

Bure elaborated on HuffPost Live, "The definition I'm using with the word 'submissive' is the biblical definition of that. So, it is meekness, it is not weakness. It is strength under control, it is bridled strength."

Cameron has defended her view of marriage in the past. On Christian Women Online [ ] she quoted the biblical passage, "First Peter 3:1 says, 'In the same way, you wives, be submissive to your own husbands so that even if any of them are disobedient to the word, they may be won without a word by the behavior of their wives.'"

"It is very difficult to have two heads of authority," she told HuffPost Live. "It doesn't work in military, it doesn't work -- I mean, you have one president, you know what I'm saying?"

Copyright © 2014, Inc. [with embedded video, and comments]


Mary Mary Singer, Erica Campbell, Responds To Backlash Stemming From Controversial Photo

Posted: 12/18/2013 5:41 pm EST | Updated: 12/26/2013 8:59 am EST

In recent weeks Gospel singer, Erica Campbell has received an unexpected amount backlash stemming from a promotional photo taken for her forthcoming March 25 solo debut album, “Help [ ].”

And though the Mary Mary songstress posted the glamorous photograph via her personal Instagram account [ ] following the announcement of her Grammy Award nomination [ ], various members from the Christian community have deemed the image a bit inappropriate.

According to Clutch Magazine [ ], Apostle Stacey Woods of Impact Outreach Ministries, Inc. [ ] lashed out at the 41-year-old on Facebook for her form fitting white attire.

“THIS IS NOT OKAY. Yes, you are a beautiful, curvy woman…but NO MA’AM YOU ARE SINGING THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST. Saints…smh COME ON.”

Yesterday (Dec. 17) Campbell responded to critics during an exclusive interview with [ ]. And while she admitted that she felt “beautiful,” “confident,” & “strong,” with the support of her family during the photo shoot, she added that the criticism should yield itself a more in depth conversation towards Christianity and sexuality.

"This is about confidence and realizing that God made you and that you are beautiful just the way you are," she said. "I think that young girls shouldn't only get sexy images from people who are not proclaiming Jesus. But I am. And I'm cute too."

Aside from participating in breathtaking photo shoots, Campbell’s lead single “A Little More Jesus” is up for Best Gospel song at the 56th annual Grammy Awards [ ], set to broadcast live from Los Angeles’ Staples Center January 26 on CBS.

Copyright © 2013, Inc. [with comments]


Phil Robertson - Calling Ducks/Calling Men

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Phil Robertson, the Duck Commander and family patriarch of Duck Dynasty's Robertson family, preaches at my congregation, the Hillsboro Church of Christ in El Dorado, AR[, in pre-election 2008]. , , and [each with comments]


Evander Holyfield Says Being Gay Is Not Normal, Compares It To A Handicap

Posted: 01/06/2014 11:34 am EST | Updated: 01/06/2014 3:20 pm EST

Former heavyweight champion Evander Holyfield said he does not think being gay is normal and compared it to a handicap that can be fixed.

Holyfield made the anti-gay comments [ ] in the "UK Celebrity Big Brother" house while speaking to reality star Luisa Zissman about gay boxers. When Zissman -- who was seemingly unaware of the fact Orlando Cruz came out in 2012 [ ] -- said it would be good for a gay boxer to be public about his sexuality, Holyfield was taken aback.

"What would be good about it?" he asked. "That ain't normal."

After saying that the Bible spells out what's wrong and what's right, Holyfield compared being gay to having a handicap [ ] that could be fixed.

"Only thing I'm trying to tell you... You know how handicapped people are born? You can't say 'cause they were born that way you can't move that," he said. Adding, "It is a choice. Come on, that ain't the way nobody is made... You ain't gay unless you sleeping with the opposite sex."


Holyfield has been married three times [ ] and has fathered 11 children, Yahoo! Sports Canada noted. He is a devout Christian [ ].

Copyright © 2014, Inc. [with embedded video report, and comments]


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Video brought to you by and .

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2014 Is 'Year Of The Bible,' Declares Flower Mound Texas Mayor Tom Hayden

ballyscanlon via Getty Images

Posted: 01/02/2014 2:57 pm EST

The Mayor of Flower Mound, Texas, made a special proclamation [ ] on December 16, 2013, declaring 2014 to be the "Year of the Bible.

In his proclamation [ ], Mayor Tom Hayden said, "Throughout the history of the United States, one of the most important influences that has shaped our country into a distinctive nation, none may have been more profound or enduring than the Bible."

A website created by the Calvary Chapel of Flower Mound for the initiative explained [ ], "His desire was bring our town back to a Biblical foundation which our country was founded and built upon. His vision is that as a Town, as many as wanted to participate, would as a community read through the entire Bible in a year together."

The "One Year Bible" program divides the Bible into 362 daily readings from the Old Testament, the New Testament, the Psalms, and Proverbs in order, taking participants through the whole Bible in a year, in just 20 minutes per day. There is an app for smartphones, a Facebook page, and a list of reading tips.

The move has drawn mixed reactions, as some question the propriety of the declarations while others applaud the initiative. Commenter Mike Kirkpatrick wrote [at : "Comments Update: Due to the high traffic the site has experienced, we have disabled the Comments section."], "So exciting! I might be reading the same verses as the person delivering my mail, writing my perscriptions and running my city government!" However, Curt Orton told [ ], "He was elected mayor. Not as the spiritual leader of Flower Mound."

Hayden's initiative isn't the first time a politician has pushed for a "Year of the Bible." Pennsylvania House members passed House Resolution 535, which was a non-binding resolution that declared 2012 to be the "Year of the Bible [ ]." President Ronald Reagan proclaimed [ ] 1983 as the "Year of the Bible" in the United States and encouraged "all citizens, each in his or her own way, to reexamine and rediscover its priceless and timeless message."

