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Alias Born 12/19/2004

Re: None

Tuesday, 12/04/2012 9:01:12 AM

Tuesday, December 04, 2012 9:01:12 AM

Post# of 309
RE: MLXO. I'm a normal shareholder and a normal stock investor.

I've never personally met or talked by phone to former or present Michelex management. My communication has been thru emails.

I signed a confidentiality agreement with Michelex months ago for the purpose of reviewing draft documents to be released to MLXO shareholders. Since I've been a long term shareholder in this stock, I was asked to comment on the validity of detailed, factual information in some draft documents.

That is the limit of my association with Michelex.

I read the MLXO board and find it odd that some posters would think I'm part of a scam and wonder where the pumper went. I stated on the board that I wouldn't post again until management released something for public viewing. My absence cost me my moderator position.

Feel free to post this message if anyone reads it.

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