,,,,with any luck in behalf of the rest of the investors,,,i hope its lost ,,,i regret ever bringing the man`s name to attention,,,
,,,,it reflect a total lack of thought and HOMEWORK,,,,,
,,,,he could care less about those details,,,whats more you ask details that he is not responsible for and probably would have to ask Fan himself,,,,,
,,,,the prime objective was to impress him with a written e-mail in Mandarin first AND FOREMOST,(coming from an American activist group would have been impressive,,as Americans do not speak the language and it is a rare one who does),,then with any luck a well crafted message secondly might have given him reason to call Fan in for a conference and discuss ideas about how Fan might do better with the share price,,,,,which was the prime objective,,,
,,,sorry if your offended ,,,but your lack of homework is disgusting,,,,