Hayden told [ ], "There's so much benevolence on helping your fellow person. And the morality that helped build our country is based on the values that are found in the Bible. And as we look at problems, maybe we're getting away from those values. And in my little small way, I want to encourage people to get back into those values."

Copyright © 2014, Inc. [with comments]


Christian Response to Duck Dynasty Phil Robertson being Suspended from A&E

Published on Dec 18, 2013

You can see all of my notes and scripture reference here: [with comments]


Alex Jones Calls for Robertson Family to Leave A&E For Censoring Free Speech

Published on Dec 19, 2013 by TheAlexJonesChannel

Alex covers the continuing crusade to remove Christianity from individuals lives in America as shown through the suspension of popular Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson.
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When the Right to Bear Arms Includes the Mentally Ill

A search and seizure warrant from April 15 describes the events that led to Mark Russo’s guns being removed from him.

Mark Russo expects to get his 18 weapons back this April.
Christopher Capozziello for The New York Times

Kaylee Laird said farewell to her father, Officer Timothy Laird, in Indianapolis in 2004.
Matt Kryger/The Indianapolis Star

Mr. Laird was killed in a confrontation with a schizophrenic man.
Indianapolis Police Department

Kenneth C. Anderson, in a driver's license photo, killed Mr. Laird during a confrontation. Nine guns had been seized from Mr. Anderson, a schizophrenic, but were then returned.

Mr. Russo of Middletown, Conn., whose 18 rifles and shotguns were confiscated after he threatened to shoot his mother.
Christopher Capozziello for The New York Times

Ryan Piatt, whose three guns were seized after mental health workers reported him to the police in Tampa. The weapons were returned less than a year later.
Courtesy of Crystal Adamson

Published: December 21, 2013

Last April, workers at Middlesex Hospital in Connecticut called the police to report that a psychiatric patient named Mark Russo had threatened to shoot his mother if officers tried to take the 18 rifles and shotguns he kept at her house. Mr. Russo, who was off his medication for paranoid schizophrenia, also talked about the recent elementary school massacre in Newtown and told a nurse that he “could take a chair and kill you or bash your head in between the eyes,” court records show.

The police seized the firearms, as well as seven high-capacity magazines, but Mr. Russo, 55, was eventually allowed to return to the trailer in Middletown where he lives alone. In an interview there recently, he denied that he had schizophrenia but said he was taking his medication now — though only “the smallest dose,” because he is forced to. His hospitalization, he explained, stemmed from a misunderstanding: Seeking a message from God on whether to dissociate himself from his family, he had stabbed a basketball and waited for it to reinflate itself. When it did, he told relatives they would not be seeing him again, prompting them to call the police.

As for his guns, Mr. Russo is scheduled to get them back in the spring, as mandated by Connecticut law.

“I don’t think they ever should have been taken out of my house,” he said. “I plan to get all my guns and ammo and knives back in April.”

The Russo case highlights a central, unresolved issue in the debate over balancing public safety and the Second Amendment right to bear arms: just how powerless law enforcement can be when it comes to keeping firearms out of the hands of people who are mentally ill.

Connecticut’s law giving the police broad leeway to seize and hold guns for up to a year is actually relatively strict. Most states simply adhere to the federal standard, banning gun possession only after someone is involuntarily committed to a psychiatric facility or designated as mentally ill or incompetent after a court proceeding or other formal legal process. Relatively few with mental health issues, even serious ones, reach this point.

As a result, the police often find themselves grappling with legal ambiguities when they encounter mentally unstable people with guns, unsure how far they can go in searching for and seizing firearms and then, in particular, how they should respond when the owners want them back.

“There is a big gap in the law,” said Jeffrey Furbee, the chief legal adviser to the Police Department in Columbus, Ohio. “There is no common-sense middle ground to protect the public.”

A vast majority of people with mental illnesses are not violent. But recent mass shootings — outside a Tucson supermarket in 2011, at a movie theater last year in Aurora, Colo., and at the Washington Navy Yard in September — have raised public awareness of the gray areas in the law. In each case, the gunman had been recognized as mentally disturbed but had never been barred from having firearms.

After the Newtown killings a year ago, state legislatures across the country debated measures that would have more strictly limited the gun rights of those with mental illness. But most of the bills failed amid resistance from both the gun lobby and mental health advocates concerned about unfairly stigmatizing people. In Washington, discussion of new mental health restrictions was conspicuously absent from the federal gun control debate.

What remains is the uncertain legal territory at the intersection of guns and mental illness. Examining it is difficult, because of privacy laws governing mental health and the limited availability of information on firearm ownership. But The New York Times obtained court and police records from more than 1,000 cases around the country in which guns were seized in mental-health-related episodes.

A systematic review of these cases — from cities and counties in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Indiana, Ohio and Tennessee — underscores how easy it is for people with serious mental health problems to have guns.

Over the past year in Connecticut, where The Times obtained some of the most extensive records of seizure cases, there were more than 180 instances of gun confiscations from people who appeared to pose a risk of “imminent personal injury to self or others.” Close to 40 percent of these cases involved serious mental illness.

Perhaps most striking, in many of the cases examined across the country, the authorities said they had no choice under the law but to return the guns after an initial seizure for safekeeping.

For example, in Hillsborough County, Fla., 31 of 34 people who sought to reclaim seized firearms last year were able to do so after a brief court hearing, according to a count by The Times.

Among them was Ryan Piatt, an Afghanistan veteran with a history of treatment for depression, anxiety and paranoia. The police had descended on Mr. Piatt’s workplace in November 2011, after mental health workers at the veterans hospital in Tampa reported that he had made intimations of violence to his psychiatrist and had tried to renounce his citizenship, mailing his Social Security card, birth certificate and other documents to a judge. Officers confiscated two guns from his car and one more from his toolbox; he got them back less than a year later.

