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Re: bobhwang post# 3561

Monday, 07/08/2013 10:19:15 PM

Monday, July 08, 2013 10:19:15 PM

Post# of 5876
Caledonia Mining says output from Blanket gold mine rises 11%
By Ian Lyall July 02 2013, 7:45am

Management believes Blanket will deliver 40,000 ounces
of the precious metal in 2013 – and Tuesday’s figures
represent a good start.

Caledonia Mining Corporation
(LON:CMCL) said its 49%-owned Blanket Mine in Zimbabwe produced
11,592 ounces of gold in the last quarter.

This represented a rise of 10.7% compared with the comparable
period last year and a 0.3% advance on the three months prior.

The total for the first half of 2013 was 22,064 ounces, up
6.5% on the same period last year.

Management believes Blanket will deliver 40,000 ounces of
the precious metal in 2013 – and Tuesday’s figures
represent a good start.

Cash operating costs for the second quarter were unknown.

However, they were US$669 an ounce in the first quarter and
US$605 in the final three months of 2012.

Even at the higher number, Blanket remains an incredibly robust
project, particularly in the current environment for gold.

May 2013 Presentation -

Gold to be Declared Tier 1 Asset Under New Basel III Rules

Ask the Expert – Jim Sinclair $50,000 Gold -

Caledonia Mining Corporation Price/Earnings 0.1x P/E 7.4 by Bloomberg Businessweek -
One of the lowest P/E in the Gold Mining Industry

Why $50,000 Gold?

Outlook 2013-The_Irreversible_Trends_Driving_Gold_to_$10000 - PART 3

Outlook 2013-The_Irreversible_Trends_Driving_Gold_to_$10000 - PART 2

Nick Barisheff, president and CEO of Bullion Management Group Inc,
discusses the irreversible trends that will drive gold to $10,000.

In a world where financial and geopolitical certainty is
evaporating, no one knows what Black Swan event could cause an
explosion in the gold price.
Some have suggested it will be the failure of a major bank through
derivative exposure, a Middle East war, or a major downgrade of
U.S. bonds might also be the catalyst.
In 2013, as has been the case since 2001, the best policy for
wealth protection remains to simply buy and hold uncompromised
bullion until we are once again on solid economic footing.

Hear Nick Barisheff's Outlook 2013 Part 1 Now!
God Bless

My opinions are my own and and DD I post should be confirmed as unbiased

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