Hey Pasqualee,
Came over from the RANF board (kind of a sister company, at present, with them having the same S&T..Secretary & Treasurer) to take a peek at what's going on over here.
Thought you folks would be a bit more excited, with Appiphany's MMA Animals and their having seen fit to even advertise their intentions on the big board in TS.
Fwiw, as I've said on our board, I think the concept, characters and character development are both excellent and timely. Seeing as this MMA stuff is all the rage and anything of an animated nature, cartoons, movies, interactive games, etc., is going through the roof.
In this business, $ aside:), a lot of it has to do with connections. If your/our boys have 'em, this could be fun. Imo,
we'll both be finding out very soon.
BOL, Lou
At the very least, do no harm