Notes from Ryan Piatt’s psychiatrist at a Florida veterans hospital, which alerted the police about him. (Handwriting in margins is Mr. Piatt’s.)

Similarly, the sheriff in Arapahoe County, Colo., had to return a .45-caliber pistol last year that officers had seized four months earlier after receiving a call that Jose Reynaldo Santiago, an Army veteran with post-traumatic stress, was walking around his home in the middle of the night in a catatonic state with a gun in the pocket of his bathrobe.

Even in Indiana, one of the few states that have expanded the power of law enforcement to hold on to guns seized from people who are mentally ill, the examination revealed a significant loophole: there is nothing preventing them from going out and buying new guns.

The state’s seizure law does not address the question, and as a result, records from gun confiscation cases are not entered into the federal background check database that dealers must consult when making sales, according to officials from the Indiana Supreme Court.

Connecticut had a similar vulnerability until this year. Unlike in Indiana, the Connecticut State Police handle gun background checks, running names in the federal system and checking its own records. Judicial officials are unsure, however, if the agency was receiving all gun seizure records. As a fail-safe and a way to prevent people from simply going to another state to buy a gun, the state has now begun submitting these records to the federal system.

Adding to the uncertainty for law enforcement, federal courts have ruled that an emergency involuntary psychiatric evaluation is not grounds to bar someone from possessing firearms.

The police in Caribou, Me., discovered this after repeated run-ins with a troubled resident, Curtis Zetterman, who was sent to a hospital after talking about shooting people; he was released, and was later accused of threatening a neighbor with a gun, according to court records.

Mr. Zetterman’s conviction on a charge of illegally possessing a firearm was dismissed on appeal because his emergency hospitalization did not rise to the level of a formal involuntary commitment.

“We don’t want to violate anybody’s rights,” said the Caribou police chief, Michael Gahagan. “But if you’re in the apartment next door to this guy, what about your rights?”

Outliers Toughen Laws

It was the shock of a potentially avoidable tragedy that pushed Indiana lawmakers to act. Reports of gunfire brought Officer Timothy Laird to Indianapolis’s south side one night in August 2004. Kenneth C. Anderson, a schizophrenic man who the police later learned had just killed his mother in her home, was stalking the block with an SKS assault rifle and two handguns. As Officer Laird stepped from his patrol car, he was fatally shot. Four other officers were wounded before one of them shot and killed Mr. Anderson.

At the beginning of that year, the police had seized nine guns from Mr. Anderson after being called to his home by paramedics because he was being combative. Deemed delusional and dangerous, he was taken to a hospital for a mental health evaluation. He was not, however, committed, and when he sought the return of his guns, police officials concluded that they had no legal grounds to keep them.

Several months after Officer Laird’s death, the Indiana legislature passed its seizure bill, giving the police explicit authority to search for and confiscate guns from people who are considered dangerous or who are mentally ill and off their medication. The police can keep the guns, upon court approval, for five years.

Connecticut’s law, passed in 1999, was also a response to a high-profile shooting rampage: a disgruntled employee with a history of psychiatric problems fatally shot four people at the state lottery offices before killing himself.

This year, in the wake of the Newtown shooting, in which 20 children and six adults were killed, the mental health debate in state legislatures focused largely on two areas: requiring mental health professionals to report dangerous people to the authorities and expanding the mental health criteria for revoking gun rights.

One legislature that ultimately did act was New York’s, which passed a far-reaching — and controversial — measure that requires mental health professionals to report to county authorities anyone who “is likely to engage in conduct that would result in serious harm to self or others.” If county officials agree with the assessment, they must submit the information to the state’s Division of Criminal Justice Services, which alerts the local authorities to revoke the person’s firearms license and confiscate weapons.

Maryland, too, amended its laws, barring anyone with a mental disorder who has a history of violence from having firearms.

And California adopted a five-year firearms ban for anyone who communicates a violent threat against a “reasonably identifiable victim” to a licensed psychotherapist. Previously, the ban was six months.

The state already had a five-year gun ban for anyone deemed to be a danger to himself or others and admitted on a 72-hour psychiatric hold for emergency evaluation and treatment or a longer 14-day hold. (Both steps fall short of the criteria for an involuntary commitment under federal law.) Even in cases where people are sent for emergency evaluations but not admitted, the police may confiscate their weapons and petition a court to keep them.

California, Maryland and New York, however, are outliers. (Hawaii and Illinois also stand out for their strict — some would argue onerous — mental health standards for gun ownership.) Most states have been content to follow the federal government’s lead.

In fact, the issue has long been a political quagmire.

Gun rights advocates worry that seizure laws will ensnare law-abiding citizens who pose no threat. In Connecticut, with its imminent-risk standard for seizure, the law sometimes “reaches pretty normal people,” said Rachel Baird, a lawyer who has sued police departments over gun confiscations.

“People make comments all the time when they’re angry or frustrated — ‘I’m going to come down there, and it won’t be pretty’ — but if you say that and you own a firearm, it immediately takes on a context that it otherwise wouldn’t,” said Ms. Baird, a former prosecutor.

At the same time, mental health professionals worry that new seizure laws might stigmatize many people who have no greater propensity for violence than the broader population. They also fear that the laws will discourage people who need help from seeking treatment, while doing little to deter gun violence.

Research has shown, however, that people with serious mental illnesses, like schizophrenia, major depression or bipolar disorder, do pose an increased risk of violence. In one widely cited study [ ], Jeffrey W. Swanson, now a psychiatry professor at Duke University, found that when substance abusers were excluded, 33 percent of people with a serious mental illness reported past violent behavior, compared with 15 percent of people without such a disorder. The study, based on epidemiological survey data from the 1980s, defined violent behavior as everything from taking part in more than one fistfight as an adult to using a weapon in a fight.

