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Alias Born 04/17/2013

Re: None

Tuesday, 09/03/2013 6:33:52 PM

Tuesday, September 03, 2013 6:33:52 PM

Post# of 197662
Perhaps you can explain how Jonathan Nichol, of Baker City, OR (population 9,638) came to have had up to possibly 300,000,000 shares of EXPU (per lasernat - see his posts today) and

this tiny town of under 10,000 people but also at 3,500 feet elevation has a new website selling devices for making alkaline water and doing business as

And Aflie-boy has previously tweeted about an "Oregon source".

Does that not seem a bit strange coincidence for a tiny very rural town of less than 10,000 people?

It does seem that way to me.