You will see an improvement FY 2014.
Without talking out of school, I think you will see and improvement in the A/P situation in the coming year. While it may be hard to obtain the answers you seek, I believe that a lot of the accounts are entwined within the Panamanian interested parties, and not really any threat to the companies ongoing operations. Sort of owing yourself so to speak. A lot is held very close to the vest.
I simply let it lie, and rely upon the good offices of Ernst&Young to make sure we can continue ongoing operations.
I am very curious about the impact on our share price of the pending movement of over 1,000,000oz. AuEq from Inferred reserves to Measured & Indicated reserves. Behre Dolbear has had the twin drilling data since mid-February and soon we should see the new NI 43-101. We should now be about six or seven months from getting the first samples of that ore to Panama. My understanding is that the g/t numbers look very good.