Substance abuse, the study found, was a powerful predictor of violence. The highest rate, 64 percent, was found among people who had major mental disorders as well as substance abuse issues. For substance abusers alone, the rate was 55 percent.

This month a consortium of mental health professionals, public health researchers and gun control advocates released a 52-page report [ ] containing a series of recommendations on improving state laws regarding mental health and guns. The group focused largely on the gray area beyond the narrow federal standard of involuntary commitment, recommending that people admitted for short-term involuntary hospitalizations lose their gun rights temporarily, and that the police be given a mechanism for removing guns from people they believe to be dangerous.

“That could save a lot of lives,” said Dr. Swanson, a member of the consortium.

Varying Interpretations

One place that has an intimate awareness of the dangers of guns, especially in the hands of people struggling with mental illness, is Arapahoe County in Colorado, where 12 people died in the Aurora movie theater rampage last year. And at a high school there just this month, an 18-year-old gunman critically injured another student before taking his own life, though there has been no indication that mental illness was a factor.

Still, when it comes to seizing firearms, the sheriff there, Grayson Robinson, says he is also acutely aware of the legal limitations. If his deputies encountered a man on the street with a gun acting irrationally or suicidal, they would probably confiscate that weapon for safekeeping, he said. But they would not have the legal authority to enter his home and even temporarily take any other guns. Nor would the authorities hold on to the confiscated weapon, he said, unless the owner is expressly barred by law from having it.

“We understand property rights,” he said. “We would return those weapons to him upon his request.”

In the absence of specific guidance under federal and state laws, local police departments vary widely in how they deal with the issue, The Times found. Some hew to a strict interpretation. Others appear to be searching for a middle ground, fearful of what may happen if they return guns to dangerous people but also aware that they are on difficult legal terrain.

In Arapahoe County, the Sheriff’s Department has confiscated weapons from just 13 people it sent for emergency psychiatric evaluations in the past two years, records show. In 10 of those cases, the guns were returned to their owners. (One gun was scheduled for destruction at the owner’s request; another was given to a third party; one recent seizure was still in the department’s possession.)

Among the guns seized was the pistol from the bathrobe pocket of Mr. Santiago, the veteran found walking around his home in a trance in November 2011. It took five minutes after deputies arrived for Mr. Santiago, then 23, to emerge from his catatonic state, according to the incident report. When he came to, he asked if he had hurt anyone. He also told deputies that he had post-traumatic stress from his deployment in Afghanistan and had experienced a similar episode before. The Fire Department took Mr. Santiago to the hospital for a brief stay to be examined, and sheriff’s deputies took his gun. It was returned the following March.

A sheriff’s report from Arapahoe County, Colo., on the department's encounter with Jose Reynaldo Santiago, which lead to his gun being confiscated.

In an interview, Mr. Santiago said he had “spaced out” after learning that an Army friend had died in a motorcycle accident. He said that the police had told him he could get his gun back right away but that he had decided to wait to “make sure I was all good.” He had expected to have to answer questions about his mental health and was shocked when he only had to fill out some paperwork.

“All I did was I walked in, walked through the metal detectors, walked downstairs to their holding area where they keep evidence for safekeeping,” he said. “They handed it right back to me, no questions asked.”

In August 2012, Arapahoe deputies were called to the home of Jarrod Thoma, 29, another veteran, who was holed up in his bathroom with a newly purchased Ruger pistol pointed at his head. A SWAT team eventually talked him out. According to the incident report, his wife told deputies that he had been discharged from the Army because of a “personality disorder.” (Mr. Thoma says it was actually adjustment disorder, from difficulty coping with stress.) His wife also told the police that he had tried to commit suicide twice before in 2011, once by overdosing on antidepressants and Tylenol and then in an episode involving a gun. The Sheriff’s Department returned Mr. Thoma’s gun three months later.

In an interview, Mr. Thoma said that after his encounter with the police, he voluntarily admitted himself to the hospital, where he remained for two and a half weeks, receiving counseling and medication. When he got his gun back, he said, his problems were under control.

“If I was a danger to others and if I was still suffering from some type of depression, I wouldn’t have went back and claimed my gun,” he said. “I’ve been through therapy. I put that stuff behind me.”

A sheriff’s report from Arapahoe County, detailing an episode in which Jarrod Thoma threatened suicide with a gun.

In Nashville, the police appear to be exercising greater discretion in returning seized firearms. Since 2010, they have confiscated weapons from 81 people in mental-health-related episodes, according to Don Aaron, a department spokesman. Guns were returned in just 18 of those cases.

Nashville police officials said they adhered to the same basic federal and state criteria as other departments. But because of problems obtaining full and accurate mental health records from the state’s background-check database, officials said, the department will sometimes ask for a doctor’s note certifying that the gun owner is no longer a danger or will agree to release guns only to a relative.

The Times found a similar rate of returns in Columbus. Last year, the police confiscated firearms from more than 40 people in mental-health-related episodes; in eight cases, the guns were returned.

Mr. Furbee, the Police Department’s chief legal adviser, said the detectives who handled these releases were “very deliberate.” Decisions can also be delayed, he said, because Ohio has no centralized registry of commitments to psychiatric institutions for the police to check. In addition, in several cases examined by The Times, the designation of the confiscated firearm was changed from “safekeeping” to “evidence,” which would delay its release.

Among those who did get their guns back relatively quickly was Paul Colflesh, whose 9-millimeter Beretta was confiscated in May 2012 after his wife, Melody Bowman, called 911. She told the police that Mr. Colflesh had stopped taking his medication for depression two weeks earlier and had begun drinking heavily, according to the incident report. On this night, he had gone up to the bedroom, grabbed his gun and said he was going to kill himself. She added that he had once before put the gun in his mouth and threatened suicide. (In an interview, Ms. Bowman said this had been about a year earlier, also while he was drinking.) Mr. Colflesh was so drunk that the police could not interview him.

