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Alias Born 05/24/2001

Re: None

Wednesday, 04/23/2003 4:11:00 PM

Wednesday, April 23, 2003 4:11:00 PM

Post# of 302
I just put a new version of board.asp (the routine that lets you browse a board) into production.

This version should be much faster and overall speed of the website should go up noticeably. This version causes about 50% less web-server loading than the previous version, which should be noticeable since this is the 3rd most frequently used routine on the site.

It should also handle filtering more "correctly". With the previous version, if you hit a Next 50 or Previous 50 link, the number of messages you'd see would be 50 minus the number that were filtered out. Now it should return 50 regardless.

A minor addition is on the left side, right above "Go to post #", a filtering status message to show you whether you're viewing the board unfiltered, filtered by author, or filtered by author and recipient.

As always, PM me or post to me on #board-504 if you find any bugs, as this was a pretty major change to an important routine.

And there is still a lot of work remaining to make it even more efficient.
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