In matters of MINA PASCUA title
1. SUPREME COURT of CHILE approved Madam Justice Maria Isabel reyes Kokich's Judgment of June 19, 2006, which stated thet TESOROS must die in favor of AMARILLOS SUR - AMARILLOS NORTE at 1996 UTM coordinates, so ordered to Mines registrar of Vallenar.
2. In use of the SUPREME COURT OF CHILE validated decision, Jorge Lopehandia filed for titles as ordered 2011 to date, validated by powers that be.
3. The area is also covered by AMARILLOS 1-3000 salts and nitrates concessions, dead at mining law, with legal procedures under way to extinguish its filing in Chile. Illegally filed at PASCUA LAMA PROTOCOL by BARRICK GOLD CORPORATION as if apt to mine Gold. Itself a fraud and financial market manipulation 1994-2012.
4. The area is also covered by TESOROS concessions a legal tenure of title in the name of Jorge Lopehandia 2001-2012.
Despite such reality BARRICK GOLD CORPORATION filed TESOROS as its asset at SEC and OSC. If LUIS HERMOSILLA OSORIO top criminal lawyer in Chile faces jail for lies and suing a Judge with lie that TESOROS is an asset of MINERA NEVADA SpA ...
what will happen to ABX in Canada at OSC or USA at SEC, when they discover that MINERA NEVADA SpA admitted under oath that it never owned MINA PASCUA CHILE areas as lied by ABX to financial markets worldwide for two decades?
Even the AMARILLOS 1-3000 have an injunction over them (salts & nitrates) from third parties since 1994. (not affecting us at all)
There is no such as constant serial litigant.
Every time at bat that a new crime is discovered a new criminal lawsuit is launched to make them pay.
That is different than non sense lawsuits, is called straight law enforcement via criminal legal actions.
Titles shown in Jorge Lopehandia's name at MINA PASCUA area of influence in Chile, dated 2012, including the titles claimed by Barrick to own, in Jorge Lopehandia's legal name 2012, have prompted Chile's legal powers to launch a full investigation of Barrick et al.
Clean 2012 title will be shown at MSX AGM
cheers to the truth