A report from the Columbus, Ohio, police, describing the episode in which Paul Colflesh’s gun was taken for safekeeping.

A few days after being taken to the emergency room, Mr. Colflesh gave the police a note from his doctor, who said Mr. Colflesh had been off his medication for a month but realized that it was the “wrong thing to have done.” Mr. Colflesh, he concluded, “appears not in danger to himself or others since restarting his medications.”

A detective, who later contacted the doctor directly, scrawled notes that Mr. Colflesh was “not suicidal or dangerous to others if he takes meds.”

The police returned Mr. Colflesh’s gun two months after they took it.

A letter from Mr. Colflesh’s doctor, stating that he was not dangerous, as long as he was on his medication.

“When somebody comes here and demands their weapon back, and there is no legal disability, we give it back, even when it makes us uncomfortable,” Mr. Furbee said.

Officials in Florida have also been grappling with ambiguities under the law. In 2009, the attorney general issued an advisory opinion saying that “in the absence of an arrest and criminal charge,” the police could not hold on to firearms confiscated from people sent for mental health evaluations under the state’s Baker Act, which authorizes the police to send mentally ill people who are potentially dangerous for involuntary examinations of up to 72 hours.

Across Florida, however, departments are still taking a variety of approaches, with some simply returning the weapons upon request — after performing the requisite checks — and others imposing additional hurdles.

This year, a judge ordered the Daytona Beach police to return 16 guns to Anthony Bontempo, 27, a veteran with a history of post-traumatic stress disorder and alcoholism. They had been confiscated after he called a suicide hotline in hysterics eight months earlier. A gun-rights group, Florida Carry, filed a lawsuit on behalf of Mr. Bontempo, arguing that the police had no right to hold on to the weapons.

In Hillsborough County, people whose weapons are seized in Baker Act proceedings are required to attend a brief court hearing, where a judge can confirm that they are not felons, have never been involuntarily committed and have nothing else on their records that bars them from having guns. Almost all walk out with orders allowing them to retrieve their guns.

Mr. Piatt, 30, whose guns were seized after the episode at the Tampa veterans hospital, said the police had overreacted by having a group of officers go to his workplace to take him forcibly into custody.

But his medical records, which he sent to The Times, show diagnoses for depression, generalized anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder and “psychotic disorder not otherwise specified.” He had stopped taking his medication. Adding to his psychiatrist’s concern, Mr. Piatt’s roommate had called the veterans hospital worried about Mr. Piatt’s stability, saying he seemed paranoid and had woken him up in the middle of the night, screaming.

In an interview, Mr. Piatt said the judge who presided over his firearms-return hearing focused not on establishing his mental state but primarily on ensuring that he would store his weapons safely because he has a young son.

The judge, Claudia R. Isom, who at the time was responsible for all gun-return petitions in the county, said she simply required gun owners to affirm under oath that they met the various legal requirements and then determined if the police or the clerk’s office had found anything in their records checks. Judge Isom said she usually did not ask the petitioners if they were undergoing mental health treatment or taking their medication because “it was none of my business.”

“I’m supposed to apply the law,” she said. “If there’s no legal objection, then there’s no legal reason not to give a weapon back.”

A Volatile Mix

It is impossible to know just how many gun owners have serious mental health issues. But an examination of gun seizure records in Connecticut and Indiana, where the police have been granted greater leeway to confiscate firearms, offers perhaps the best sense of just how frequently gun ownership and mental instability mix. Officials with the Connecticut court system have collected records on more than 700 gun seizure cases since the law was enacted in 1999. That probably represents a partial count at best, however, because court officials did not make a concerted effort to ensure that all cases were reported to them until this year, after the Newtown shooting.

The Times analyzed this year’s cases in Connecticut and found that slightly more than half involved threats of suicide; 34 percent involved drugs or alcohol; and 42 percent clearly involved psychosis or some other serious mental health issue, such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia or clinical depression. Just under 30 percent of the mental health cases also involved drugs or alcohol.

The results were similar in Marion County, Ind., which includes Indianapolis. In 2012, the police seized 67 guns from 30 people, according to court records. Documents in 40 percent of the cases mentioned some sort of mental illness; a quarter of those cases also involved substance abuse.

In one case in April, residents of Carlyle Place in Indianapolis flagged down a police cruiser because one of their neighbors, Michael Fishburn, 54, was screaming at cars and had pointed a handgun at a woman, according to a court affidavit. The day before, he had been strutting around his yard making rooster noises, they said. The police took Mr. Fishburn to the hospital and learned that he had been receiving mental health treatment there for the previous 10 years. They also discovered that he had a lifetime permit to carry a handgun. A judge ordered the police to retain Mr. Fishburn’s pistol, as well as a shotgun, for five years.

A court affidavit filed by police in Marion County, Ind., on Michael Fishburn's threatening behavior, as reported by neighbors.

The case of James Serapilia of Bristol, Conn., illustrates just how challenging it can be to assess mental stability and predict violence. Shortly after midnight on March 19, 2004, the sound of breaking glass drew the police to a small ranch-style house, where they found Mr. Serapilia, then 41, standing amid the shattered remains of his living room window.

“In the name of Jesus Christ, I command you demons to leave,” he yelled, according to a police report. As officers struggled to gain entry, Mr. Serapilia grabbed a shard of glass, held it to his throat and said, “This is it.” He was stopped only after a sergeant fired a Taser through the broken window. Inside, the police found two rifles in the living room, along with several rounds of ammunition on a table and two handguns in an upstairs closet. Officers seized the weapons.

But as a local prosecutor explained in a court hearing, “the state has the burden of showing that he’s in imminent danger to himself or others” or must eventually return the firearms. So 10 months after the episode, Mr. Serapilia, supported by a positive report from his psychiatrist, got his guns back.

