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Alias Born 05/20/2012

Re: I-Glow post# 42974

Friday, 10/19/2012 12:40:36 PM

Friday, October 19, 2012 12:40:36 PM

Post# of 167964
LOL well SRGE went DARK to LOAD the SHARES and to BUILD ASSETS without having to FILE them and show their deck of cards. This was and IS BRILLIANT & I have seen other SMART micro-cap companies do this because its A LOT EASIER (CHEAPER TOO) TO GROW FAST & CLOSE DEALS WITHOUT REPORTING EVERYTHING (HELLOOOO). You will see, no worries I am dead RIGHT HERE again wink

Also show me PROOF where "SRGE" paid Ok exactly they didn't.

Furthermore, there is PLENTY of info out there if you pick up the phone and call Mexico to talk to officials to confirm SRGE owns the mines and is an operating mine operator.

Lastly, just wait til next week to see the Otcmarkets filing cause then its GREEN LIGHT GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FOR SRGE wink