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Alias Born 01/01/2012

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Friday, 12/28/2012 7:52:14 PM

Friday, December 28, 2012 7:52:14 PM

Post# of 1436
Must read DD about Southridge Minerals and ties to SAEI. Best DD I have read about SRGE, noduumy at his best. I didn't include the images from the post but here is the link:

SRGE exposed from beginning to end

This post is to organize and put into chronological order the details of the SRGE scam from the beginning to the fast approaching end.

I have been personally following SRGE since December of 2010 as seen in this post I made on the SRGE message board on December 14, 2010 (post #307 on this forum)

The initiation of the current SRGE scam coincidences with the end of the SAEI scam which is a ticker that I believe is controlled by the same group led by Alex Smid.

Back on December 17, 2010, the SEC suspended SAEI following a months of lies which included lies about the properties they owned, lies about buyouts, lies about who really controlled the shell, lies about their geologist, fake financing companies, etc.

Basically everything about SAEI was a lie and in my SAEI scam expose I broke down the details about the lies, the insiders involved, and the other tickers that can be connected to this same group including SRGE. I suggest everybody read my SAEI scam expose from start to finish at the following link. It will help make understanding the SRGE scam much easier:

Like with SRGE, SAEI was largely pumped with the help of touts planted on message boards being fed information about the scam to disseminate among their follows and other message board readers.


SRGE background - Alex Smid

SRGE was actually a pump&dump scam back in 2006 while Alex Smid was controlling the ticker on paper as the CEO and not just in the background.

Alex Smid is a well known stock promoter from out of Vancouver with ties to the Russian and Mexican Mafia according so some:

The following article talks about an illegal promotional spam campaign used for SGRE shell back when Alex Smid was the CEO in 2006:

Smid's CFO, at the time, Gordon Samson can be linked to just about every ticker in the SAEI scam ring.

More on Alex Smid:

Alex Smid fled Canada in early 2010 after a warrant was issued for his arrest. Indications are that he has been hiding down in Mexico since that time.

Even Alex Smid's wife, Grace Smid, is a crook and a scam artist. She stole approximately $100,000 from a youth swim team while entrusted with the role of treasurer by the parents and kids involved in the swim program.

Word is that Alex Smid was made aware of the issues and controversies surrounding the Cinco Minas properties by Roberto Becerra Gudino.


The Start of the Current SRGE Scam - the return of Alex Smid

Again to really understand just how important the connections made in this next section are and why I believe that Alex Smid still controls SRGE today you first need to go back and read the SAEI scam expose. The connections/similarities between SAEI and SRGE are undeniable.

When Alex Smid resigned in 2007 he left with a rather large share ownership, and a debt Note owed to him that as of the recent annual report totaled over $1.3 million after interest.

Plenty of motivation for Alex Smid to come back. Then you have testimonials from William Scott Marshall who at one time controlled nearly all of the SAEI scam ring tickers before being chased out of Vancouver when his house got shot up. According to Mr. Marshall, Alex Smid and Jamie Holland took control of the SAEI scam ring shells after he fled. Those tickers include:

Supatcha Resources Inc (SAEI)
Southridge Enterprises, Inc (SRGE)
Fidelis Energy nc, (FDEI)
Navajo Wind Energy (CLBN)
PrimeGen Energy Corp (PGNE)
Cascade Energy Inc (CSCE)

All of these tickers had a few things in common starting in 2009. One of those things was an individual named Dale Bernhart.

Dale Bernhart registered new domain names for each of those tickers in 2009 and 2010

On November 22, 2010, Dale Bernhart registered the current SRGE website:

The SRGE website was the last of the SAEI scam ring shells to get a new website. I think the reason that SRGE was chosen later was probably because:

1) The wild success that SAEI had as a mining scam motivated these same insiders to do it again
2) The obvious links between SRGE and Alex Smid

One of the ways that Alex Smid messed up making it easier to identify him as one of the masterminds behind the SAEI scam ring is that he also had Dale Bernhardt register the domain

Sledge Hammer Vodka is a company that was created by and is controlled by Alex Smid

You will notice that the other officer for Sledge Hammer Vodka is SHV Industries Inc

SNV Industries Inc was the paying party listed for the SAEI promotions.