But the police had not seen the last of him. Early on the morning of Sept. 25, 2010, they were at his house again, this time for a Lifeline medical alert for an older person in distress. Officers discovered Mr. Serapilia’s mother lying in the entryway, unable to get up. She pointed to her son, who was sitting on the floor nearby, appearing pale, sweating profusely and surrounded by empty beer cans. “He wouldn’t call an ambulance,” she said, according to a police report.

A warrant from the Connecticut Superior Court describes James Serapilia referring to police officers as demons.

Mr. Serapilia bolted from the house, screaming that he was Jesus Christ, and proceeded to lead the police on a car chase through three towns before officers were able to deflate the tires of his Toyota Tacoma, smash a passenger-side window and drag him from the vehicle. He later told them that he had schizophrenia and depression, had stopped taking his medication and believed he was being chased by demons, the report said. This time, because Mr. Serapilia was criminally charged and his guns were seized as contraband, a judge ordered them destroyed. Mr. Serapilia, through his sister, declined to comment.

As for Mark Russo, the Middletown man who is looking forward to reclaiming his 18 guns in April, he acknowledged that public records indicated that he had made threats of violence, but he said they were untrue. He said he had had difficulty getting doctors to understand the real nature of his problem, which is not mental illness but paranormal activities that have afflicted him since his youth, including objects disappearing from his home and a bird once flying out of his forehead.

“I’ve offered to take a lie-detector test to prove what I’m saying is true,” he said. “But psychiatrists, they don’t want to hear about God and demons and all that.”

At the Middletown Police Department, Lt. Heather Desmond said there was little her agency could do to avoid returning guns to someone who is mentally ill, unless “there are new incidents or concerns that would justify seeking another risk warrant.” The police check their records for that before handing over the firearms, she said.

“But if a year has gone by and nothing new has happened, there’s nothing we can do,” Lieutenant Desmond said. “It’s unfortunate, and it’s something that has to be addressed.”


Bearing Arms
Articles in this series examine the gun industry’s influence and the wide availability of firearms in America.


© 2013 The New York Times Company [with comments]


Stopping Mentally Ill Gun Buyers

Published: January 3, 2014

Rebuffed by Congress on stronger gun safety laws, President Obama is wisely using use his executive powers in a more focused attempt to bar mentally ill people from eluding federal watch lists and purchasing firearms. Two sensible changes proposed for the background check system would allow states and mental health providers more discretion than they have now in reporting information about potentially violent people.

The first would deal with longstanding complaints from law enforcement authorities about the narrow scope of a rule stipulating that a person cannot be denied the purchase of a firearm unless he or she has been “committed to a mental institution” in the past. This ignores whole categories of obviously risky citizens.

The proposed change would broaden the rule to include involuntary outpatient as well as inpatient commitments. Some of the shooters in cases of mass gun violence were found to have previously come to the attention of authorities but received psychiatric testing or care that fell short of orders of commitment. Including inpatient and outpatient care broadens the grounds for denying weapons.

The second proposal deals with privacy strictures in health insurance laws that states say prevent the passing on of relevant information about potentially violent people. After consultation with mental health professionals, the White House said health insurance organizations would be extended “an express permission” to furnish to federal authorities “the limited information necessary to help keep guns out of potentially dangerous hands.”

Neither of these changes can fully solve the nation’s gun safety problem, but both offer a promise of relief. Far more is needed, if Congress can ever disenthrall itself from the gun lobby to rein in the carnage.

© 2014 The New York Times Company


Obama To Prohibit Members Of Congress From Owning Guns
01/03/2014 [with comments]


Gun sales hit new record, ammo boom to follow

Gun sales spiked after Sandy Hook and as Congress and a number of states debated whether to impose more restrictions on firearms purchases. Congress stalemated, but some states moved forward.
Background checks show peak is reached after a record year
January 6, 2014 [with embedded video report, and comments]


Chicago Gun Ban Ruled Unconstitutional By Federal Judge

Posted: 01/06/2014 6:11 pm EST | Updated: 01/07/2014 10:07 am EST

A federal judge has ruled that Chicago's ban on the sale of handguns is unconstitutional, Bloomberg [ ; ] reported Monday.

U.S. District Court Judge Edmond E. Chang said the municipal ordinance goes "too far." He delayed the effect of his ruling to allow the city to respond.

“Chicago’s ordinance goes too far in outright banning legal buyers and legal dealers from engaging in lawful acquisitions and lawful sales of firearms," Chang wrote in the opinion, according to the Chicago Sun-Times [ ].

Chicago currently prohibits the sale of handguns within city limits.

In September, a city council committee approved [ ] a rewrite of the city's gun laws, which included bringing the city's policy on the carry of concealed weapons in line with the state of Illinois' recently passed concealed carry law.

The decision comes days after Chicago's Police Department announced [ ] that the city's homicide rate in 2013 had reached its lowest level since 1965. The overall crime rate also fell dramatically.

Below, more from the Associated Press:

A federal judge has ruled that Chicago's ban on the sale of firearms is unconstitutional.

Judge Edmond E. Chang issued his ruling Monday in a lawsuit by the Illinois Association of Firearms Retailers and three Chicago residents.

Chang noted Chicago's ban not only covers federally licensed firearms dealers, but also gifts among family members, all in the name of reducing gun violence.

Chang said a fundamental duty of government is to protect its citizens. However, he said it's also obligated to protect fundamental rights named in the Constitution, including the right to keep and bear arms for self-defense.

The judge said Chicago's ordinance goes too far in outright banning legal buyers and dealers from engaging in lawful acquisitions and lawful sales of firearms.

Copyright © 2014, Inc. [with embedded video report, and (over 6,000) comments]


Steve Stockman Claims Gun Groups Have Endorsed His Senate Bid -- But They Haven't

Rep. Steve Stockman (R-Texas) has been touting nonexistent endorsements from groups during his Senate campaign.
01/07/2014 [with embedded video report, and comments]


Radel looks to restore trust in Congress

Rep. Trey Radel of Florida has not been on Capitol Hill since his guilty plea Nov. 20. He later completed a 28-day inpatient treatment program at a Hazelden clinic in Naples.