SNV Industries Inc - $50,000 to WSCF (Wall Street Capital Funding) on March 3, 2010
SNV Industries Inc - $500,000 to WSCF (Wall Street Capital Funding) on April 6, 2010
SNV Industries Inc - $50,000 to WSCF (Wall Street Capital Funding) on April 28, 2010
SNV Industries Inc - $20,000 to SMA (Stock Market Alerts LLC) on September 30, 2010

That's awfully close to be a coincidence - one letter difference

SHV Industries Inc is a NV business entity - sole officer is Alex Smid


December 2010

In December of 2010, SRGE came back to life again after 2 years of inactivity. When it came back it was still using the same address it was using during the Alex Smid, Gordon Samson, Kenneth Eade era at. A virtual office in Dallas:

DALLAS, Texas 75219-5106
Tel: (877) 712-2144

On December 9, 2010, SRGE announced they were now going to be a mineral exploration company

On December 10, 2010, SRGE announces a definitive agreement to purchase the Cinco Minas and and Gran Cabrera Gold properties in Mexico.

True ownership of the mining properties is debatable. There have been hundreds of posts and documents provided arguing that SRGE owns the mines and that SRGE does not own the mines.

One thing cannot be argued (or at least should not be argued). The mining properties are not actively producing gold.

The Scam was now underway, but to get the scam to work first Alex Smid had to get the SRGE business entity reinstated in Nevada which he finally did on April 1, 2011

On April 6, 2011, Alex Smid filed a Form 15 to hide the SRGE shell on the unregulated OTC market as a way to try to avoid SEC scrutiny. Smid used the imaginary CEO he invented, Michael Davies, to sign the Form 15 only he spelled Davies name wrong using the name Michael Davis instead


Plagiarized Press Releases / Plagiarized Management Bios

Another of the common features between all of the SAEI/SRGE scam ring tickers was that they all used plagiarized press releases and plagiarized management bios.

Southridge Enterprises Inc (SRGE)

Plagiarized Management Team:

Southridge Enterprises also plagiarized their press releases even reusing some of the stuff SAEI stole from other companies

More on the connections between Southridge Minerals and Kenneth Eade:

Supatcha Resources (SAEI)

Plagiarized Management Team

Plagiarized Press Releases

Fidelis Energy Inc (FDEI)

Plagiarized Management Team:

Fidelis Energy Inc also plagiarized basically all of it's press releases and company information:

Details about the Fidelis Energy Inc company and it's connections to Kenneth Eade and Dale Bernhart and it's similarities to SAEI (my research):

Navajo Wind Energy (CLBN)

Plagiarized Management Team:

Navajo Wind plagiarized it's press releases:

PrimeGen Energy Group (PGNE)

Plagiarized Management Team:

PrimeGen Energy also plagiarized it's press releases including reusing one that Southridge Enterprises already used


The Promoters and Paying Parties

SRGE had common links to all the other SAEI scam ring tickers through the promoters and paying parties involved (see the following link)

According to the SEC Complaint against the company that helped promote SAEI, Wall Street Capital Funding LLC (WSCF), WSCF (Philip Cardwell, Roy Campbell, and Aaron Hume) was involved in promoting 4 of the tickers in the SAEI scam ring - SAEI, FDEI, CLBN, and PGNE

Longview Communications Corp was involved in the promotions for SRGE back in December of 2010. Longview Communications Corp was also involved in promotions for SAEI and FDEI.

***Wall Street Capital Funding LLC (WSCF), also doing business as Wall Street News Alert maintains a contractual, working relationship with Stock Market Alerts LLC (SMA) and its Wall Street Enews brand

I find it interesting that over the past several months a company with a very similar name was created to promote SRGE - Wall Street Investor News

SRGE would also create a company called Mathers Research just for the purpose of making a research report to help pump SRGE stock using a price target (which is illegal) of $.20/share.

Research on Wall Street Investor News and Mathers Research shows signs that they could be connected to Chicago and the Netherlands.

Other promotion tactics used includes a blog that intentionally makes up fake buyout news to pump stocks called Sierra's World Equity run by Guy Leitch

Other promotions tactics included a fake AwesomePennyStock newsletter which has possible connections to Chicago

Then of course we have message board touts that have been planted by SRGE insiders to help spread the lies of up listings and buyouts, etc


Fake Financing Companies

Just like SAEI, SRGE created fake companies in their filings to use for fake financing

I believe that Rockridge Capital Holdings is actually an entity owned by SRGE insiders that was just being used as a way for insiders to get discounted free trading shares at $.001/share to dump while the stock was as much as $.01/share - $.018/share.

Quixstone Investments Inc is just a fake company with a fake control person

Duvernoi Capital Investments Inc is yet another SRGE financing company that does not appear to really exist.


Lies about uplisting

The SRGE IRP's have been misleading investors with lies about up listing for over 18 months now

Even SRGE has mentioned uplisting in press releases just to mislead investors and said they had hired Magna Group for the task

When Magna was contacted to find out if they were really hired by SRGE they denied the information.

SRGE would later try to backtrack and clarify their original PR lie


Lies about Buyouts/Joint Ventures

The SRGE message board plants have been pumping SRGE with promises about a buyout around the corner for months now. Each time the buyout never happens when they promised that it would yet people still believe them when they continue to promise new buyout after new buyout that never happens.

One of the buyouts that people claimed was confirmed by SRGE that turned out to be a lie was the Goldcorp Buyout

On December 26, 2012 after several intentionally vague press releases by SRGE falsely announcing that buyout/joint venture talks were underway

SRGE finally came out with their new joint venture partner telling investors that an agreement with Kinross Resources Corp was a done deal

This turned out to be the biggest SRGE lie to date. Kinross Resources Corp quickly shot down the information as being a complete fabrication.


SRGE used notorious Pump&Dump attorney Luis Carrillo

Luis Carrillo has been a favorite of pump&dump scamsters like Skymark (the Kirks) and AwesomePennyStocks

Recently according to reports, Luis Carrillo has fled the country because of pressure from regulators

To replace Luis Carrillo on paper, SRGE went with a Luis Carrillo protege named Gabriel Moore


The Dividend ploy

One genius move that SRGE did which will probably get copied by other dirty pink sheet companies in the future was to do a very small cash dividend of $.00003/share. The Dividend totaled just over $16,300, but brought way more interest to the stock than what paying for a $16,300 promotion would have brought.


Shady Debt Note and other mistakes and contradictions and concerns from the financial statements

See the following link for more details


Authorized Share Increase

On December 6, 2012, SRGE raised the authorized share count from 1,000,000,000 to 1,500,000,000 basically telling the people with open minds that want to listen that they have plans to issued between 450,000,000 and 950,000,000 more shares than what they had outstanding on November 2, 2012 (545,874,868).

Of course most investors that only like to listen to pumpers chose to ignore this major red flag and the fact that SRGE has a gagged TA.

Today alone thanks to the lie about the joint venture with Kinross, SRGE saw over 419,000,000 shares trade.


Possible theories on why SRGE shot themselves in the foot today

1) They might have already started getting contacted by regulators asking questions and want to make as much money as possible before the gig is up

2) They knew that today was a holiday in Canada and they thought they would have at least 1 full day of trading before anybody could confirm that the Kinross joint venture was a lie

3) They knew that the SRGE share price couldn't survive all the new shares they authorized to get dumped into the market and so they went big with today's PR

4) They are cocky and feel they are untouchable. The SEC couldn't track them down from the SAEI scam and so they don't believe the SEC can touch them now.


Let's review

SRGE has Alex Smid, Gordon Samson, and Kenneth Eade in its background

SRGE has several links to SAEI, FDEI, PGNE, CLBN, and CSCE

SRGE website was originally registered by Dale Bernhart registrant for all the SAEI scam ring domains

SRGE used plagiarized press releases

SRGE used plagiarized management bios

SRGE uses fake financing companies as a way to issue stock to insiders

SRGE uses a fake research company to make illegal price targets

SRGE uses all sorts of dirty promotion tactics including fake newsletters and planted touts

In the past death threats have been made against posters speaking out against SRGE and taking time to express their opinions and concerns

SRGE has lied about up listing

SRGE is/was involved with p&d attorney, Luis Carrillo

SRGE has lied about the production of the mines

It is debatable about whether SRGE has any ownership at all in the mines

SRGE has lied about their involvement with Magna

SRGE has lied about buyouts and joint venture agreements


Some how despite all of the connections to SAEI, the plagiarisms, the inconsistencies, the contradictions, and the lies, some people still chose to support SRGE.

Yesterday's fake joint venture PR may be SRGE's final lie.

A much overdue SEC suspension may finally be near for scam ticker SRGE

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