Rep. hopes to make amends after cocaine bust

Written by Ledyard King
Jan. 4, 2014

WASHINGTON — Rep. Trey Radel of Florida returns to Congress on Tuesday, describing himself as a chastened man hoping to rebuild relationships with colleagues and constituents.

Sworn in a year ago on a day he called “exhilarating,” the gregarious freshman from Fort Myers plans a less exuberant re-entry barely six weeks after pleading guilty in District of Columbia Superior Court to misdemeanor cocaine possession.

Radel already is reaching out to Republican and Democratic colleagues, asking for face-to-face meetings with the aim of “having a successful year.”

“Undoubtedly, the first thing I have to do is restore a lot of trust and make amends, and only then can I return to what I love doing and what I was elected to do,” he said in a telephone interview Friday.

Radel, 37, has not been on Capitol Hill since his guilty plea Nov. 20. He later completed a 28-day inpatient treatment program at a Hazelden clinic in Naples.

“I do look forward to getting back to work with a much clearer head and positive thoughts moving forward,” he said. “I am extremely sorry for the heartache and pain that I’ve caused personally and professionally, and I’m going to work to make that up.”

Sounding contrite and optimistic, Radel touched on a range of issues.

He described his stay at the treatment center as “life-changing,” and said he’s attending church regularly again. He remains enrolled in an outpatient program in Washington, where he expects to be randomly tested for drugs and alcohol. He plans to meet with a professional counselor two to five times a week and has joined a peer counseling group that meets daily.

Radel has ignored calls to resign from key Republicans around the state, including Gov. Rick Scott. He also said he hasn't thought about re-election, even as prominent Southwest Florida Republicans, including former Rep. Connie Mack IV, have signaled interest in his seat.

“That is absolutely not even a thought in my mind at all, period,” he said. “I will when I feel that I am ready. Right now, the most important things for me are God and family, and with that I’m excited to get back to work to rebuild trust and continue doing the work for the people.”

Terry Holt, a longtime GOP strategist and former spokesman for Rep. John Boehner of Ohio, now the House speaker, said Radel will find his fellow House members “guarded but forgiving.”

“Trey Radel isn’t the first drug abuser to be in Congress, and certainly not the first one to go to rehab,” Holt said. “Drug abuse and drug treatment are ubiquitous. Almost no one I know has been untouched by a family member or close friend that had to go through this.”


Copyright © 2014 [with comment]


Trey Radel is coming back to Congress next week. But his future is murky.

Rep. Trey Radel (R-Fla.) says he participated in a substance abuse rehab program.
January 3, 2014 [with comments]


(linked in) and preceding and following


Photographer Travels The Country Documenting 'Quintessential Americans'

01/03/14 [with additional photos]; /


Of Duck Dynasties and Men

By Henry Rollins
Thu., Jan. 2 2014 at 4:00 AM

It's been several days since Duck Dynasty reality show star Phil Robertson made his now-famous statements about homosexuality and American history in an interview with GQ, which still seems to be causing ripples all over our fine land. New year -- same bullshit.

I find the discussion and outrage to be fascinating. Reaction to Mr. Robertson's statements was swift. One of the first out of the gate was one of my favorite wordsmiths, Sarah Palin.
"Free speech is an endangered species. Those 'intolerants' hatin' and taking on the Duck Dynasty patriarch for voicing his personal opinion are taking on all of us."

Nah, but what Ms. Palin said here is representative of the sentiment many are expressing. I am sure they mean it, but I just don't agree. I don't think anyone's First Amendment rights have been trampled upon, and I don't think it is the interesting part of all this.

Mr. Robertson said what he said. He thinks homosexuality is sinful. So do a lot of people. It was his statement about pre-civil rights Louisiana that was curious to me.

"I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person. Not once. Where we lived was all farmers. The blacks worked for the farmers. I hoed cotton with them. I'm with the blacks, because we're white trash. We're going across the field. ... They're singing and happy. I never heard one of them, one black person, say, 'I tell you what: These doggone white people' -- not a word! ... Pre-entitlement, pre-welfare, you say: Were they happy? They were godly; they were happy; no one was singing the blues."

This has been termed by many to be a racist point of view. I don't necessarily agree. It very well could be what the man remembers of these times. Who cares? Who does Phil Robertson really influence? Did what he said make you think, "Oh, that's good to know because I was under the impression that things were quite awful for African-American people in the Southern states in those days. Well, it's a relief to be able to disabuse myself of that notion. Thanks, o wisdomatic bearded duck stalker." I didn't think so.

What I find interesting about all this is the divide. It seems that those who didn't dig what bearded Phil had to say have never seen the show, and many of those who are defending him are perhaps not concerned with his rights to free speech being abridged -- they agree with him.

A lot of Duck Dynasty fans' outrage centers on A&E's decision to suspend Mr. Robertson from the show. They easily move their anger from A&E to an imagined "liberal agenda," which seems to involve disagreeing with (and being offended by) regressive, dumbass points of view, made possible by the First Amendment. A&E's decision was surely not swayed at all by a bunch of people posting snarky put-downs of Mr. R on Huffington Post. The cable channel was covering its ass, hoping not to lose advertisers. I bet they'll be fine.

After all, DD fans will watch the show no matter what. It's a reality show, contrived as it is. All A&E needs to do is put a disclaimer at the front about not sharing the views of the Robertson family, etc., and get back to work making one of the shittiest shows ever on television, putting it right up there with another A&E abomination, Growing Up Gotti. I think Phil Robertson should say any damn thing he wants. I don't have to like it and I don't have to watch the show. Problem solved.

Yet the fact that the man and DD have so many passionate fans shows that America is still a largely divided country. The Civil War turned into a cold war, put on a suit and went corporate-judicial. Michele Alexander's book The New Jim Crow [ ] goes long on all this. Duck Dynasty, for some, represents an attitude, a cultural foothold, a line drawn in the sand. Phil Robertson's statements to GQ are so fiercely defended by the show's massive fan base and the pundit dipshits because they know their perimeter is tightening and their day has passed. It's not so much that the South is rising again as that it's holding its breath and killing off the last few brain cells.

A&E would be well advised to get while the getting's good and quadruple down on the show's popularity with a vast array of merchandise, like a DD limited-edition shotgun, camo covers for Bibles, strap-on beards, and at least one spinoff. You could call it ... Duck Dynasty. A&E should do this before the show's fans die of respiratory/circulatory complications, substance abuse or lung cancer.

On the flip side of things, one of you supremely talented graphic artists should start a comic book series starring the Duck dudes as homosexual bears. Talk about crossover potential. The thing writes itself. At the next major gay pride event, there should be hard-bodied men in camo hot pants, ridiculous beards pasted to their chins, blowing through duck calls. Dick Dynasty is a gay porn series just waiting to happen.

Just remember: When you see the DD men all decked out in their camo gear, they look pretty bitchin' and rugged -- but keep in mind that they wear these garments to help them hide from ducks. It's a comedy show, right?

Duck Dynasty is a ridiculous show and long may it wave. America and democracy will endure. They've seen a lot worse.

©2014 LA Weekly, LP [with comments]


In Her Tragic Death, 'Miracle' Allowed Sanaz Nezami To Give Life To Others

This recent but undated photo provided by Sara Nezami shows Sanaz Nezami. Sanaz Nezami, a vibrant 27-year-old native of Tehran, Iran who could speak three languages, wanted to pursue an advanced degree in engineering at Michigan Technological University. Instead, she was brain dead just a few weeks after unpacking her bags in a remote area of the United States, a victim of a fatal beating by her new husband in early December, according to police. With the family’s consent, her critical organs were donated.
Courtesy Sara Nezami/AP

By Kate Abbey-Lambertz
Posted: 01/03/2014 8:11 pm EST

Sanaz Nezami died tragically at the age of 27 [ ] as her family members watched helplessly from thousands of miles away. But loved ones of the deeply faithful Muslim were able to see her death as a "miracle" after it helped seven other people live.

Nezami died last month [ ] at a hospital in Marquette, Mich. after sustaining injuries that left her with severe head trauma. Nezami's family gave permission for her heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, pancreas and small intestine to be donated, and after her death they were transplanted to seven people [ ] in the United States, a rare occurrence, according to the Associated Press.

"We wanted God to perform a miracle and bring Sanaz back to life," her sister, Sara Nezami, told the Associated Press [id.]. Sara watched from Tehran via webcam as nurses cared for her sister. “But this is a miracle. Sanaz gave her life in order to give life.”

Before her death, Nezami's family overcame obstacles of distance and language to bond with her caretakers from afar, and after it, the hospital strived to provide her with proper Islamic funeral rites. A Muslim doctor at the hospital performed the Islamic ritual of washing and shrouding the body, according to the Mining Journal [ ], and the hospital chaplain read Muslim prayers over her when she was buried, according to the AP.

Nezami thought the difference between Muslims and Christians was superficial, so much so that she was part of a Christian congregation [id.], her sister told the Journal. Nezami did charity work, and continued her studies for the same reason.

"People are the same, God is the same," Sara told the paper, explaining her sister's views. "She wanted to serve people and humanity."

A learned native of Tehran, Nezami came to Dollar Bay, Mich. to pursue a doctorate in environmental engineering at Michigan Tech University. She had already earned a master's in French translation [ ] and a bachelor's of science in environmental health engineering.

Nezami had recently married Nima Nassiri and planned to begin classes in January after she arrived in Michigan in November, according to the AP. On Dec. 8, Nassiri allegedly assaulted her [ ], and she was taken to Portage Health [ ], a Hancock, Mich. hospital, then transferred to Marquette General Hospital.

Photo of Sanaz Nezami and Nima Nassiri via Nassiri's Facebook profile.

Nezami's faith and spirit live on after her death. An outpouring of comments [ ] on her obituary show people, both those who knew Nezami and strangers, were touched by her compassion.

"I didn't have the pleasure of knowing her, but she sounds like a wonderful person who greatly enriched the world in which she lived," one woman wrote.

"She is proof, even in death, that Iranians and Americans, Muslims and non-Muslims, can be one in harmony as brothers and sisters," said another. "She gave the gift of life to many Americans and is an example of the loving tenets of Islam for the world to see. She is an inspiration to me. My condolences to her family. She was a bright star and her light keeps shining."

In a 2011 note on her Facebook page, Nezami urged people to not give up [ ] and trust in God:

It's difficult for us to have the patience to stick with a problem until we see a breakthrough, and that's why we need God's help. You see, God never gets in a hurry. He never quits or runs out of patience. He will deal with us about one particular thing, and then He will let us rest for a while—but not too long. Soon He will come back and begin to work on something else. He will continue until, one by one, our knots are all untied.

If it sometimes seems that you're not making any progress, it's because the Lord is untying your knots one at a time. It may be hard, and it may take time, but if you will commit yourself to the process of getting well, sooner or later you will see victory in your life and experience the freedom you have wanted for so long. The important thing to remember is, no matter how long it takes, never give up, and never quit—keep at it.

Nassiri was charged with second-degree murder [ ] and held on $5 million bond last month, according to the Mining Gazette. His next court date is Jan 13.

Copyright © 2014, Inc. [with comments]


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Greensburg, KS - 5/4/07

"Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty."
from John Philpot Curran, Speech
upon the Right of Election, 1790


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